Research Area/ Research Interest: Social issues
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Social research: Issues, methods and process
- Family Conflict and Divorce as A Social Problem
- Modelling social aspects of the energy transition: What is the current representation of social factors in energy models?
- Social physics
- The student’s companion to social policy
- Evaluating security and privacy issues of social networks based information systems in Industry 4.0
- Psychological and social aspects of resilience: a synthesis of risks and resources
- Education, equality and human rights: issues of gender,’race’, sexuality, disability and social class
- The transition between primary and secondary school: a thematic review emphasising social and emotional issues
- Ethical complexity of social change: Negotiated actions of a social enterprise
- Liberalism and the social problem
- The philosophical foundations of social work
- Aligning social concerns with information system security: A fundamental ontology for social engineering
- Corporate governance meets corporate social responsibility: Mapping the interface
- Social work with immigrants
- Understanding global social policy
- The impact of COVID-19 social isolation on aspects of emotional and social cognition
- COVID-19 pandemic: Identifying key issues using social media and natural language processing
- The Social
- The goals of social policy
- Applied statistics using Stata: a guide for the social sciences
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social workers at the frontline: A survey of Canadian Social Workers
- Corporate social responsibility and credit risk
- Social entrepreneurship as mechanisms for social transformation and social impact in East Africa an exploratory case study perspective
- Do boards take environmental, social, and governance issues seriously? Evidence from Media Coverage and CEO Dismissals
- Culture and Children’s Social Development
- COVID-19, social isolation and the mental health of autistic people and their families: A qualitative study
- Social Interaction of Riverside Communities on River Utilization in Banua Anyar Village
- Shareholder engagement on environmental, social, and governance performance
- Women’s entrepreneurship and culture: gender role expectations and identities, societal culture, and the entrepreneurial environment
- Exploring the role of issue involvement and brand attachment in shaping consumer response toward corporate social advocacy (CSA) initiatives: The case of Nike’s …
- Media ethics and social change
- The Relationship between Conflict and Social Change in the Perspective of Expert Theory: A Literature Review
- Employees of Social Services in Uzbekistan and Their Functions
- Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
- The Corporate Social Responsibility on Capital Market: Myth or Reality?
- From a clash of social orders to a loss of decidability in meta-organizations tackling grand challenges: The case of Japan leaving the International Whaling …
- Psychological science in the wake of covid-19: Social, methodological, and metascientific considerations
- Social ontology of the modern corporation: Its role in understanding organizations
- The quality of social determinants data in the electronic health record: a systematic review
- Social entrepreneurship and digital platforms: Crowdfunding in the sharing-economy era
- Barriers to policy action on social determinants of health for people with disability in Australia
- Empire migration and social reform 1880–1950
- Platform-mediated tourism: social justice and urban governance before and during Covid-19
- Corporate social responsibility practices by leading construction firms in China: a case study
- Platform Spaces: When culture and the arts intersect territorial development and social innovation, a view from the Italian context
- Translocal empowerment in transformative social innovation networks
- Social inclusion and mental health
- Towards equitable learning environments for medical education: bias and the intersection of social identities
- Women in social work
- How information about inequality impacts belief in meritocracy: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment in Australia, Indonesia and Mexico
- New contentious politics. Civil society, social movements, and the polarisation of German politics
- News attention and social-distancing behavior amid covid-19: How media trust and social norms moderate a mediated relationship
- The top‐down pattern of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Bricolage and agility in response to COVID‐19: cases from China
- Facial emotion recognition impairment predicts social and emotional problems in children with (subthreshold) ADHD
- Common institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility
- Humane Communities: Social change through policies promoting collective welfare
- Corporate social responsibility and bank risk
- Social interaction in language teacher education
- The content of corporate social responsibility information: the case of Greek telecommunication sector
- Investigating the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on risk management practices
- Permutation tests for hypothesis testing with animal social network data: Problems and potential solutions
