Experimental psychology Research Topics

Research Area/ Research Interest: Experimental psychology

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. The conceptual, cunning, and conclusive experiment in psychology
  2. Toward a psychology of consent
  3. The moral psychology of salience
  4. Beyond experiments
  5. Using cognitive psychology to understand GPT-3
  6. On the relationship between tip-of-the-tongue states and partial recollective experience: Illusory partial recollective access during tip-of-the-tongue states.
  7. Graphs do not lead people to infer causation from correlation.
  8. Think then act, or act then think? Double-response reaction times shed light on decision dynamics in precrastination.
  9. Stable individual differences in strategies within, but not between, visual search tasks
  10. The backfire effect after correcting misinformation is strongly associated with reliability.
  11. Attention does not always help: the role of expectancy, divided, and spatial attention on illusory conjunctions
  12. Why do people increase effort near a deadline? An opportunity-cost model of goal gradients.
  13. Articulatory suppression delays processing of abstract words: The role of inner speech
  14. Perceiving the facial trustworthiness: Facial age, emotional expression, and attractiveness
  15. Correcting statistical misinformation about scientific findings in the media: Causation versus correlation.
  16. Hello, stranger? Pleasant conversations are preceded by concerns about starting one.
  17. Experimental pragmatics
  18. Principles of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
  19. Online experimentation and sampling in cognitive aging research.
  20. Is the attentional SNARC effect truly attentional? Using temporal order judgements to differentiate attention from response
  21. Inference from explanation.
  22. Online representations of non-canonical sentences are more than good-enough
  23. Observers penalize decision makers whose risk preferences are unaffected by loss–gain framing.
  24. Translating words into actions in working memory: The role of spatial-motoric coding
  25. Says who? Children consider informants’ sources when deciding whom to believe.
  26. Examining mechanistic explanations for ideomotor effects.
  27. Bridging people and perspectives: General and language-specific social network structure predict mentalizing across diverse sociolinguistic contexts.
  28. “Master” of none: Institutional language change linked to reduced gender bias.
  29. People with larger social networks show poorer voice recognition
  30.  Essentials of psychology
  31. Does omitting the accent mark in a word affect sentence reading? Evidence from Spanish
  32. The role of inhibitory control in shoot/don’t-shoot decisions
  33.  Building experiments in PsychoPy
  34. Chubby or thin? Investigation of (in) congruity between product body shapes and internal warmth/competence.
  35. Warning weakens retrieval-enhanced suggestibility only when it is given shortly after misinformation: The critical importance of timing.
  36. Wearing same-and opposite-sex virtual bodies and seeing them caressed in intimate areas
  37. Sex differences in social and spatial perspective taking: A replication and extension of Tarampi et al.(2016)
  38. Moving foraging into three dimensions: Feature-versus conjunction-based foraging in virtual reality
  39.  Sport psychology and performance meta-analyses: A systematic review of the literature
  40. Replication and reproduction: crises in psychology and academic labour
  41. Promoting farsighted decisions via episodic future thinking: A meta-analysis.
  42. Individual differences in teleporting through virtual environments.
  43. Experimental jurisprudence
  44. Seeing and speaking: How verbal “description length” encodes visual complexity.
  45. Bridging interpersonal and ecological dynamics of cognition through a systems framework of bilingualism.
  46. Tasks for a theoretical psychology of emotion
  47. Win–win denial: The psychological underpinnings of zero-sum thinking.
  48. Is the juice worth the squeeze? Learning the marginal value of mental effort over time.
  49. Behavioural evidence of altered sensory attenuation in obesity
  50. How development and culture shape intuitions about prosocial obligations.
  51. Semantic feedback processing mechanism of the enactment effect: Evidence from event-related potentials
  52. A precise quantification of how prior experience informs current behavior.
  53. The effects of induced optical blur on visual search performance and training
  54. Caring is costly: People avoid the cognitive work of compassion.
  55. Dynamics of attentional and oculomotor orienting in visual foraging tasks
  56.  The philosophy and psychology of commitment
  57. Do primates flexibly use spatio-temporal cues when foraging?
  58. The role of attention and ageing in the retrieval dynamics of value-directed remembering
  59. Mindfulness-based stress reduction triggers a long-term shift toward more positive appraisals of emotional ambiguity
  60. Similarities and differences in understanding negative and affirmative counterfactuals and causal assertions: Evidence from eye-tracking
