Geography MCQs From Books Chapters

Geography MCQs From Books Chapters

1. The spots of sun bring a little_____in the solar constant?
A. Dark
B. Change
C. Dim
D. None of these

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2. Katabaic winds are fed by large pools of very_____air that collect above highland?
A. Cold
B. Hot
C. Cool
D. All of these

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3. With the help of relative humidity date Meteorologists are able to make forcast of the_____?
A. Climate
B. Temperature
C. Season
D. Weather

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4. Land mass is heated and cooled more____to a greater degree than water?
A. Shortly
B. Slowly
C. Rapidly
D. High

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5. A light breeze has different velocity of from_____on hour?
A. 10 TO 16 KM/H
B. 20 TO 400 KM/H
C. 15 TO 480 KM/H
D. 25 TO 400 KM/H

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6. Relative humidity is found at the equater is_____?
A. High
B. Maximum
C. Minimum
D. Low

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7. Greater extremes of temperature are felt over the_____?
A. Rivers
B. Oceans
C. Land
D. Earth

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8. In tornadoes, the valocity is often as much as_____?
A. 160 TO 320KM/H
B. 24 TO 400KM/H
C. 28 TO 480KM/H
D. 32 TO 400KM/H

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9. The changes in seasonal distribution of relative humidity is according to_____?
A. Axis
B. Poles
C. Magnitude
D. Lattitude

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10. Warms currents raise the temperatures of the_____areas?
A. Western
B. Coastal
C. Southern
D. All of these

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