- Help-seeking behaviors as cultural capital: Cultural guides and the transition from high school to college among low-income first generation students
- Social security
- How social ventures grow: Understanding the role of philanthropic grants in scaling social entrepreneurship
- The philosophy of social ecology: Essays on dialectical naturalism
- Protecting the flock or policing the sheep? Differences in school resource officers’ perceptions of threats by school racial composition
- Landlord paternalism: Housing the poor with a velvet glove
- Social cognition in patients with acquired brain lesions: An overview on an under-reported problem
- Impact of technical and social lean practices on SMEs’ performance in automobile industry: A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis
- The European revolutions and revolutionary waves of the 19th century: Their causes and consequences
- Implications of social isolation, separation, and loss during the COVID-19 pandemic for couples’ relationships
- Mental health care and social policy
- State and society: A social and political history of Britain since 1870
- Black girls and the talk? Policing, parenting, and the politics of protection
- Social tipping processes towards climate action: A conceptual framework
- Rethinking the virtuous circle hypothesis on social media: Subjective versus objective knowledge and political participation
- Physician-rating websites and social media usage: A global survey of Academic Orthopaedic Surgeons: AOA Critical Issues
- Psychological impacts and online interventions of social isolation amongst older adults during COVID‐19 pandemic: a scoping review
- Spatiotemporal data mining: a survey on challenges and open problems
- Media competition and social disagreement
- India migration report 2013: Social costs of migration
- Cohort profile: the Zurich project on the social development from childhood to adulthood (z-proso)
- The relationship between social entrepreneurship and sustainable development from economic growth perspective: 15 ‘RCEP’countries
- Do women engage in pro-environmental behaviours in the public sphere due to social expectations? The Effects of social norm-based persuasive messages
- Does social media enhance party responsiveness? How user engagement shapes parties’ issue attention on Facebook
- A Metaverse: Taxonomy, components, applications, and open challenges
- The Agency Myth: Persistence in Individual Explanations for Gender Inequality
- Charity and shame: towards reciprocity
- Concepts in social administration: a framework for analysis
- Social work and countering violent extremism in Sweden and the UK
- Preserving integrity in online social networks
- Social media and political agenda setting
- Entrepreneurship for the public good: a review, critique, and path forward for social and environmental entrepreneurship research
- Insomnia is associated with worry, cognitive avoidance and low academic engagement in Argentinian university students during the COVID-19 social isolation
- A call for research on the scaling of organizations and the scaling of social impact
- Heavy social networking and online compulsive buying: the mediating role of financial social comparison and materialism
- Significant challenges when introducing care robots in Swedish elder care
- Learning to see: Convolutional neural networks for the analysis of social science data
- Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis
- Loneliness, social support, and adjustment to aging in older Portuguese gay men
- Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: an intervention addressing rhythm dysregulation in bipolar disorder
- The evolution, progress, and the future of corporate social responsibility: Comprehensive review of hospitality and tourism articles
- Social cohesion and refugee-host interactions
- The social cohesion investment: Communities that invested in integration programmes are showing greater social cohesion in the midst of the COVID‐19 pandemic
- The capability approach in social work research: A scoping review of research addressing practical social work
- Social work, emotion management and the transformation of the welfare state
- Post-disaster social work research: A scoping review of the evidence for practice
- (Non-) Stereotypical representations of older people in Swedish authority-managed social media
- A greedy algorithm for the social golfer and the Oberwolfach problem
- Implementation of Islamic Education Learning with Social Care Participants Educated
- Mental health and social contact during the COVID-19 pandemic: an ecological momentary assessment study
- Covid-19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory and conceptual framework
- When mothers can’t “pay the cost to be the boss”: Roles and identity within doubled-up households
- When relationships meet situations: Exploring the antecedents of employee communication behaviors on social media
- Race as a social construct in psychiatry research and practice
- In their own words: using open-ended assessment to identify culturally relevant concerns among Kenyan adolescents
- Poverty and power: The problem of structural inequality
- Social inequality
- The spatial association of social vulnerability with COVID-19 prevalence in the contiguous United States