  61.  A neurocognitive psychometrics account of individual differences in attentional control.
  62. Phonological precision for word recognition in skilled readers
  63. Reactivation of learned reward association reduces retroactive interference from new reward learning.
  64. No evidence for nudging after adjusting for publication bias
  65. Classification of three-dimensional integral stimuli: Accounting for a replication and extension of Nosofsky and Palmeri (1996) with a dual discrimination invariance …
  66. Working memory training does not improve executive functioning or fluid intelligence
  67. Positive psychology intervention (PPI) coaching: an experimental application of coaching to improve the effectiveness of a gratitude intervention
  68. History of Social Psychology
  69. Education increases decision-rule use: An investigation of education and incentives to improve decision making.
  70. Dynamic inhibitory control prevents salience-driven capture of visual attention.
  71. Bored, distracted, and forgetful: The impact of mind wandering and boredom on memory encoding
  72. Is it riskier to meet 100 people outdoors or 14 people indoors? Comparing public and expert perceptions of COVID-19 risk.
  73. Foraging tempo: Human run patterns in multiple-target search are constrained by the rate of successive responses
  74. Individual differences in updating are not related to reasoning ability and working memory capacity.
  75. Predicting pragmatic cue integration in adults’ and children’s inferences about novel word meanings.
  76. The rich-get-richer effect: Prior knowledge predicts new learning of domain-relevant information.
  77. Genetic associations between executive functions and intelligence: A combined twin and adoption study.
  78. What can experimental studies of bias tell us about real-world group disparities?
  79. The perception of food products in adolescents, lay adults, and experts: A psychometric approach.
  80. Trajectories of verbal fluency and executive functions in multilingual and monolingual children and adults: A cross-sectional study
  81. Measurement of eye-opening perception of visual symbols based on Gestalt Psychology
  82. The role of meaning in visual working memory: Real-world objects, but not simple features, benefit from deeper processing.
  83. Spatial reorientation with a geometric array of auditory cues
  84. The bright homunculus in our head: Individual differences in intuitive sensitivity to logical validity
  85. Beauty and truth, truth and beauty: Chiastic structure increases the subjective accuracy of statements.
  86. Performance errors influence voluntary task choices.
  87. Of pandemics, politics, and personality: The role of conscientiousness and political ideology in the sharing of fake news.
  88. Structural priming persists for (at least) one month in young adults, but not in healthy older adults.
  89. Algorithmic discrimination causes less moral outrage than human discrimination.
  90. Toward a new science of psychedelic social psychology: The effects of MDMA (ecstasy) on social connection
  91. Processing symbolic magnitude information conveyed by number words and by scalar adjectives
  92. Severe publication bias contributes to illusory sleep consolidation in the motor sequence learning literature.
  93. Valence generalization across nonrecurring structures.
  94. Picture-word interference in language production studies: Exploring the roles of attention and processing times.
  95. Moderating the neuropsychological impact of online learning on psychology students
  96.  Toward a psychology of being
  97.  The power of the self: Anchoring information processing across contexts
  98.  Political psychology and the climate crisis
  99. Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) perceive the Müller-Lyer illusion.
  100. The Psychology of Secret Settlements
  101. The Socio‐ecological Psychology of Residential Mobility
  102.  Principles of model specification in ANOVA designs
  103.  Strategic adaptation to dual-task in verbal working memory: Potential routes for theory integration.
  104. To change or not to change: A study of workplace change during the COVID-19 pandemic
  105. The importance of family in acculturation process of adolescents of Moroccan origin in Spain
  106. Alternatives to logistic regression models in experimental studies
  107. Nymph piss and gravy orgies: Local and global contrast effects in relational humor.
  108.  Sports psychology
  109. Is Artificial Intelligence Customer Service Satisfactory? Insights Based on Microblog Data and User Interviews
  110. Semantic variables both help and hinder word production: Behavioral evidence from picture naming.
  111.  A cognitive theory of learning: Research on hypothesis testing
  112. Quantifying the regularities between orthography and semantics and their impact on group-and individual-level behavior.
