Social issues Research Topics

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Social issues

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Social research: Issues, methods and process
  2. Family Conflict and Divorce as A Social Problem
  3. Modelling social aspects of the energy transition: What is the current representation of social factors in energy models?
  4. Social physics
  5.  The student’s companion to social policy
  6. Evaluating security and privacy issues of social networks based information systems in Industry 4.0
  7.  Psychological and social aspects of resilience: a synthesis of risks and resources
  8.  Education, equality and human rights: issues of gender,’race’, sexuality, disability and social class
  9. The transition between primary and secondary school: a thematic review emphasising social and emotional issues
  10.  Ethical complexity of social change: Negotiated actions of a social enterprise
  11.  Liberalism and the social problem
  12.  The philosophical foundations of social work
  13. Aligning social concerns with information system security: A fundamental ontology for social engineering
  14. Corporate governance meets corporate social responsibility: Mapping the interface
  15.  Social work with immigrants
  16.  Understanding global social policy
  17. The impact of COVID-19 social isolation on aspects of emotional and social cognition
  18.  COVID-19 pandemic: Identifying key issues using social media and natural language processing
  19.  The Social
  20.  The goals of social policy
  21. Applied statistics using Stata: a guide for the social sciences
  22. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social workers at the frontline: A survey of Canadian Social Workers
  23. Corporate social responsibility and credit risk
  24. Social entrepreneurship as mechanisms for social transformation and social impact in East Africa an exploratory case study perspective
  25. Do boards take environmental, social, and governance issues seriously? Evidence from Media Coverage and CEO Dismissals
  26. Culture and Children’s Social Development
  27. COVID-19, social isolation and the mental health of autistic people and their families: A qualitative study
  28. Social Interaction of Riverside Communities on River Utilization in Banua Anyar Village
  29.  Shareholder engagement on environmental, social, and governance performance
  30.  Women’s entrepreneurship and culture: gender role expectations and identities, societal culture, and the entrepreneurial environment
  31. Exploring the role of issue involvement and brand attachment in shaping consumer response toward corporate social advocacy (CSA) initiatives: The case of Nike’s …
  32. Media ethics and social change
  33. The Relationship between Conflict and Social Change in the Perspective of Expert Theory: A Literature Review
  34. Employees of Social Services in Uzbekistan and Their Functions
  35. Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
  36. The Corporate Social Responsibility on Capital Market: Myth or Reality?
  37. From a clash of social orders to a loss of decidability in meta-organizations tackling grand challenges: The case of Japan leaving the International Whaling …
  38. Psychological science in the wake of covid-19: Social, methodological, and metascientific considerations
  39. Social ontology of the modern corporation: Its role in understanding organizations
  40. The quality of social determinants data in the electronic health record: a systematic review
  41. Social entrepreneurship and digital platforms: Crowdfunding in the sharing-economy era
  42. Barriers to policy action on social determinants of health for people with disability in Australia
  43. Empire migration and social reform 1880–1950
  44. Platform-mediated tourism: social justice and urban governance before and during Covid-19
  45. Corporate social responsibility practices by leading construction firms in China: a case study
  46. Platform Spaces: When culture and the arts intersect territorial development and social innovation, a view from the Italian context
  47. Translocal empowerment in transformative social innovation networks
  48.  Social inclusion and mental health
  49. Towards equitable learning environments for medical education: bias and the intersection of social identities
  50.  Women in social work
  51. How information about inequality impacts belief in meritocracy: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment in Australia, Indonesia and Mexico
  52. New contentious politics. Civil society, social movements, and the polarisation of German politics
  53. News attention and social-distancing behavior amid covid-19: How media trust and social norms moderate a mediated relationship
  54. The top‐down pattern of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Bricolage and agility in response to COVID‐19: cases from China
  55.  Facial emotion recognition impairment predicts social and emotional problems in children with (subthreshold) ADHD
  56. Common institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility
  57. Humane Communities: Social change through policies promoting collective welfare
  58.  Corporate social responsibility and bank risk
  59. Social interaction in language teacher education
  60. The content of corporate social responsibility information: the case of Greek telecommunication sector
  61. Investigating the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on risk management practices
  62. Permutation tests for hypothesis testing with animal social network data: Problems and potential solutions
