Program in C++ to check that whether a number is even or odd with flowchart

Program in C++ to check whether a number is even or odd with the flowchart

In this tutorial, we will learn about the followings;

  1. Flowchart of even-odd number program.
  2. Program in C++ to check whether a number is even or odd?
  3. Program in C to check whether a number is even or odd?

Algorithm of the program to check whether a number is even or odd

Step 1: Start

Step 2: Take Input and Read the Numbers

Step 3: Check that If Number % 2 == 0
If true Then

Print : Your selected Number is an Even Number.


Print : Your selected Number is an Odd Number.

Step 4: Finish

Flowchart of even-odd number program

Figure: even-odd-number-flow-chart-cpp-program

Program in C++ to check whether a number is even or odd?

We can write and test the program by randomly take two values. one value that can false the condition and another one that can result in True.

even odd program C++


even odd flow chart
Figure: even odd.


find if a given number n is odd or even IN C++
find if a given number n is odd or even IN C++

C++ Program to check even odd  number using switch case statement

C++ Even odd program using user define functions


C++ Even Odd program starting from a number and till ending number using for loop


Enter value less than 50: 9
The odd Digits are: 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 4
The even Digits are: 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Program in C to check whether a number is even or odd?


even odd flow chart
Figure: even odd.

Even odd number Program in C using switch statement?

C Program to check even odd  number using for loop


C++ Exercise | If else Statement

  1. calculate the bill
  2. character is small, capital or a special character
  3. a number is even or odd
  4. 0 is a positive or negative number
  5. a positive and negative number
  6. Enter Range of numbers and replaced them
  7. a greater number among three numbers
  8. Armstrong Number
  9. ASCII code 
  10. Find the Maximum value program in C++ (C Plus Plus).
  11. maximum number
  12. Maximum Number between two numbers 
  13. Student Grade
  14. the number is divisible by 11 or 5 or not
  15. Triangle 
  16. a triangle is an equilateral, isosceles or scalene
  17. Leap year 
  18. character is an alphabet or not
  19. Grade Percentage
  20. character is an alphabet, digit, or special character
  21. character is an uppercase or lowercase.
  22. Weekdays
  23. a prime or composite number
  24. hours and minutes as  AM or PM
  25. swap the values of two numbers
  26. update even to odd
  27. Profit Loss
  28. centimeter into meter and kilometer 
  29. Triangle 
  30. Salary
  31. Even odd with goto statement.
  32. area of the circle

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