  113.  The psychology of economic inequality and social class
  114.  Fixation, flexibility, and creativity: The dynamics of mind wandering.
  115.  Does narrator variability facilitate incidental word learning in the classroom?
  116. Two versions of Marxist concrete psychology: Politzer and Mérei compared.
  117. Field experiments on social media
  118.  History of psychology
  119.  What is considered deception in experimental economics?
  120. What would it take to put a chiropractor in khakis? Effecting chiropractors as commissioned officers in the US Military—a historical brief
  121.  Brain physiology and psychology
  122. Julian Ochorowicz’s experiments with Eusapia Palladino 1894: The temporality of mass media and the crisis of local credibility
  123.  Majoring in psychology: achieving your educational and career goals
  124. Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology & VR in Special Education
  125. Re-establishing the distinction between numerosity, numerousness, and number in numerical cognition
  126. An emotional roller coaster: Electrophysiological evidence of emotional engagement during a roller-coaster ride with virtual reality add-on
  127. Does source memory exist for unrecognized items?
  128. Experiments and surveys on political elites
  129. A description–experience framework of the psychology of risk
  130.  Theories in social psychology
  131.  Saliency determines the integration of contextual information into stimulus–response episodes
  132. Retest reliability of integrated speed–accuracy measures
  133. Idiographic network models of social media use and depression symptoms
  134. Experiments in strategy research: A critical review and future research opportunities
  135. Reinterpreting mood induction experiments
  136. Serious Problems With Interpreting Rubber Hand “Illusion” Experiments
  137. Humiliation and International Conflict Preferences
  138. Age‐related differences in expectation‐based novel word learning
  139.  The development of memory in infancy and childhood
  140. Cultures of Listening: Psychology, Resonance, Justice
  141. Reinforcement learning and its connections with neuroscience and psychology
  142. Do we report the information that is necessary to give psychology away? A scoping review of the psychological intervention literature 2000–2018
  143. Heuristics from bounded meta-learned inference.
  144. Psychology of Group and Collective Intelligence
  145. Contrast coding choices in a decade of mixed models
  146.  Making inferential leaps: Manipulation checks and the road towards strong inference
  147. Managing self-confidence: Theory and experimental evidence
  148. Transformer networks of human conceptual knowledge.
  149.  The philosophy of human nature
  150. Thermische Töne. Schwarzkörperstrahlung und Akustik bei Ehrenfest, Planck, Einstein.
  151. When autocrats threaten citizens with violence: Evidence from China
  152. Self‐teaching in Chinese: the roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning
  153. PsyBuilder: an open-source, cross-platform graphical experiment builder for Psychtoolbox with built-in performance optimization
  154. Change in defensive functioning following group psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy in women with binge-eating disorder
  155. Retrieval practice effects in a psychology lecture: Illustrating the relevance of study design, item difficulty, and selection of dependent measures
  156. A psychology of ideology: Unpacking the psychological structure of ideological thinking
  157.  A random-object-kinematogram plugin for web-based research: implementing oriented objects enables varying coherence levels and stimulus congruency …
  158. Transition from mild cognitive impairment to normal cognition: Determining the predictors of reversion with multi‐state Markov models
  159. A memory-based theory of emotional disorders.
  160.  History of psychology: The making of a science
  161. Meaningful change definitions: Sample size planning for experimental intervention research
  162. The testing effect in university teaching: Using multiple-choice testing to promote retention of highly retrievable information
  163. Why the victims of bullying are more likely to avoid involvement when witnessing bullying situations: the role of bullying sensitivity and moral disengagement
  164.  The Kraepelinian tradition
  165. Psychological benefits of outdoor physical activity in natural versus urban environments: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of experimental studies
  166. Health psychology
  167. The tone debate: knowledge, self, and social order
  168. Measuring meaningful learning in introductory psychology: The IPI student learning outcomes.
  169. Micro-phenomenological self-inquiry
  170. Waiting longer, feeling fatter: Effects of response delay on tactile distance estimation and confidence in females with anorexia nervosa
  171. A template for preregistration of quantitative research in psychology: Report of the joint psychological societies preregistration task force.