  63. Help-seeking behaviors as cultural capital: Cultural guides and the transition from high school to college among low-income first generation students
  64.  Social security
  65. How social ventures grow: Understanding the role of philanthropic grants in scaling social entrepreneurship
  66.  The philosophy of social ecology: Essays on dialectical naturalism
  67. Protecting the flock or policing the sheep? Differences in school resource officers’ perceptions of threats by school racial composition
  68. Landlord paternalism: Housing the poor with a velvet glove
  69. Social cognition in patients with acquired brain lesions: An overview on an under-reported problem
  70. Impact of technical and social lean practices on SMEs’ performance in automobile industry: A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis
  71. The European revolutions and revolutionary waves of the 19th century: Their causes and consequences
  72. Implications of social isolation, separation, and loss during the COVID-19 pandemic for couples’ relationships
  73.  Mental health care and social policy
  74.  State and society: A social and political history of Britain since 1870
  75. Black girls and the talk? Policing, parenting, and the politics of protection
  76. Social tipping processes towards climate action: A conceptual framework
  77. Rethinking the virtuous circle hypothesis on social media: Subjective versus objective knowledge and political participation
  78. Physician-rating websites and social media usage: A global survey of Academic Orthopaedic Surgeons: AOA Critical Issues
  79. Psychological impacts and online interventions of social isolation amongst older adults during COVID‐19 pandemic: a scoping review
  80.  Spatiotemporal data mining: a survey on challenges and open problems
  81. Media competition and social disagreement
  82.  India migration report 2013: Social costs of migration
  83.  Cohort profile: the Zurich project on the social development from childhood to adulthood (z-proso)
  84. The relationship between social entrepreneurship and sustainable development from economic growth perspective: 15 ‘RCEP’countries
  85. Do women engage in pro-environmental behaviours in the public sphere due to social expectations? The Effects of social norm-based persuasive messages
  86. Does social media enhance party responsiveness? How user engagement shapes parties’ issue attention on Facebook
  87. A Metaverse: Taxonomy, components, applications, and open challenges
  88. The Agency Myth: Persistence in Individual Explanations for Gender Inequality
  89. Charity and shame: towards reciprocity
  90.  Concepts in social administration: a framework for analysis
  91. Social work and countering violent extremism in Sweden and the UK
  92.  Preserving integrity in online social networks
  93. Social media and political agenda setting
  94. Entrepreneurship for the public good: a review, critique, and path forward for social and environmental entrepreneurship research
  95. Insomnia is associated with worry, cognitive avoidance and low academic engagement in Argentinian university students during the COVID-19 social isolation
  96. A call for research on the scaling of organizations and the scaling of social impact
  97. Heavy social networking and online compulsive buying: the mediating role of financial social comparison and materialism
  98. Significant challenges when introducing care robots in Swedish elder care
  99. Learning to see: Convolutional neural networks for the analysis of social science data
  100.  Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis
  101. Loneliness, social support, and adjustment to aging in older Portuguese gay men
  102.  Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: an intervention addressing rhythm dysregulation in bipolar disorder
  103. The evolution, progress, and the future of corporate social responsibility: Comprehensive review of hospitality and tourism articles
  104. Social cohesion and refugee-host interactions
  105. The social cohesion investment: Communities that invested in integration programmes are showing greater social cohesion in the midst of the COVID‐19 pandemic
  106. The capability approach in social work research: A scoping review of research addressing practical social work
  107. Social work, emotion management and the transformation of the welfare state
  108. Post-disaster social work research: A scoping review of the evidence for practice
  109. (Non-) Stereotypical representations of older people in Swedish authority-managed social media
  110.  A greedy algorithm for the social golfer and the Oberwolfach problem
  111. Implementation of Islamic Education Learning with Social Care Participants Educated
  112. Mental health and social contact during the COVID-19 pandemic: an ecological momentary assessment study
  113.  Covid-19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory and conceptual framework
  114. When mothers can’t “pay the cost to be the boss”: Roles and identity within doubled-up households
  115. When relationships meet situations: Exploring the antecedents of employee communication behaviors on social media
  116. Race as a social construct in psychiatry research and practice
  117. In their own words: using open-ended assessment to identify culturally relevant concerns among Kenyan adolescents
  118.  Poverty and power: The problem of structural inequality
  119.  Social inequality
  120. The spatial association of social vulnerability with COVID-19 prevalence in the contiguous United States
  121. Corporate social responsibility and its overall effects on financial performance: Empirical evidence from Indian companies