- Corporate social responsibility and its overall effects on financial performance: Empirical evidence from Indian companies
- The role of utilitarian and hedonic aspects in the continuance intention to use social mobile apps
- Personalized medicine in psychiatry: ethical challenges and opportunities
- Social justice and cemetery systems
- Corporate Social Responsibility of the Hospitality Industry in Realizing Sustainable Tourism Development
- Influence for social good: Exploring the roles of influencer identity and comment section in Instagram-based LGBTQ-centric corporate social responsibility advertising
- The Arab spring: Causes, conditions, and driving forces
- Relationship of smoking with current and future social isolation and loneliness: 12-year follow-up of older adults in England
- Human rights and social work
- COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and health
- Internet of things-global technological and societal trends from smart environments and spaces to green ICT
- Issues in the political economy of health care
- Product market competition and voluntary corporate social responsibility disclosures
- Social identity makes group-based social connection possible: Implications for loneliness and mental health
- Promoting equity and social justice in the peer review process: Tips for reviewers
- The ‘New Five Giants’—Conceptualising the challenges facing societal progress in the 21st century
- PrEP uptake as a social movement among gay and bisexual men
- Use of social network analysis to identify popular opinion leaders for a youth-led sexual violence prevention initiative
- Who Cares if Parents have Unpredictable Work Schedules?: Just-in-Time Work Schedules and Child Care Arrangements
- CSR & financial performance: Facing methodological and modeling issues commentary paper to the eponymous FRL article collection
- Sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a framework for corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- Capitalism and social rights
- Social control: An introduction
- Managing social responsibility in multitier supply chains
- Characteristics, potentials, and challenges of transdisciplinary research
- Diffusing political concerns: How unemployment information passed between social ties influences Danish voters
- Social class—not income inequality—predicts social and institutional trust
- Civic argumentation in the economic domain: Examining upper high school students’ arguments on socio-economic problems in a performance test by applying a …
- Subjective economic inequality decreases emotional intelligence, especially for people of high social class
- Seeking social justice through globalization
- Social norms
- Determinants of social commerce usage and online impulse purchase: implications for business and digital revolution
- Transforming corporate social responsibilities: Toward an intellectual activist research agenda for micro-CSR research
- Developing future human-centered smart cities: Critical analysis of smart city security, Data management, and Ethical challenges
- Black social workers: Identity, racism, invisibility/hypervisibility at work
- Supporting and retaining employees with rheumatoid arthritis: The importance of workplace social support
- Understanding social resistance to determine the future of Internet of Things (IoT) services
- Combining machine learning with knowledge engineering to detect fake news in social networks-a survey
- Introduction: approaches to the study of migration and social change
- Scandal, social movement, and change: Evidence from# MeToo in Hollywood
- Intervening in domestic violence: interprofessional collaboration among social and health care professionals and the police
- Social work theories in context: Creating frameworks for practice
- Authoritarian values and the welfare state: the social policy preferences of radical right voters
- Liberalism and conservatism: The nature and structure of social attitudes
- Psychological peculiarities in stressful situations and social psychological features of coping behavior manifestation
- Helping in social work
- SIoT (Social Internet of Things): A Review
- Diversity and its causes: Lewontin on racism, biological determinism and the adaptationist programme
- Disciplinary contextualisation of transversal competence in Finnish local curricula: the case of multiliteracy, mathematics, and social studies
- Identity construction or obfuscation on social media: a case of Facebook and WhatsApp
- Behavioural and physiological plasticity in social hierarchies
- Social entrepreneurship, co‐production, and post‐disaster recovery
- Pedagogical and Psychological Ways to Overcome the Problem of Lesson Discipline in Secondary Schools
- A framework for assessing social acceptability of industry 4.0 technologies for the development of digital manufacturing
- Private sector healthcare in Bangladesh: Implications for social justice and the right to healthcare
- Social robots and the risks to reciprocity
- Conflicting attitudes: Analyzing social media data to understand the early discourse on COVID-19 passports
- A deadly infodemic: social media and the power of COVID-19 misinformation
- Social media and inspiring physical activity during COVID-19 and beyond
- Ethical issues in early diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimer disease