  172.  14 Science, Practice, and Gender Roles in Early American Child Psychology
  173. Comparing the effects of behaviorally informed interventions on flood insurance demand: an experimental analysis of ‘boosts’ and ‘nudges’
  174.  Refutation Text Facilitates Learning: a Meta-Analysis of Between-Subjects Experiments
  175. Stratifying the presymptomatic phase of genetic frontotemporal dementia by serum NfL and pNfH: a longitudinal multicentre study
  176.  Toward a theory of construct definition
  177. The generalizability crisis
  178.  Milestones in the history of personality disorders
  179. Questionnaires mentioned in academic research 1996–2019: Rapid increase but declining citation impact
  180.  Sweet Old-Fashioned Notions
  181. Contemplative Pedagogy: An Experiment with School Students for Demystifying the Philosophy of Contemplative Education
  182.  Implementation of a positive psychology curriculum in a high school setting: A mixed methods pilot study
  183. A brickhouse defence for folk psychology: How to defeat “Big Bad Wolf” Eliminativism
  184. Personality psychology
  185. Bridging 50 Years of Theoretical and Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contributions of IACCP and JCCP
  186. The cognitive processes underlying false beliefs
  187. Watching Videos on a Smartphone: Do Small Screens Impair Narrative Transportation?
  188. Individual discount rates: a meta-analysis of experimental evidence
  189. Is extreme in the eye of the beholder? An experimental assessment of extremist cognitions
  190. The motivational value of listening during intimate and difficult conversations
  191. This should help with that: A behavioral investigation into self‐derivation of knowledge about prescription medications
  192. “Causality crisis” in acculturation research a false alarm?: A commentary on Kunst (2021)
  193.  Effects of spatial training on mathematics performance: A meta-analysis.
  194. Aging shifts the relative contributions of episodic and semantic memory to decision-making.
  195.  Research methods in physical activity
  196. Infants’ intention-based evaluations of distributive actions
  197. Meaning-Change Through the Mistaken Mirror: On the Indeterminacy of “Wundt” and “Piaget” in Translation
  198. International practice recommendations for the recognition and management of hearing and vision impairment in people with dementia
  199. Representation, interaction and interpretation. Making sense of the context in clinical reasoning
  200. Theory testing and process evidence in accounting experiments
  201. Making the leap: From experimental psychopathology to clinical trials
  202. Asymmetric hybrids: Dialogues for computational concept combination
  203. Stability of Experimental results: Forecasts and evidence
  204. FMTP: A unifying computational framework of temporal preparation across time scales.
  205. Mindful emotion awareness facilitates engagement with exposure therapy: An idiographic exploration using single case experimental design
  206. Habits and goals in human behavior: Separate but interacting systems
  207. Demographic differences in philosophical intuition: A reply to Joshua Knobe
  208. Evaluative conditioning of responses to unfamiliar chords by exposure to valenced images
  209. Neural representations of task context and temporal order during action sequence execution
  210. Translating social science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations.
  211.  Age-Specific Dynamics of Attack and Defense Response Speed In Handball Players
  212. Mortality salience effects fail to replicate in traditional and novel measures
  213. Sequencing tracing with imagination
  214. Poverty and consumer psychology.
  215.  Temporal binding: digging into animal minds through time perception
  216. Children expect others to prefer handmade items.
  217. Do mindsets help in controlling eye gaze? A study to explore the effect of abstract and concrete mindsets on eye movements control
  218.  Information avoidance, selective exposure, and fake (?) news: Theory and experimental evidence on green consumption
  219.  The process of question answering: A computer simulation of cognition
  220. The generalizability of online experiments conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic
  221. Neuropragmatics
  222.  Insider’s Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: 2022/2023 edition
  223. New methods for oscillation analyses push new theories of discrete cognition
  224. Spatialization in working memory and its relation to math anxiety
  225. Pathogen threat increases electoral success for conservative parties: Results from a natural experiment with COVID-19 in France.
