Euclidean distance in data mining

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: December 26, 2023

What is the Euclidean distance?

Euclidean distance is a technique used to find the distance/dissimilarity among objects.


Shah zeb695


Euclidean distance (sameed, sameed) = SQRT ((X1 – X2)2 + (Y1 -Y2)2 ) = 0

Euclidean distance (sameed, sameed) = SQRT ((10 – 10)2 + (90 -90)2) = 0

Here note that (90-95) = -5 and when we take sqaure of a negative number then it will be a positive number. For example, (-5)2 = 25

Euclidean distance (sameed, shah zeb) = SQRT ((10 – 6)2 + (90 -95)2) = 6.40312

Euclidean distance (shah zeb, sameed) = SQRT ((10 – 6)2 + (90 -95)2) = 6.40312

Euclidean distance (sameed, sameed) = SQRT ((10 – 10)2 + (90 -90)2) = 0

Euclidean Distance is given below;

SameedShah zeb
Shah zeb6.403120

Download Excel File Calculations

This file contains the Euclidean distance of the data after the min-max, decimal scaling, and Z-Score normalization.

Click Here to Download 

Euclidean distance after the min-max, decimal scaling, and Z-Score normalization

Let’s see the “Euclidean distance after the min-max, decimal scaling, and Z-Score normalization”.

Euclidean distance Calculations in excel after normalization - min max, z score and decimal scaling

Video Lecture

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