- Nolo’s Guide to Social Security Disability: Getting & Keeping Your Benefits
- Organisational responses to the ethical issues of artificial intelligence
- Loneliness
- Commitment to grand challenges in fluid forms of organizing: The role of narratives’ temporality
- The social turn in second language acquisition
- Fostering social justice through qualitative inquiry: A methodological guide
- Correlates of emotional and social loneliness among community dwelling older adults in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Overcoming the challenges of collaboratively adopting artificial intelligence in the public sector
- Modeling latent topics in social media using Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis: The case of the right-wing and left-wing trolls in the 2016 US elections
- Digital social entrepreneurship: the N-Helix response to stakeholders’ COVID-19 needs
- Perceived social support in the social distancing era: the association between circles of potential support and COVID-19 reactive psychopathology
- Who is the city for? Overtourism, lifestyle migration and social sustainability
- Adult education: As social policy
- Mediating role of prosocial motivation in predicting social entrepreneurial intentions
- Social networks and mental health change in older adults after the Covid-19 outbreak
- Welfare state policies and far right party support: moderating ‘insecurity effects’ among different social groups
- Social stratification and economic change
- Humanizing student–teacher relationships for black children: Implications for teachers’ social–emotional training
- Incidental news exposure via social media and political participation: Evidence of reciprocal effects
- Sociability as a personality trait in animals: methods, causes and consequences
- The importance of social norm on adopting sustainable digital fertilisation methods
- Corporate social responsibility and SMEs’ performance: mediating role of corporate image, corporate reputation and customer loyalty
- Bioenergy and bio-products from bio-waste and its associated modern circular economy: Current research trends, challenges, and future outlooks
- Social and cultural influences on food choices: a review
- Gypsy politics and social change: The development of ethnic ideology and pressure politics among British Gypsies from Victorian reformism to Romany …
- Meeting the practice challenges of COVID-19: MSW students’ perceptions of e-therapy and the therapeutic alliance
- When democratic innovations integrate multiple and diverse channels of social dialogue: Opportunities and challenges
- A social–ecological perspective on climate anxiety in children and adolescents
- Articulating the web of transnational social movements
- Theoretical and Scientific Approach to the Psychology of Adolescent Twins in the Process of Social Adaptation
- University-wide entrepreneurship education in China’s higher education institutions: issues and challenges
- The Relevance of Teaching Social and Humanitarian Sciences in the Education of the Future Generation
- Reproduction and social organization in sub-Saharan Africa
- Technology and rural women: Conceptual and empirical issues
- Women and economics: A study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution
- Fundraising for social change
- Historical and cultural aspects of man’s relationship with addictive drugs
- Adventures in social research: Data analysis using IBM SPSS statistics
- Text as data: A new framework for machine learning and the social sciences
- Corporate Social Responsibility and COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Evidence from Georgia
- The impact of geopolitical risks on tourism supply in developing economies: the moderating role of social globalization
- Do social networking sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model
- The modernity/coloniality of love: Individualist lifeways and charismatic Christianity in Ghanaian worlds
- Social support for expatriates through virtual platforms: Exploring the role of online and offline participation
- Religion as a social shaping force in entrepreneurship and business: Insights from a technology-empowered systematic literature review
- Management foundations for navigating ecological transformation by resisting, accepting, or directing social–ecological change
- Transitioning to online teaching: A phenomenological analysis of social work educator perspectives
- A thermoeconomic indicator for the sustainable development with social considerations
- Realist Social Theory
- From childhood studies to childism: Reconstructing the scholarly and social imaginations
- Optimal lockdown and social welfare
- Impact of social responsibility disclosure between implementation of green accounting and sustainable development: A study on heavily polluting companies in …
- Characteristics and needs of people living homeless in León (Nicaragua): Similarities and differences with other groups in severe social exclusion
- Relationship-based practice and the creation of therapeutic change in long-term work: social work as a holding relationship
- Social network multiple-criteria decision-making approach for evaluating unmanned ground delivery vehicles under the Pythagorean fuzzy environment
- Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome: Do we speak the same language?
