Microprocessor and computer architecture MCQs Quizlet
Microprocessor and computer architecture MCQs Quizlet
1. A dedicated computer is a computer that is assigned with …
a) only one task at a time
b) multiple task at a time
c) used by multiple person
d) none of these
2. Interrupts initiated by I/O devices are basically
a) external
b) internal
c) intrinsic
d) none of these
3. Which operations are performed by microprograms?
a) read
b) execute
c) right
d) read and execute
4. Where the operand is placed in the immediate addressing?
a) after OP code
b) before OP code
c) in CPU register
d) none of these
5. Which computer program is used to convert whole program into the machine lagnuage at a time ?
a) simulator
b) compiler
c) interpreter
d) commander
6. Which one of the operation is implemented by pipeline?
a) fetch array
b) code instruction
c) execute instruction
d) none of these
7. SRAM’s can be used as
a) caches
b) registers
c) buffer
d) TLB’s
8. Why we use higher order bits of addressess?
a) specify table address
b) specify row address
c) specify column address
d) none of these
9. Multiplexed signals of the controller are splitted as …
a) RAS and CAS
b) CAS and NAS
c) MAS and PAS
d) EAS and RAC
10. A program is divided into parts for the ease of execution named as …
a) fragments
b) segments
c) pages
d) sheets
11. The binary address issued to the instructions and data is known as …
a) location address
b) physical address
c) logical address
d) none of these
12. MMU stands for
a) Memory Management Unit
b) Memory Model Unit
c) Memory Manipulation Unit
d) none of these