Irrigation MCQs of Geography
Let us see the Irrigation MCQs of Geography.
1. In our country, the semi-arid percentage is 40% and the arid percentage is?
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 30%
D. 20%
2. The situation of crop growing well
A. cared
B. irrigated
C. wilted
D. none of these
3. In crop the most essential element is?
A. fertilizer
B. water
C. soil
D. humidty
4. Which crop need most water?
A. rice and maize
B. rice and wheat
C. maize and other grains
D. none of these
5. The method to provide water through pipelines and tube well this method is known as?
A. fertilization
B. aggregation
C. irrigation
D. pollination
6. After evaporation the salt remains over soil this is known as?
A. salivation
B. dehydration
C. hydration
D. none of these
7. The preferable for borrow pits where it is located is called?
A. field on the right side of the canal
B. field on the left side of the canal
C. central half-width of the section of the canal
D.A & B both
8. The irrigation canal can be generally aligned along?
A. valley line
B. straight line
C. rigid line
D. contour line
9. Which one is incorrect option?
A. once the width of the flume becomes 2/3rd of the width of the distributary, the displayed walls are increased to 1 in 3 to get full bed width
B. side walls of venture head flume are displayed out from the end of the throat at 1:10 for a length of 4.5 m
C. length of side walls should be such that the width of the flume is made equal to 2/3rd the bed width of the distributary
D. none of these
10. The difference in the level between the top of the bank and canal is called,
A. freeboard
B. berm
C. height of the bank
D. none of the above
11. Removing the waterlogging of land is called?
A. to increase outflow from the groundwater reservoir
B. to increase the soil fertility
C. Both A & B
D. none of these
12. Irrigation engineering defined as?
A. the engineering of controlling and harnessing the various natural sources of water, by the construction of dams, canals and finally distributing the water to the agricultural fields
B. the process of artificially supplying water to soil for raising crops
C. a science of planning and designing an efficient and economic irrigation system
D. none of these
13. The p-H value of water in the irrigation process is known as?
A. between 3 and 6
B. between 8.5 and 11
C. between 6 and 8.5
D.A & B both
14. The Super fluous-water is also known as?
A. gravitational water
B. hygroscopic water
C. capillary water
D.none of these
15. Surface aggregation is then subdivided into
A. 1
Ans: ]
16. In which city the tank water system is common,
A. utter Pradesh
B. mahrashter
C. Madhya pardesh
D. none of these