Positive Psychology MCQs

Positive Psychology Solved MCQs with answers in PDF.

What is Industrial Psychology?

(a) Applied Psychology
(b) Theoretical Psychology
(c) Educational Psychology
(d) Abnormal Psychology

Answer; Applied Psychology
Developmental Psychology work with;
(a) Personality
(b) Motivation
(c) Various stages of development of man
(d) Intelligence

Answer; Various stages of development of man

Abnormal Psychology is worked with
(a) Developmental stages of individual
(b) Abnormal behaviour and its causes
(c) Diagnosis of abnormal behaviour
(d) Treatment of abnormal behaviour

Answer; Abnormal behaviour and its causes

Social Psychology work with;

(a) Behaviour of an individual at work
(b) Behaviour of ethnic groups
(c) Behaviour and experience in social
(d) Abnormal Behaviour of people

Answer ; Behaviour and experience in social

Psychology is the scientific research with the
behaviour of;

(a) Mankind
(b) Animals
(c) Living Organism
(d) Plants
Answer ; Living Organism

Some of the most convenient grasp of
human perception has taken from
(a) Chemistry
(b) Sociology
(c) Physics
(d) Zoology

Answer ; Physics
The study of the qualities of one person has been called the;

(a) Idiographic approach.
(b) General approach.
(c) Nomothetic approach.
(d) Monologues approach
Answer ; Idiographic approach

The Army Alpha and Army Beta tests were designed during

(a) World War I.
(b) World War II.
(c) 1950-60.
(d) 1990-200.

Answer ; World War I

The Henmon-Nelson Tests and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test are all;

(a) Individual test,
(b) Adjustment test,
(c) Group test,
(d) Personality test.

Answer ; Group test,

The original Guilford’s formation of intellect model proposes;

(a) 120 unidentifiable abilities.
(b) 7 primary abilities.
(c) The general intelligence factor ‘g’.
(d) Lumping together of items to form tests.

Answer; 120 unidentifiable abilities

By giving two different tests but similar forms, one can discover the;

(a) Utility.
(b) Validity,
(c) Reliability.
(d) Norms.

Answer; Reliability

Select the name of the test who used written words;

(a) Verbal tests
(b) Written tests,
(c) Word tests.
(d) Language tests.

Answer; Verbal tests.

Select the year when Terman of Stanford University conduct out a revision of Binet’s test;

(a) 1960.
(b) 1916
(c) 1915.
(d) 1816.


Select an IQ level In an intelligence test a 10-year-old child was found to have a mental age of 12 years.

(a) 105.
(b) 110
(c) 110.
(d) 120.

Answer; 105

Select the true statements;

(a) A test can be reliable without being valid
(b) A test can be valid without being reliable
(c) If a test measures what it is intended to measure then by definition it is reliable
(d) If a test gives consistent scores when administered repeatedly then it is valid.

Answer; A test can be reliable without being valid

Mirror picture equipment is related to;

(a) Conditioning.
(b) Span of memory.
(c) Trial and error.
(d) Forgetting.

Answer; Trial and error

Select animal which Pavlov used in his experiment;

(a) Dog
(b) Ca
(c) Rat
(d) Bird.

Answer; Dog

Select the name of person Who said ‘we are born capable of learning’;

(a) Noam Chomsky
(b) Jean Piaget
(c) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(d) Ivan P. Pavlov.

Answer; Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Select the name of the person who invented the famous apparatus of Skinner’s;

(a) Thorndike.
(b) Watson.
(c) SidneyPressey
(d) James.

Answer; Sidney Pressey

Operant conditioning is linked with

(a) Piaget.
(b) Skinner
(c) Kohler.
(d) Pavlov.

Answer; Skinner

Which name is used for Food in classical conditioning;

(a) Unconditioned response.
(b) Unconditioned Stimulus
(c) Conditioned response
(d) Conditioned Stimulus.

Answer; Unconditioned Stimulus

What is the ‘Bell’ in Pavlov’s classical conditioning?

(a) US
(b) UCR
(c) UCS
(d) CR

Answer; US

Which operant technique is used for weakens beha­viour;

(a) Positive and negative incentive
(b) Positive and negative reward
(c) Positive and negative punishment
(d) None of these.

Answer; Positive and negative punishment

A…… is a short automatic reaction to some stimulus, typically a particular part of the body,

(a) Response
(b)Reflection 125. (a) 126. (a) 127. (a) 128. (a) 129. (a) 130. (a)
(c) Reflex
(d) None of these.

Answer Reflex

A pigeon is instructed to bite at a green light. Now it pecks at all lighted dots. It is a case of

(a) Generalization gradient.
(b) Response generalization.
(c) Stimulus generalization.
(d) Discrimination.

Answer; Stimulus generalization.

In social learning theory, an illustration in which the true response appears on the first trial is called

(a) One trial learning.
(b) Simple trial learning.
(c) No trial learning.
(d) No learning.

Answer; No trial learning.

Operant conditioning is also knowns as;

(a) Classical conditioning.
(b) Avoidance conditioning.
(c) Instrumental conditioning.
(d) Simple conditioning.

Answer Instrumental conditioning.

The constructions of the brain which is involved in balance and coordination, and plays an important role in the emergence of a simple form of classically conditioned responses are

(a) Hypothalamus
(b) Thalamus,
(c) Cerebellum
(d) Limbic system.

Answer; Cerebellum

Select the Name of the process in which a conditioned stimulus slowly end to obtain a conditio­ned stimulus;

(a) Classical conditioning
(b) Discrimination
(c) Extinction
(d) Escape Conditioning.

Answer; Extinction

When a behaviour happen frequently in the existence of a distinguished stimulus, it is said to be under

(a) Delayed process.
(b) Extinction.
(c) Stimulus control.
(d) Classical conditioning process.

Answer; Stimulus control

The purchase of new forms of behaviour, information or concepts through submission to others and the result they experience is called

(a) Slow learning.
(b) Observational learning.
(c) Operant learning.
(d) Conditioning learning

Answer; Observational learning

Select the meaning of classical;

(a) Well planned.
(b) Planned manner.
(c) In an established manner.
(d) Without planning
Answer; In an established manner.

In Pavlov’s experiments as the experiment proceed the sight of the bowl, the sight of the experimenter and in the end, even the sound of experimenter’s footsteps make salivation, Pavlov called these learned reactions as;

(a) Psychic secretions
(b) .Natural reactions.
(c) Neutral reactions.
(d) Unnatural reactions.

Answer; Psychic secretions.

The classical conditioning has been defined as;

(a) Unlearned behaviour.
(b) Stimulus substitution
(c) Neutral.
(d) Response behaviour.

Answer  Stimulus substitution.

Select the meaning of Russian word ouslovny;

(a) Unconditioned,
(b) Classical
(c) Conditioned.
(d) Operant.

Answer  Conditioned.

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