- How much influence do CEOs have on company actions and outcomes? The example of corporate social responsibility
- When loneliness dimensions drift apart: Emotional, social and physical loneliness during the COVID‐19 lockdown and its associations with age, personality, stress …
- Healthcare systems and corporate social responsibility communication: a comparative analysis between Malta and India
- The constitution of school autonomy in Australian public education: Areas of paradox for social justice
- The research relationship: practice and politics in social policy research
- Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice
- Community businesses as social units in post-disaster recovery
- The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: The role of trust in consumer decision journey
- Brexit as ‘politics of division’: Social media campaigning after the referendum
- Social media and luxury: A systematic literature review
- Informality and water justice: community perspectives on water issues in Cape Town’s low-income neighbourhoods
- How perceived pressure affects users’ social media fatigue behavior: a case on WeChat
- ‘Murderous energy’in Oaxaca, Mexico: wind factories, territorial struggle and social warfare
- Housing market financialization, neoliberalism and everyday retrenchment of social housing
- Open innovation in the face of the COVID‐19 grand challenge: insights from the Pan‐European hackathon ‘EUvsVirus’
- The impact of COVID-19 on pregnant womens’ experiences and perceptions of antenatal maternity care, social support, and stress-reduction strategies
- EU Border technologies and the co-production of security ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’
- Stigma and shame attached to claiming social assistance benefits: Understanding the detrimental impact on UK lone mothers’ social relationships
- What drives CSR communication effectiveness on social media? A process-based theoretical framework and research agenda
- Beyond shareholder value maximization: Accounting for financial/social trade-offs in dual-purpose companies
- Digitalization as a key issue of the Circular Economy to promote Sustainability: Prototyping Design for Homeless People
- Psychological benefits of using social virtual reality platforms during the covid-19 pandemic: The role of social and spatial presence
- Labeling the mentally retarded: Clinical and social system perspectives on mental retardation
- The state: theories and issues
- World Protests: A Study of Key Protest Issues in the 21st Century
- Heroes of their own lives: the politics and history of family violence–Boston, 1880-1960
- Impact of cognitive aspects of food mobile application on customers’ behaviour
- Social media study of public opinions on potential COVID-19 vaccines: informing dissent, disparities, and dissemination
- Rethinking science, technology, and social change
- Biochar for soil applications-sustainability aspects, challenges and future prospects
- Sexual harassment, psychological well-being, and job satisfaction of female tour guides: The effects of social and organizational support
- Teaching mental health and well-being online in a crisis: Fostering love and self-compassion in clinical social work education
- Self-reported camouflaging behaviours used by autistic adults during everyday social interactions
- Responsible innovation ecosystems: Ethical implications of the application of the ecosystem concept to artificial intelligence
- Policy capacity, local autonomy, and human agency: Tensions in the intergovernmental coordination in Indonesia’s social welfare response amid the COVID-19 …
- The mindsponge and BMF analytics for innovative thinking in social sciences and humanities
- Muslim Social Workers and Imams’ Recommendations in Marital and Child Custody Cases of Persons with Intellectual or Mental Disability
- ‘What lies behind the filter?’Uncovering the motivations for using augmented reality (AR) face filters on social media and their effect on well-being
- The challenges of achieving equity within public school gifted and talented programs
- Intention to use exoskeletons in geriatric care work: Need for ergonomic and social design
- Technological innovation and building a ‘super smart’society: Japan’s vision of society 5.0
- Digital unionism as a renewal strategy? Social media use by trade union confederations
- Convergence among imagination, social-emotional learning and media literacy: an integrative literature review
- Analysis Life Values From Habibie And Ainun Novels
- Woke brand activism authenticity or the lack of it
- Teaching computer graphics as a pedagogical problem on the basis of massive open online courses in information conditions
- Search engine marketing and social media marketing predictive trends
- Tourism carrying capacity
- Digital competences and skills as key factors between connectedness and tolerance to diversity on social networking sites: case study of social work graduates on …
- Digital discretion: Unpacking human and technological agency in automated decision making in Sweden’s social services
- Science, social responsibility, and education: The experience of singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Gender inequality in research productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Missing pieces: A chronicle of living with a disability
- Social distancing, trust and post-COVID-19 recovery
- Assurance of corporate social responsibility reports: Examining the role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms
- Digital Innovations in msmes during economic disruptions: Experiences and challenges of young entrepreneurs
- Socio-economic inequalities in social network, loneliness and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Studying up machine learning data: Why talk about bias when we mean power?
