Computer Architecture Important Question Answers

Computer Architecture Important Question Answers

1. What is the goal of a compiler?
A. Be versatile
B. Be able to detect even the smallest of errors
C. Reduce the clock cycles for a programming task
D. Reduce the size of the object code

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2. In every cache valid bit is associated with _________:
A. Each memory word in a cache
B. One bit with all memory words
C. Each memory byte in the cache
D. None of these

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3. What does SPEC stand for?

A. System Performance Evaluation Corporation
B. Standard Processing Enhancement Corporation
C. Standard Performance Evaluation Code
D. System Processing Enhancing Code

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4. The function K=J in J-K flip-flop is used to realize ___________:
A. T flip-flop
B. Master-slave flip-flop
C. D flip-flop
D. S-R flip-flop

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5. What is the reference system to find the performance of a system As of 2000?
C. Ultra SPARC 10
D. None of these

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6. How many output lines an encoder has?
A. 2*n
B. n*n
C. 2
D. n

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7. Where does the instruction gets stored during a looping operation?
A. System Heap
B. System Stack
C. Registers
D. Cache

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8. How many bits does ASCII code require for alphabet character?
A. 8
B. 7
C. 10
D. 12

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9. What is the clock period of a processor clock if it is rated as 1250 million cycles per second?
A. 8 * 10-10 sec
B. 1.25 * 10-10 sec
C. 1.6 * 10-9 sec
D. 1.9 * 10-10 sec

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10. What one is the basic limitation of FSM?
A. An FSM sometimes recognize grammars that are not regular
B. It sometimes fails to recognize grammar that is regular
C. An FSM can remember the arbitrary large amount of information
D. All of the above comments are true

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11. What does CISC stand for?
A. Complex Instruction Set Computer
B. Complex Instruction Sequential Compilation
C. Complete Instruction Sequential Compilation
D. Computer Integrated Sequential Compiler

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12. The hexadecimal equivalent of a binary number 10101111 is:
A. 9E
B. 8C
D. All of these

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