  226. Psychological science in the wake of covid-19: Social, methodological, and metascientific considerations
  227. Domain-specific prior knowledge and learning: A meta-analysis
  228. The impact of video lecturers’ nonverbal communication on learning–An experiment on gestures and facial expressions of pedagogical agents
  229. The relationship between early musical training and executive functions: Validation of effects of the sensitive period
  230.  COVID-19 myth-busting: an experimental study
  231.  Experimental designs
  232. Unlocking adults’ implicit statistical learning by cognitive depletion
  233. Neurophysiological correlates for dynamic variability between vigilance and avoidance in test anxiety
  234.  Relationships in adolescence
  235. Robust thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory action of a constitutively active ADAMTS13 variant in murine stroke models
  236. Ocean connectedness and consumer responses to single-use packaging
  237. Professors who signal a fixed mindset about ability undermine women’s performance in STEM
  238. Reporting and interpreting non-significant results in animal cognition research
  239. Start with “Why,” but only if you have to: The strategic framing of novel ideas across different audiences
  240. Does it matter if a story character lives or dies?: a message experiment comparing survivor and death narratives
  241. Partisan-motivated sampling: Re-examining politically motivated reasoning across the information processing stream.
  242. Cognitive load theory and its measurement: A study of secondary tasks in relation to working memory
  243. The psychology of online political hostility: A comprehensive, cross-national test of the mismatch hypothesis
  244. Being present and thankful: A multi-study investigation of mindfulness, gratitude, and employee helping behavior.
  245.  Positive psychology for mental wellbeing of UK therapeutic students: relationships with engagement, motivation, resilience and self-compassion
  246. A three-dimensional model of student interest during learning using multimodal fusion with natural sensing technology
  247. What science tells us about false and repressed memories
  248. What gaze adds to arrows: Changes in attentional response to gaze versus arrows in childhood and adolescence
  249.  Experimental Thinking
  250.  Identity Crisis
  251. An interference model for visual working memory: Applications to the change detection task
  252. When reflection hinders creative problem-solving: a test of alternative reflection strategies
  253. Critical Periods in Science and the Science of Critical Periods: Canine Behavior in America
  254. Spatial resolution and object segmentation efficiency constrain grouping effects in attentive tracking
  255. Potential potholes: Predicting challenges and learning outcomes in research methods in psychology courses
  256. A data-driven disease progression model of fluid biomarkers in genetic frontotemporal dementia
  257. Judged beauty of fractal symmetries
  258. Metacognition during unfamiliar face matching
  259. When losses can be a gain. A large lab-in-the-field experiment on reference dependent forgiveness in Colombia
  260.  Limits of cross-modal plasticity? Short-term visual deprivation does not enhance cardiac interoception, thermosensation, or tactile spatial acuity
  261. A meta-analysis of the impact of point of view on narrative processing and persuasion in health messaging
  262. Reshaping adolescents’ gender attitudes: Evidence from a school-based experiment in India
  263. Confidence and gradation in causal judgment
  264.  Prosocial behavior is associated with transdiagnostic markers of affective sensitivity in multiple domains.
  265. AI in marketing, consumer research and psychology: a systematic literature review and research agenda
  266. Social categorization based on language and facial recognition
  267. Dominance norms and data for spoken ambiguous words in British English
  268. Accountability and the Quality of Regulatory Judgment Processes. Experimental Research Offering Both Confirmation and Consolation
  269. Phenomenological control as cold control.
  270. Credibility beyond replicability: Improving the four validities in psychological science
  271. Applications of electroencephalography in construction
  272. Working memory content is distorted by its use in perceptual comparisons
  273. Testing the precision of spatial memory representations using a change-detection task: Effects of viewpoint change
  274.  A Cultural History of the Soul: Europe and North America from 1870 to the Present
  275. Predictability eliminates neighborhood effects during Chinese sentence reading
  276. How long has it been? Self-construal and subjective time perception
  277. Three mechanisms of mind–body influence: Feelings, concepts, and procedures.
  278. Overprecision is a property of thinking systems.
  279.  Education and professional development of ergonomists in Russia
  280. Self-persuasion: An experimental evaluation of a sexual aggression preventive intervention for US college men
  281. The seven sins of memory: an update
  282. Do nonpartisan ballots racialize candidate evaluations? Evidence from “Who Said What?” experiments
  283.  Excess success in articles on object-based attention
  284. When polarization triggers out-group “counter-projection” across the political divide
  285. … calorie and physical activity equivalent labelling of alcoholic drinks on drinking intentions in participants of higher and lower socioeconomic position: An experimental …
  286. Critique of the bias-of-crowds model simply restates the model: Reply to Connor and Evers (2020)
  287.  Memory precision for salient distractors decreases with learned suppression
  288. Applying confidence-accuracy characteristic plots to recognition memory
  289. Exploring the structure of the GAD‐7 scale in primary care patients with emotional disorders: A network analysis approach