- Cupid’s invisible hand: Social surplus and identification in matching models
- Social media analytics and practical applications: The change to the competition landscape
- Constructivism, curriculum and the knowledge question: tensions and challenges for higher education
- Governance challenges in esports: a best practice framework for addressing integrity and wellbeing issues
- Vaccination anxiety when vaccinations are available: The role of existential concerns
- A framework for analyzing influencer marketing in social networks: selection and scheduling of influencers
- Alternative medicine and the medical encounter in Britain and the United States
- What is holding customers back? Assessing the moderating roles of personal and social norms on CSR’S routes to Airbnb repurchase intention in the COVID-19 era
- Intersectionality and syndemics: A commentary
- Work-related social media use: The mediating role of social media communication self-efficacy
- Social work and child protection for a post-pandemic world: the re-making of practice during COVID-19 and its renewal beyond it
- Human resource management in sport and recreation
- Digital social work: Conceptualising a hybrid anticipatory practice
- Maths in the time of social media: conceptualizing the Internet phenomenon of mathematical memes
- The United States and World War II
- The economic costs of the Russia-Ukraine conflict
- Pakistan’s development: Social goals and private incentives
- Security, privacy and risks within smart cities: Literature review and development of a smart city interaction framework
- Thinking about social power and hierarchy in medical education
- How can massive ecological restoration programs interplay with social-ecological systems? A review of research in the South China karst region
- Climate change and COP26: Are digital technologies and information management part of the problem or the solution? An editorial reflection and call to action
- User-Generated Content behavior and digital tourism services: A SEM-neural network model for information trust in social networking sites
- Policymaker and stakeholder perspectives on access to assistive technologies in Canada: challenges and proposed solutions for enhancing equitable access
- Struggle for life, struggle for love and recognition: the neglected self in social cognitive neuroscience
- Current Issues of Harmony of Human and National Values In the Formation of Civil Station of the Youth of New Uzbekistan
- Social Prescribing as ‘Social Cure’: A longitudinal study of the health benefits of social connectedness within a Social Prescribing pathway
- Lesbians, women & society
- The impact of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic on people with dementia, family carers and healthcare professionals: A qualitative study
- The social imaginary of Emancipation in entrepreneurship
- Stakeholder governance for responsible innovation: A theory of value creation, appropriation, and distribution
- Sport for sustainability? The extractives industry, sport, and sustainable development
- The problem of entanglement: Biases and fallacies in police conflict management
- Physical Appearance, Stigma, and Social Behavior: The Ontario Symposium Volume 3
- Evaluation on satisfaction level of CSR activities in Banks of Tamil Nadu from customer’s perspective-a study
- Advances in medical social sciences
- Missing data and other measurement quality issues in mobile geolocation sensor data
- Spirituality and psychiatry
- Does social participation improve cognitive abilities of the elderly?
- Xenophobia, partisanship, and support for Donald Trump and the Republican Party
- Theories in social psychology
- Looking at the ‘field’through a Zoom lens: Methodological reflections on conducting online research during a global pandemic
- How do people make sense of wealth and poverty?
