Prime attributes in DBMS

Prime attributes

Attributes of the database tables which are candidate keys of the database tables are called prime attributes.

Example of Prime attributes

As we can see in the figure, Registratin_no and Rollno are the candidate keys, so both of these are primary attributes of the table.

Prime attributes and Non-Prime attributes in database

Non-prime attributes

Attributes of the database tables which do not exist in any of the possible candidate keys of the database tables are called non-prime attributes.

Example of Non-Prime attributes

As we can see in the figure, Registratin_no and Rollno are the candidate keys, and all other keys are not candidate keys, so all other keys(attribute) are non-prime attributes of the table.

Difference between Non-prime attributes and Non-Key attributes?

There is no difference because both are the same. The non-prime attributes also called Non-Key attributes.
keys in database DBMS - Comparsion

Video Lecture

difference prime and non-prime attributes with examples.
the prime attribute in DBMS.
non-key attribute and key attribute.
identifies the prime and non-prime attributes from the given functional dependencies.