  122.  The role of utilitarian and hedonic aspects in the continuance intention to use social mobile apps
  123.  Personalized medicine in psychiatry: ethical challenges and opportunities
  124. Social justice and cemetery systems
  125. Corporate Social Responsibility of the Hospitality Industry in Realizing Sustainable Tourism Development
  126. Influence for social good: Exploring the roles of influencer identity and comment section in Instagram-based LGBTQ-centric corporate social responsibility advertising
  127. The Arab spring: Causes, conditions, and driving forces
  128.  Relationship of smoking with current and future social isolation and loneliness: 12-year follow-up of older adults in England
  129.  Human rights and social work
  130. COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on social relationships and health
  131.  Internet of things-global technological and societal trends from smart environments and spaces to green ICT
  132.  Issues in the political economy of health care
  133. Product market competition and voluntary corporate social responsibility disclosures
  134. Social identity makes group-based social connection possible: Implications for loneliness and mental health
  135. Promoting equity and social justice in the peer review process: Tips for reviewers
  136. The ‘New Five Giants’—Conceptualising the challenges facing societal progress in the 21st century
  137. PrEP uptake as a social movement among gay and bisexual men
  138. Use of social network analysis to identify popular opinion leaders for a youth-led sexual violence prevention initiative
  139. Who Cares if Parents have Unpredictable Work Schedules?: Just-in-Time Work Schedules and Child Care Arrangements
  140. CSR & financial performance: Facing methodological and modeling issues commentary paper to the eponymous FRL article collection
  141. Sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a framework for corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  142.  Capitalism and social rights
  143.  Social control: An introduction
  144. Managing social responsibility in multitier supply chains
  145.  Characteristics, potentials, and challenges of transdisciplinary research
  146. Diffusing political concerns: How unemployment information passed between social ties influences Danish voters
  147. Social class—not income inequality—predicts social and institutional trust
  148. Civic argumentation in the economic domain: Examining upper high school students’ arguments on socio-economic problems in a performance test by applying a …
  149. Subjective economic inequality decreases emotional intelligence, especially for people of high social class
  150.  Seeking social justice through globalization
  151. Social norms
  152.  Determinants of social commerce usage and online impulse purchase: implications for business and digital revolution
  153. Transforming corporate social responsibilities: Toward an intellectual activist research agenda for micro-CSR research
  155. Developing future human-centered smart cities: Critical analysis of smart city security, Data management, and Ethical challenges
  156. Black social workers: Identity, racism, invisibility/hypervisibility at work
  157. Supporting and retaining employees with rheumatoid arthritis: The importance of workplace social support
  158. Understanding social resistance to determine the future of Internet of Things (IoT) services
  159. Combining machine learning with knowledge engineering to detect fake news in social networks-a survey
  160. Introduction: approaches to the study of migration and social change
  161. Scandal, social movement, and change: Evidence from# MeToo in Hollywood
  162. Intervening in domestic violence: interprofessional collaboration among social and health care professionals and the police
  163.  Social work theories in context: Creating frameworks for practice
  164. Authoritarian values and the welfare state: the social policy preferences of radical right voters
  165.  Liberalism and conservatism: The nature and structure of social attitudes
  166.  Psychological peculiarities in stressful situations and social psychological features of coping behavior manifestation
  167.  Helping in social work
  168. SIoT (Social Internet of Things): A Review
  169. Diversity and its causes: Lewontin on racism, biological determinism and the adaptationist programme
  170. Disciplinary contextualisation of transversal competence in Finnish local curricula: the case of multiliteracy, mathematics, and social studies
  171. Identity construction or obfuscation on social media: a case of Facebook and WhatsApp
  172. Behavioural and physiological plasticity in social hierarchies
  173. Social entrepreneurship, co‐production, and post‐disaster recovery
  174. Pedagogical and Psychological Ways to Overcome the Problem of Lesson Discipline in Secondary Schools
  175. A framework for assessing social acceptability of industry 4.0 technologies for the development of digital manufacturing
  176. Private sector healthcare in Bangladesh: Implications for social justice and the right to healthcare
  177.  Social robots and the risks to reciprocity
  178. Conflicting attitudes: Analyzing social media data to understand the early discourse on COVID-19 passports
  179.  A deadly infodemic: social media and the power of COVID-19 misinformation
  180. Social media and inspiring physical activity during COVID-19 and beyond
  181.  Ethical issues in early diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimer disease
