Computer Architecture MCQs Quiz
Computer Architecture MCQs Quiz
1. Which registers of the processor are connected to Memory Bus?
D. Both PC and MAR
2. What is a collection of 8 bits called?
A. Byte
B. Word
C. Record
D. None of these
3. What does ISP stand for?
A. Interchange Standard Protocol
B. Interrupt Service Procedure
C. Instruction Set Processor
D. Information Standard Processing
4. What is the ascending order of a data Hierarchy?
A. Bytes -bit – record – field – file – database
B. Bytes – bit- field – record – file – database
C. Bit – bytes – record – field – file – database
D. Bit – bytes – fields – record – file – database
5. Internal components of the processor are connected by:
A. Rambus
B. Processor bus
C. Processor intra-connectivity circuitry
D. Memory bus
6. How much address lines are required to address each memory location in a 2048 x 4 memory chip?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 6
D. 14
7. What is used to choose between incrementing the PC or performing ALU operations?
A. Control unit
B. Conditional codes
C. Multiplexer
D. None of these
8. What is a computer program called that converts an entire program into machine language at one time?
A. Simulator
B. Interpreter
C. Commander
D. Compiler
9. The interconnection between ALU & Registers is collectively known as:
A. Information path
B. Data path
C. Process route
D. Information trail
10. Where does the operand is placed in immediate addressing?
A. After OP code in the instruction
B. In the CPU register
C. In stack
D. In memory
11. What is used to store data in registers?
A. JK flip-flop
B. RS flip-flop
C. D flip-flop
D. None of these
12. What are the interrupts which are initiated by an I/O drive?
A. Software
B. External
C. Internal
D. All of these