By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022


Store Management System Project


The utility store management system is customized the helpful software. Utility store Management System will have the ability to track sales and available inventory, tells a store owner when it’s time to reorder and how much to purchase and Report. This project eliminates the paperwork, human faults, manual delay and speed up the process.


The Utility Store Management System’s objective is to manage a shop and its marketing which is a huge task. Through the considerable amount of time used by the automated system, the end-users day to day job of managing the shop will be reduced. The system will take care of all the transactions of customers in a quick time. The users will consume less amount of time as compared to manual/paperwork through the automated system.

Data storing is easier. Paperwork will be reduced and the user spends more time on monitoring the progress. The system is user-friendly and easy to use. All the important data will be stored in the database and it avoids any miscalculation.

Proposed System

Our proposed system is the Utility Store Management System the system will manage the tasks of the shop and its marketing.

This system can be used to store the details of the inventory, update the inventory based on the sale details, produce receipts for sales, generate sales and inventory reports periodically, etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component (used by salespersons, sales managers inventory managers, etc.) and the admin component (used by the administrators for performing admin level functions such as adding new items to the inventory, changing the price of an item etc.). This system runs on multiple terminals, offers a GUI interface to its users and connects to a common database.

This system will helpful computerize the scheduled events and also very helpful in calculating the bill without any miscalculation. The reports can be checked depending on by Customers, by Payment Due, by Item, by Days, by Month and by Year.



  • Employee Registration

When a new employee will join the company, his record will be saved in the database. The only admin can manage the account of employees.

  • Customer Profile

The customer profile contains the records of customers.


  • Product’s Category

A new product category can be easily added to the present list of products by admin or by employees. Employees can easily find products that exist in a specific category.

  • Product

A new product can be easily added to the present list of products by admin or employees. Also, the product name can be edited if necessary. Along with this, any outdated product can easily be deleted which seems no profit.

  • Invoice Configuration

In inventory configuration, all properties of inventory like inventory name, description, and its price are set. Picture of inventory can also be set in inventory configuration.


  • Invoice Generation

When a customer buys one or more products a separate invoice bill is generated for the customer. Invoice can also be export on external MS excel file

  • Indent Report

Here data will be available to know about the products sold by Customers, by Payment Due, by Item, by Days, by Month and by Year and this report can be used for future verification purpose.

  • Payment and Payment Due

Any customer who doesn’t pay the full amount after the delivery of products will be entered and the balance amount will be stored in the database.

  • Sales

Any person who wishes to buy one or more products, directly by visiting the shop is also possible and a separate bill can be generated.


Items quantities are set in a stock module.

Expected Outcome

This system will help to computerize the scheduled events and also very helpful in calculating the bill without any miscalculation. The reports can be checked depending on by Customers, by Payment Due,  by Item, by Days, by Month and by Year

The expected outcomes that can be achieved for the system are given below

  • Sales Forecasting
  • Sales Planning
  • Production Requirement Planning
  • Maintaining a balance between inventory
  • Keeping track of product sales and inventory levels
  • Cost Savings can be achieved with this system
    • This software helps companies cut expenses by minimizing the number of unnecessary parts and products in storage. It also helps companies keep lost sales to a minimum by having enough stock on hand to meet demand.
  • Warehouse organization
    • If certain products are often sold together or are more popular than others, those products can be grouped together or placed near the delivery area to speed up the process of picking
    • Tools & Technology
      • Utility Store Management System for Utility Store Corporation Phatomand Branch (franchise), Gujranwala will be developed using
        • C#.NET Framework 4.5
        • Visual Studio 2013 Professional
        • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 database on the back end
        • SAP Crystal Reports for .NET Framework (for creating reports)
        • MS Excel (show report)

Functional Requirements of UTILITY STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Project

The functional requirements of the proposed system are listed below.

  • Admin/Employee will login with his account.
  • Customers purchase products and the report will generate.
  • Only Admin will manage all the accounts of employees.
  • Admin/Employee will manager record and update the system.
  • Admin/Employee will manage all records of the store.
  • The graph will show the number of sales on the basis of months.

Use Case Description of Store Management System Project

Click here to read the Use Case description of Store Management System Project.

Test Cases of Store Management System Project (Testing)

Click here to read the Test Cases of Store Management System Project (Testing).

Class Diagram and Domain Model of Store Management System Project

Click here to read the Class Diagram and Domain Model of Store Management System Project.

Sequence Diagram of Store Management System Project

Click here to view the Sequence Diagram of Store Management System Project is today’s topic of discussion in this post.

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