  182.  Nolo’s Guide to Social Security Disability: Getting & Keeping Your Benefits
  183.  Organisational responses to the ethical issues of artificial intelligence
  184. Loneliness
  185.  Commitment to grand challenges in fluid forms of organizing: The role of narratives’ temporality
  186. The social turn in second language acquisition
  187.  Fostering social justice through qualitative inquiry: A methodological guide
  188. Correlates of emotional and social loneliness among community dwelling older adults in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  189. Overcoming the challenges of collaboratively adopting artificial intelligence in the public sector
  190.  Modeling latent topics in social media using Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis: The case of the right-wing and left-wing trolls in the 2016 US elections
  191.  Digital social entrepreneurship: the N-Helix response to stakeholders’ COVID-19 needs
  192. Perceived social support in the social distancing era: the association between circles of potential support and COVID-19 reactive psychopathology
  193. Who is the city for? Overtourism, lifestyle migration and social sustainability
  194.  Adult education: As social policy
  195. Mediating role of prosocial motivation in predicting social entrepreneurial intentions
  196. Social networks and mental health change in older adults after the Covid-19 outbreak
  197. Welfare state policies and far right party support: moderating ‘insecurity effects’ among different social groups
  198.  Social stratification and economic change
  199. Humanizing student–teacher relationships for black children: Implications for teachers’ social–emotional training
  200. Incidental news exposure via social media and political participation: Evidence of reciprocal effects
  201. Sociability as a personality trait in animals: methods, causes and consequences
  202. The importance of social norm on adopting sustainable digital fertilisation methods
  203. Corporate social responsibility and SMEs’ performance: mediating role of corporate image, corporate reputation and customer loyalty
  204. Bioenergy and bio-products from bio-waste and its associated modern circular economy: Current research trends, challenges, and future outlooks
  205. Social and cultural influences on food choices: a review
  206.  Gypsy politics and social change: The development of ethnic ideology and pressure politics among British Gypsies from Victorian reformism to Romany …
  207.  Meeting the practice challenges of COVID-19: MSW students’ perceptions of e-therapy and the therapeutic alliance
  208. When democratic innovations integrate multiple and diverse channels of social dialogue: Opportunities and challenges
  209. A social–ecological perspective on climate anxiety in children and adolescents
  211. Articulating the web of transnational social movements
  212. Theoretical and Scientific Approach to the Psychology of Adolescent Twins in the Process of Social Adaptation
  213. University-wide entrepreneurship education in China’s higher education institutions: issues and challenges
  214. The Relevance of Teaching Social and Humanitarian Sciences in the Education of the Future Generation
  215.  Reproduction and social organization in sub-Saharan Africa
  216.  Technology and rural women: Conceptual and empirical issues
  217.  Women and economics: A study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution
  218.  Fundraising for social change
  219.  Historical and cultural aspects of man’s relationship with addictive drugs
  220.  Adventures in social research: Data analysis using IBM SPSS statistics
  221.  Text as data: A new framework for machine learning and the social sciences
  222. Corporate Social Responsibility and COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Evidence from Georgia
  223. The impact of geopolitical risks on tourism supply in developing economies: the moderating role of social globalization
  224. Do social networking sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model
  225. The modernity/coloniality of love: Individualist lifeways and charismatic Christianity in Ghanaian worlds
  226. Social support for expatriates through virtual platforms: Exploring the role of online and offline participation
  227. Religion as a social shaping force in entrepreneurship and business: Insights from a technology-empowered systematic literature review
  228. Management foundations for navigating ecological transformation by resisting, accepting, or directing social–ecological change
  229. Transitioning to online teaching: A phenomenological analysis of social work educator perspectives
  230.  A thermoeconomic indicator for the sustainable development with social considerations
  231. Realist Social Theory
  232. From childhood studies to childism: Reconstructing the scholarly and social imaginations
  233.  Optimal lockdown and social welfare
  234. Impact of social responsibility disclosure between implementation of green accounting and sustainable development: A study on heavily polluting companies in …
  235. Characteristics and needs of people living homeless in León (Nicaragua): Similarities and differences with other groups in severe social exclusion
  236. Relationship-based practice and the creation of therapeutic change in long-term work: social work as a holding relationship
  237. Social network multiple-criteria decision-making approach for evaluating unmanned ground delivery vehicles under the Pythagorean fuzzy environment
  238.  Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome: Do we speak the same language?