  290. Do Rating and Task Measures of Control Abilities Assess the Same Thing?
  291. Moral judgments of COVID-19 social distancing violations: The roles of perceived harm and impurity
  292. This is an insta-vention! Exploring cognitive countermeasures to reduce negative consequences of social comparisons on Instagram
  293. From lab-based to web-based behavioural research: Who you test is more important than how you test
  294. Gender representation cues labels of hard and soft sciences
  295.  Contextual diversity favors the learning of new words in children regardless of their comprehension skills
  296. Social identity makes group-based social connection possible: Implications for loneliness and mental health
  297.  The assessment of neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenia
  298. How economic inequality shapes social class stereotyping
  299. Motivated memory for what matters most: How older adults (selectively) focus on important information and events using schematic support, metacognition, and …
  300. The impact of economic inequality on conspiracy beliefs
  301. How to foster perceived partner responsiveness: High‐quality listening is key
  302. Inattentional blindness in augmented reality head-up display-assisted driving
  303.  Experimental evidence of moral cleansing in the interpersonal and environmental domains
  304. Seeking Stability: Consumer Motivations for Communal Nostalgia
  305. Something that they never said: Multimodal disinformation and source vividness in understanding the power of ai-enabled deepfake news
  306. Effects of induced optimism on subjective states, physical activity, and stress reactivity
  307. Soundtrack for reality? How to use music effectively in non-fictional media formats
  308.  Give and take frames in shared-resource negotiations
  309. A tutorial on cognitive modeling for cognitive aging research.
  310. Effect of context on fine fragrance-elicited emotions: Comparison of three experimental methodologies
  311. There is an evidence crisis in science educational policy
  312. Ecological values theory: beyond conformity, goal-seeking, and rule-following in action and interaction
  313. Does process matter? Experimental evidence on the effect of procedural fairness on citizens’ evaluations of policy outcomes
  314. Enhancing auditors’ reliance on data analytics under inspection risk using fixed and growth mindsets
  315. A cognitive psychological approach for tooth identification based on brain event-related potentials
  316. Crime blindness: The impact of inattentional blindness on eyewitness awareness, memory, and identification
  317. Process vs. outcome? How to evaluate the effects of participatory processes on legitimacy perceptions
  318. Effects of a multifaceted classroom intervention on racial disproportionality
  319.  How expectations shape the formation of intrusive memories: An experimental study using the Trauma film paradigm
  320. That’sa lot to PROCESS! Pitfalls of popular path models
  321.  The blame efficiency hypothesis: An evolutionary framework to resolve rationalist and intuitionist theories of moral condemnation
  322. Strategy selection in decisions from givens: Deciding at a glance?
  323. Emotional responses to seductive scientific texts during online and offline reading tasks
  324. Cross-cultural variation in cooperation: A meta-analysis.
  325. Does social distancing affect the processing of brand logos?
  326. Assessing the Durability of One-Shot Stimulus-Control Bindings
  327. Eye-Tracking
  328. Effects of traditional and immersive video on anticipation in cricket: A temporal occlusion study
  329. Positive education in daily teaching, the promotion of wellbeing, and engagement in a whole school approach: a clustered quasi-experimental trial
  330.  Attitudinal effects of stimulus co-occurrence and stimulus relations: Paradoxical effects of cognitive load
  331. Fewer students are benefiting from doing their homework: an eleven-year study
  332. Adult age differences in monetary decisions with real and hypothetical reward
  333. Disciplining the Akratic user: Constructing digital (un) wellness
  334. Expansive and contractive postures and movement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of motor displays on affective and behavioral responses
  335. Through the looking glass: A lens-based account of intersectional stereotyping.
  336. Do monetary incentives undermine performance on intrinsically enjoyable tasks? A field test
  337. Anthropomorphism and customers’ willingness to use artificial intelligence service agents
  338. On drivers’ reasoning about traffic signs: The case of qualitative location.
  339. COVID‐19 is feminine: Grammatical gender influences danger perceptions and precautionary behavioral intentions by activating gender stereotypes
  340. Association between fidelity to the strengths model of case management and client outcomes: A quasi-experimental study.
