C++ Tutorials

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: October 20, 2022

Let us see some important tutorials of C++.


Simple programs

  1. Cube of a number 
  2. Convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit
  3. Area of Rectangle
  4. Program to find the length of a string in C, CPP, C Plus Plus with flowchart
  5. Swapping Program in C++ (C Plus Plus)
  6. simple compound assignment program in C++ (C Plus Plus).
  7. Find time, distance and speed in C++(C Plus Plus)
  8. Show personal details program in C++(C plus Plus)
  9. Cube of a number Program in C, CPP, C Plus Plus (C++) with flowchart
  10. Program to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit in c++ and C with flowchart
  11. Area of Rectangle Program in C,C++ (C Plus Plus , CPP) with flowchart
  12. Arithmetic operation program in C++ (C Plus Plus) – Addition- Subtraction- Multiplication -Division
  13. Convert hours into minutes and seconds program in C++ (C Plus Plus).

if else programs

  1. Program to calculate the bill in c++
  2. CPP program to check that the entered character is small, capital or a special character
  3. Program in C++ to check that whether a number is even or odd with flowchart
  4. 0 is a positive or negative number
  5. Program to find the positive and negative number
  6. Enter Range of numbers and replaced them in C, CPP, Cplusplus
  7. Program to find greater number among three numbers in c++ and C with flowchart
  8. Find Maximum value program in C++ (C Plus Plus).

For loop programs

while loop

  1. Program of sum of all digits of a number in C, C Plus Plus (CPP, C++) with flow chart

Recursion Programs

Array Programs

shamil memory table


iostream error

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