  239. How much influence do CEOs have on company actions and outcomes? The example of corporate social responsibility
  240. When loneliness dimensions drift apart: Emotional, social and physical loneliness during the COVID‐19 lockdown and its associations with age, personality, stress …
  241. Healthcare systems and corporate social responsibility communication: a comparative analysis between Malta and India
  242. The constitution of school autonomy in Australian public education: Areas of paradox for social justice
  243.  The research relationship: practice and politics in social policy research
  244.  Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice
  245. Community businesses as social units in post-disaster recovery
  246. The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: The role of trust in consumer decision journey
  247. Brexit as ‘politics of division’: Social media campaigning after the referendum
  248. Social media and luxury: A systematic literature review
  249. Informality and water justice: community perspectives on water issues in Cape Town’s low-income neighbourhoods
  250. How perceived pressure affects users’ social media fatigue behavior: a case on WeChat
  251. ‘Murderous energy’in Oaxaca, Mexico: wind factories, territorial struggle and social warfare
  252. Housing market financialization, neoliberalism and everyday retrenchment of social housing
  253. Open innovation in the face of the COVID‐19 grand challenge: insights from the Pan‐European hackathon ‘EUvsVirus’
  254.  The impact of COVID-19 on pregnant womens’ experiences and perceptions of antenatal maternity care, social support, and stress-reduction strategies
  255. EU Border technologies and the co-production of security ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’
  256. Stigma and shame attached to claiming social assistance benefits: Understanding the detrimental impact on UK lone mothers’ social relationships
  257. What drives CSR communication effectiveness on social media? A process-based theoretical framework and research agenda
  258. Beyond shareholder value maximization: Accounting for financial/social trade-offs in dual-purpose companies
  259. Digitalization as a key issue of the Circular Economy to promote Sustainability: Prototyping Design for Homeless People
  260.  Psychological benefits of using social virtual reality platforms during the covid-19 pandemic: The role of social and spatial presence
  261.  Labeling the mentally retarded: Clinical and social system perspectives on mental retardation
  262.  The state: theories and issues
  263.  World Protests: A Study of Key Protest Issues in the 21st Century
  264.  Heroes of their own lives: the politics and history of family violence–Boston, 1880-1960
  265. Impact of cognitive aspects of food mobile application on customers’ behaviour
  266. Social media study of public opinions on potential COVID-19 vaccines: informing dissent, disparities, and dissemination
  267. Rethinking science, technology, and social change
  268. Biochar for soil applications-sustainability aspects, challenges and future prospects
  269. Sexual harassment, psychological well-being, and job satisfaction of female tour guides: The effects of social and organizational support
  270.  Teaching mental health and well-being online in a crisis: Fostering love and self-compassion in clinical social work education
  271. Self-reported camouflaging behaviours used by autistic adults during everyday social interactions
  272.  Responsible innovation ecosystems: Ethical implications of the application of the ecosystem concept to artificial intelligence
  273. Policy capacity, local autonomy, and human agency: Tensions in the intergovernmental coordination in Indonesia’s social welfare response amid the COVID-19 …
  274.  The mindsponge and BMF analytics for innovative thinking in social sciences and humanities
  275. Muslim Social Workers and Imams’ Recommendations in Marital and Child Custody Cases of Persons with Intellectual or Mental Disability
  276. ‘What lies behind the filter?’Uncovering the motivations for using augmented reality (AR) face filters on social media and their effect on well-being
  277. The challenges of achieving equity within public school gifted and talented programs
  278. Intention to use exoskeletons in geriatric care work: Need for ergonomic and social design
  279. Technological innovation and building a ‘super smart’society: Japan’s vision of society 5.0
  280. Digital unionism as a renewal strategy? Social media use by trade union confederations
  281. Convergence among imagination, social-emotional learning and media literacy: an integrative literature review
  282. Analysis Life Values From Habibie And Ainun Novels
  283. Woke brand activism authenticity or the lack of it
  284. Teaching computer graphics as a pedagogical problem on the basis of massive open online courses in information conditions
  285. Search engine marketing and social media marketing predictive trends
  286. Tourism carrying capacity
  287. Digital competences and skills as key factors between connectedness and tolerance to diversity on social networking sites: case study of social work graduates on …
  288. Digital discretion: Unpacking human and technological agency in automated decision making in Sweden’s social services
  289.  Science, social responsibility, and education: The experience of singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic
  290. Gender inequality in research productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic
  291.  Missing pieces: A chronicle of living with a disability
  292. Social distancing, trust and post-COVID-19 recovery
  293. Assurance of corporate social responsibility reports: Examining the role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms
  294. Digital Innovations in msmes during economic disruptions: Experiences and challenges of young entrepreneurs
  295. Socio-economic inequalities in social network, loneliness and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
  296. Studying up machine learning data: Why talk about bias when we mean power?
  297. Cupid’s invisible hand: Social surplus and identification in matching models
  298.  Social media analytics and practical applications: The change to the competition landscape
  299. Constructivism, curriculum and the knowledge question: tensions and challenges for higher education
  300. Governance challenges in esports: a best practice framework for addressing integrity and wellbeing issues
  301. Vaccination anxiety when vaccinations are available: The role of existential concerns
  302. A framework for analyzing influencer marketing in social networks: selection and scheduling of influencers
  303. Alternative medicine and the medical encounter in Britain and the United States
  304. What is holding customers back? Assessing the moderating roles of personal and social norms on CSR’S routes to Airbnb repurchase intention in the COVID-19 era
  305. Intersectionality and syndemics: A commentary
  306.  Work-related social media use: The mediating role of social media communication self-efficacy
  307. Social work and child protection for a post-pandemic world: the re-making of practice during COVID-19 and its renewal beyond it
  308.  Human resource management in sport and recreation
  309. Digital social work: Conceptualising a hybrid anticipatory practice
  310. Maths in the time of social media: conceptualizing the Internet phenomenon of mathematical memes
  311. The United States and World War II
  312.  The economic costs of the Russia-Ukraine conflict
  313.  Pakistan’s development: Social goals and private incentives
  314.  Security, privacy and risks within smart cities: Literature review and development of a smart city interaction framework
  315. Thinking about social power and hierarchy in medical education
  316. How can massive ecological restoration programs interplay with social-ecological systems? A review of research in the South China karst region
  317.  Climate change and COP26: Are digital technologies and information management part of the problem or the solution? An editorial reflection and call to action
  318.  User-Generated Content behavior and digital tourism services: A SEM-neural network model for information trust in social networking sites
  319. Policymaker and stakeholder perspectives on access to assistive technologies in Canada: challenges and proposed solutions for enhancing equitable access
  320.  Struggle for life, struggle for love and recognition: the neglected self in social cognitive neuroscience
  321. Current Issues of Harmony of Human and National Values In the Formation of Civil Station of the Youth of New Uzbekistan
  322. Social Prescribing as ‘Social Cure’: A longitudinal study of the health benefits of social connectedness within a Social Prescribing pathway
  323.  Lesbians, women & society
  324. The impact of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic on people with dementia, family carers and healthcare professionals: A qualitative study
  325. The social imaginary of Emancipation in entrepreneurship
  326. Stakeholder governance for responsible innovation: A theory of value creation, appropriation, and distribution
  327. Sport for sustainability? The extractives industry, sport, and sustainable development
  328. The problem of entanglement: Biases and fallacies in police conflict management
  329.  Physical Appearance, Stigma, and Social Behavior: The Ontario Symposium Volume 3
  330. Evaluation on satisfaction level of CSR activities in Banks of Tamil Nadu from customer’s perspective-a study
  331.  Advances in medical social sciences
  332. Missing data and other measurement quality issues in mobile geolocation sensor data
  333.  Spirituality and psychiatry
  334. Does social participation improve cognitive abilities of the elderly?
  335. Xenophobia, partisanship, and support for Donald Trump and the Republican Party
  336.  Theories in social psychology
  337. Looking at the ‘field’through a Zoom lens: Methodological reflections on conducting online research during a global pandemic
