Data Mining MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: August 6, 2024

1: Which of the following applied on warehouse?

a) write only

b) read only

c) both a & b

d) none of these

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2: Data can be store , retrive and updated in …



c) FTP


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3: Which of the following is a good alternative to the star schema?

a) snow flake schema

b) star schema

c) star snow flake schema

d) fact constellation

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4: Patterns that can be discovered from a given database are which type…

a) More than one type

b) Multiple type always

c) One type only

d) No specific type

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5:Background knowledge is…

a) It is a form of automatic learning.

b) A neural network that makes use of a hidden layer

c) The additional acquaintance used by a learning algorithm to facilitate the learning process

d) None of these

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6: Which of the following is true for Classification?

a) A subdivision of a set

b) A measure of the accuracy

c) The task of assigning a classification

d) All of these

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7: Data mining is?

a) time variant non-volatile collection of data

b) The actual discovery phase of a knowledge

c) The stage of selecting the right data

d) None of these

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8: ——- is not a data mining functionality?

A) Clustering and Analysis

B) Selection and interpretation

C) Classification and regression

D) Characterization and Discrimination

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9: Which of the following can also applied to other forms?

a) Data streams & Sequence data

b) Networked data

c) Text & Spatial data

d) All of these

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10:Which of the following is general characteristics or features of a target class of data?

a) Data selection

b) Data discrimination

c) Data Classification

c) Data Characterization

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11: ——– is the out put of KDD…

a) Query

b) Useful Information

c) Data

d) information

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12: What is noise?

a) component of a network

b) context of KDD and data mining

c) aspects of a data warehouse

d) None of these

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Data mining is a tool for allowing users to find the hidden relationships in data. True/False

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13. Firms that are engaged in sentiment mining are analyzing data collected from?

A. social media sites.
B. in-depth interviews.
C. focus groups.
D. experiments.
E. observations.

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A. social media sites.

14. Which of the following forms of data mining assigns records to one of a predefined set of classes?

(A). Classification

(B). Clustering

(C). Both A and B

(D). None

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(B). Clustering

15. What are the two main objectives associated with data mining?

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to find hidden patterns and trends are the two main objectives associated with data mining

16. The learning which is used to find the hidden pattern in unlabeled data is called?

(A). Unsupervised learning

(B). Supervised learning

(C). Reinforcement learning

Answer : (A). Unsupervised learning

17. Select the correct statement about the Adaptive system management.

(A). Science of making machines performs tasks that would require intelligence when performed by humans

(B). Takes some value as input and shows some values as an output.

(C). Both a and b

(D).  get the benefit from machine-learning. The program performs the process of learning by past experience. This experience is helpful in  adapting themselves to new problems

Answer(D).  get the benefit from machine-learning. The program performs the process of learning by past experience. This experience is helpful in  adapting themselves to new problems

18. The learning which is the example of Self-organizing maps?

(A). Reinforcement learning

(B). Supervised learning

(C). Unsupervised learning

(D). Missing data imputation

Ans: (C). Unsupervised learning

19. According to storks’ population size, find the total number of babies from the following example of predicting the number of babies.

(A). feature

(B). outcome

(C). attribute

(D). observation

Answer: (B). outcome

20. Which of the following is not belong to data mining?

(A). Knowledge extraction

(B). Data transformation

(C). Data exploration

(D). Data archaeology

Answer: (B). Data transformation

21. The learning which is used for inferring a model from labeled training data is called?

(A). Unsupervised learning

(B). Reinforcement learning

(C). Supervised learning

Answer : (C). Supervised learning

22. Which of the following is the right approach to Data Mining?

(A). Infrastructure, exploration, analysis, exploitation, interpretation

(B). Infrastructure, exploration, analysis, interpretation, exploitation

(C). Infrastructure, analysis, exploration, interpretation, exploitation

(D). None of these

Answer: (B). Infrastructure, exploration, analysis, interpretation, exploitation

23. Which of the following terms is used as a synonym for data mining?

(A). knowledge discovery in databases

(B). data warehousing

(C). regression analysis

(D). parallel processing in databases

Answer: (A)

24. Firms that are engaged in sentiment mining are analyzing data collected from
(A). experiments.
(B). social media sites.
(C). focus groups.
(D). in-depth interviews.
(E). observations.
(F). None of these
Answer: B. social media sites.

25. which of the following conditions is essential for data mining to work?

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