- Social belonging, compassion, and kindness: Key ingredients for fostering resilience, recovery, and growth from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Cognitive network science for understanding online social cognitions: A brief review
- When does corporate social responsibility backfire in acquisitions? Signal incongruence and acquirer returns
- The new paradigm of economic complexity
- Vulnerability to global environmental change
- A review of studies on green finance of banks, research gaps and future directions
- Divorce with decency
- Mobile shoppers’ response to Covid-19 phobia, pessimism and smartphone addiction: Does social influence matter?
- Psychological reasons for suicide motivation in adolescents with deviant behavior
- Palm Oil Biodiesel as a Renewable Energy Resource in Indonesia: Current Status and Challenges
- On revolutionary situations, stages of revolution, and some other aspects of the theory of revolution
- Educational affordances of mobile social media for language teaching and learning: a chinese teacher’s perspective
- “Baby, you can drive my car”: Psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles
- Be happy: navigating normative issues in behavioral and well-being public policy
- Refocusing intersectionality in social work education: Creating a brave space to discuss oppression and privilege
- The Challenges of Studying 4chan and the Alt-Right:’Come on in the Water’s Fine’
- Episodic and thematic framing effects on the attribution of responsibility: The effects of personalized and contextualized news on perceptions of individual and political …
- Nexus between corporate social responsibility and earnings management: Sustainable or opportunistic
- Mixed-ownership reform and private firms’ corporate social responsibility practices: evidence from China
- Beyond trauma: Decolonizing understandings of loss and healing in the Indian Residential School system of Canada
- Bereaved college students: Social support, coping style, continuing bonds, and social media use as predictors of complicated grief and posttraumatic growth
- Mass media and American politics
- Introduction to the role of information and communication Technologies in Polarization
- The COVID-19 pandemic: adverse effects on the social determinants of health in children and families
- Toward COVID-19 secure events: Considerations for organizing the safe resumption of major sporting events
- Collecting survey-based social network information in work organizations
- Forced Migration, Social Cohesion and Conflict
- Organizations’ engagement with sustainable development goals: From cherry‐picking to SDG‐washing?
- Conceptualising disaster social capital: what it is, why it matters, and how it can be enhanced
- Social hierarchies and social networks in humans
- Conceptualizing the Role of Target-Specific Environmental Transformational Leadership between Corporate Social Responsibility and Pro-Environmental Behaviors …
- Continuing the precedent: Financially disadvantaging young people in” unprecedented” COVID‐19 times
- The new demarcation problem
- HEGEMONIC SOCIAL RELATION A Study of Sociology on Outsourcing Practice.
- The earth BioGenome project 2020: Starting the clock
- Muslims and mental health services: A concept map and a theoretical framework
- Staying at home is a privilege: Evidence from fine-grained mobile phone location data in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Supply chains under COVID-19 disruptions: literature review and research agenda
- Triggers of mental health problems among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic in private care homes and domiciliary care agencies: Lived …
- Network governance
- New challenges in higher education: A study of the digital competence of educators in Covid times
- Human trafficking: interdisciplinary perspectives
- Towards digital dole parole: A review of digital self‐service initiatives in Australian employment services
- Uncharitable
- Human rights
- China’s new social fabric
- Sustainability aspects of machining operations: A summary of concepts
- The modernization of poverty: A study in the political economy of growth in nine Arab countries, 1945-1970
- Putting value creation back into “public value”: from market-fixing to market-shaping
- To build my career or build my brand? Exploring the prospects, challenges and opportunities for sportswomen as human brand
- Celebrity endorsement and impulsive buying intentions in social commerce-The case of instagram in Indonesia: Celebrity endorsement
- Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership
- Medical education and COVID-19 pandemic: a crisis management model towards an evolutionary pathway
- Effectiveness of travel social media influencers: a case of eco-friendly hotels
- The effect of virtual interviews and social media on applicant decision-making during the 2020-2021 resident match cycle
- Sustainable planning and decision-making model for sugarcane mills considering environmental issues.