  338. How do people make sense of wealth and poverty?
  339. Social belonging, compassion, and kindness: Key ingredients for fostering resilience, recovery, and growth from the COVID-19 pandemic
  340. Cognitive network science for understanding online social cognitions: A brief review
  341. When does corporate social responsibility backfire in acquisitions? Signal incongruence and acquirer returns
  342.  The new paradigm of economic complexity
  343. Vulnerability to global environmental change
  344. A review of studies on green finance of banks, research gaps and future directions
  345. Divorce with decency
  346. Mobile shoppers’ response to Covid-19 phobia, pessimism and smartphone addiction: Does social influence matter?
  347.  Psychological reasons for suicide motivation in adolescents with deviant behavior
  348. Palm Oil Biodiesel as a Renewable Energy Resource in Indonesia: Current Status and Challenges
  349. On revolutionary situations, stages of revolution, and some other aspects of the theory of revolution
  350. Educational affordances of mobile social media for language teaching and learning: a chinese teacher’s perspective
  351. “Baby, you can drive my car”: Psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles
  352. Be happy: navigating normative issues in behavioral and well-being public policy
  353. Refocusing intersectionality in social work education: Creating a brave space to discuss oppression and privilege
  354. The Challenges of Studying 4chan and the Alt-Right:’Come on in the Water’s Fine’
  355. Episodic and thematic framing effects on the attribution of responsibility: The effects of personalized and contextualized news on perceptions of individual and political …
  356. Nexus between corporate social responsibility and earnings management: Sustainable or opportunistic
  357. Mixed-ownership reform and private firms’ corporate social responsibility practices: evidence from China
  358. Beyond trauma: Decolonizing understandings of loss and healing in the Indian Residential School system of Canada
  359. Bereaved college students: Social support, coping style, continuing bonds, and social media use as predictors of complicated grief and posttraumatic growth
  360.  Mass media and American politics
  362. Introduction to the role of information and communication Technologies in Polarization
  363. The COVID-19 pandemic: adverse effects on the social determinants of health in children and families
  364. Toward COVID-19 secure events: Considerations for organizing the safe resumption of major sporting events
  365.  Collecting survey-based social network information in work organizations
  366. Forced Migration, Social Cohesion and Conflict
  367. Organizations’ engagement with sustainable development goals: From cherry‐picking to SDG‐washing?
  368. Conceptualising disaster social capital: what it is, why it matters, and how it can be enhanced
  369. Social hierarchies and social networks in humans
  370. Conceptualizing the Role of Target-Specific Environmental Transformational Leadership between Corporate Social Responsibility and Pro-Environmental Behaviors …
  371. Continuing the precedent: Financially disadvantaging young people in” unprecedented” COVID‐19 times
  372. The new demarcation problem
  373. HEGEMONIC SOCIAL RELATION A Study of Sociology on Outsourcing Practice.
  374. The earth BioGenome project 2020: Starting the clock
  375.  Muslims and mental health services: A concept map and a theoretical framework
  376. Staying at home is a privilege: Evidence from fine-grained mobile phone location data in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
  377. Supply chains under COVID-19 disruptions: literature review and research agenda
  378. Triggers of mental health problems among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic in private care homes and domiciliary care agencies: Lived …
  379. Network governance
  380. New challenges in higher education: A study of the digital competence of educators in Covid times
  381.  Human trafficking: interdisciplinary perspectives
  382. Towards digital dole parole: A review of digital self‐service initiatives in Australian employment services
  383. Uncharitable
  384.  Human rights
  385.  China’s new social fabric
  386. Sustainability aspects of machining operations: A summary of concepts
  387.  The modernization of poverty: A study in the political economy of growth in nine Arab countries, 1945-1970
  388. Putting value creation back into “public value”: from market-fixing to market-shaping
  389. To build my career or build my brand? Exploring the prospects, challenges and opportunities for sportswomen as human brand
  390. Celebrity endorsement and impulsive buying intentions in social commerce-The case of instagram in Indonesia: Celebrity endorsement
  391. Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership
  392.  Medical education and COVID-19 pandemic: a crisis management model towards an evolutionary pathway
  393. Effectiveness of travel social media influencers: a case of eco-friendly hotels
  394. The effect of virtual interviews and social media on applicant decision-making during the 2020-2021 resident match cycle
  395. Sustainable planning and decision-making model for sugarcane mills considering environmental issues.