  341. Differences in regional gray matter volume predict the extent to which openness influences judgments of beauty and pleasantness of interior architectural spaces
  342. Double misinformation: Effects on eyewitness remembering.
  343. When the medium massages perceptions: Personal (vs. public) displays of information reduce crowding perceptions and outsider mistreatment of frontline staff.
  344. Changes in EEG complexity with neurofeedback and multi-sensory learning in children with dyslexia: A multiscale entropy analysis
  345. Red Tape, Rule Legitimacy, and Public Service Motivation: Experimental Evidence From Korean Citizens
  346. How economic inequality shapes thought and action
  347. Articulatory Suppression Effects on Induced Rumination
  348.  Philosophical foundations of neuroscience
  349.  Framing and tailoring prefactual messages to reduce red meat consumption: Predicting effects through a psychology-based graphical causal model
  350. Information processing in tax decisions: a MouselabWEB study on the deterrence model of income tax evasion
  351.  Sample size determination for Bayesian hierarchical models commonly used in psycholinguistics
  352.  Six-week online multi-component positive psychology intervention improves subjective wellbeing in young adults
  353. Adopted utility calculus: Origins of a concept of social affiliation
  354. Resolution of Structural Ambiguities in Sentence Comprehension: On-line Analysis of syntactic, lexical, and semantic effects 1
  355. Do social networking sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model
  356. Pandemic threat and group cohesion: national identification in the wake of COVID-19 is associated with authoritarianism
  357. Psychophysiological effects of slow‐paced breathing at six cycles per minute with or without heart rate variability biofeedback
  358. How Shame and Guilt Influence Perspective Taking: A Comparison of Turkish and German Cultures
  359. Avoiding a feared stimulus: Modelling costly avoidance of learnt fear in a sensory preconditioning paradigm
  360. How to calculate, use, and report variance explained effect size indices and not die trying
  361. Memory transmission in small groups and large networks: An empirical study
  362. Mentioning the sample’s country in the article’s title leads to bias in research evaluation
  363. The influence of slow-paced breathing on executive function.
  364. Does autonoetic consciousness in episodic memory rely on recall from a first-person perspective?
  365.  Explicit vs. implicit spatial processing in arrow vs. eye-gaze spatial congruency effects
  366. Do Managers Overreact When in Backlog? Evidence of Scope Neglect from a Supply Chain Experiment
  367. Effects of individual toxic behavior on team performance in League of Legends
  368.  My fear is not, and never will be, your fear: On emotions and feelings in animals
  369. Measuring Extinction Learning across the Lifespan–Adaptation of an optimized paradigm to closely match exposure treatment procedures
  370. Non-random acts of kindness: Joint music making increases preschoolers’ helping and sharing with an adult
  371. Math anxiety relates positively to metacognitive insight into mathematical decision making
  372. Effects of verbal priming with acute exercise on convergent creativity
  373. Global saccadic eye movements characterise artists’ visual attention while drawing
  374.  Time changes: Timing contexts support event segmentation in associative memory
  375. The power of listening at work
  376.  Expert agreement in prior elicitation and its effects on Bayesian inference
  377.  Narratives bridge the divide between distant events in episodic memory
  378.  Advances in neuroscience and marketing: analyzing tool possibilities and research opportunities
  379. A proposal for informative default priors scaled by the standard error of estimates
  380. A Social-Identity Theory of Information-Access Regulation (SITIAR): Understanding the Psychology of Sharing and Withholding
  381. Language changes medical judgments and beliefs
  382.  Rate of forgetting is independent of initial degree of learning
  383. Review of Behavioral Psychology in Transition to Solar Photovoltaics for Low-Income Individuals
  384. Interoception as modeling, allostasis as control
  385. Eye-movements reveal the serial position of the attended item in verbal working memory
  386. How researchers can make verbal lie detection more attractive for practitioners
  387. Investigating the impact of emotions on perceiving serendipitous information encountering
  388. The social effects of emotions
  389.  Causal Rasch models
  390. Human navigation in curved spaces
  391.  Mind time
  392. Opposite reactions to loss incentive by young and older adults: Insights from diffusion modeling.
  393. Toward controlling of a pandemic: How self-control ability influences willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine
  394. Be happy: navigating normative issues in behavioral and well-being public policy
  395. The preference survey module: A validated instrument for measuring risk, time, and social preferences
  396. The Trolley Problem