List of Important C++ / C Programs

List of Important C++ / C Programs – Homepage

Here, we are giving the references of some important C++ and C programs.

1 Bil Calculations
2 Display English alphabets
3 Check Characters
4 Length of a number
5 The square root of a number
7 Even Odd number
7 Positive Negative number
9 Factorial of a number
10 Total number of digits
11 Fibonacci Series
12 Cube of a number
13 Palindrome
14 ASCII Values
15 Sum of all digits for a number
16 Sum of array elements
17 Sum of number of series
18 Celsius to Fahrenheit
19 The greatest number among 3 numbers
20 Deleted selected array elements
21 Area of rectangle
24 Insert an element in the array at specific position 
25 Print stars in a sequence
26 Decimal to binary conversion
27 Greatest common division
28 LCM
29 The reverse of a number
Armstrong Number
31 Print numbers in a pattern
32 Addition of matrix
33 Linear Search
34 Delete values from the array
35 Binary Search
36 To find the Highest and Lowest values of a matrix
37 Selection Sort
38 Insertion Sort
39 Union of two sorted arrays
40 Union of two unsorted arrays
41 Shell Sort
42 Store Information in Structure and Display
43 To check Time Difference
44 Addition of two complex numbers
45 Addition of two distances using the structure
46 Sort Elements in the Lexicographical order
47 Prefix and postfix increment and decrement
48 All arithmetic Operations
49 ASCII code 
50 Find Quotient and Remainder
51 Swapping
52 Solve expression
53 Convert hours into minutes and seconds
54 Find the time, distance and speed
55 the simple compound assignment
56 Compound Operations Program
57 Show personal details
58 Pattern printing
59 Find Maximum value
60 Program to print stars (steric) in a pattern
61 3 Level Nested for loop in C++
62 Nested For Loop including 3 loops

Arrays Programs

C++ program to encryption and decrypt using Caesar Cipher

Strings Programs

  1. Length of a string
  2. Replacement of strings and numbers
  3. Concatenation of strings
  4. Number of vowels, digits, consonants and white spaces in the string
  5. C++ program to show countries into an array according to Lowest number of characters
  6. C++ program to show countries into an array according to Largest number of characters
  7. C++ program to show weekdays into an array according to Lowest number of characters
  8. C++ program to show weekdays into an array according to Highest number of characters

Built in Functions

  1. C++ program to find sin cos tan

Other Programs

shamil memory table

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