Use Cases of Store Management System Project

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Use Cases description of Store Management System Project

Store Management System Project

Use Cases description of Store Management System Project is today topic of discussion in this post.

If you want to read the SRS and full documentation of this project, then click here.

Use Cases 1: Add Category, Products, and Configuration:

Use Case Name:                     Master entry
Purpose:                                 To manage products, category and configuration to items.
Scope:                                     System
Priority:                                  High
Primary actor:                       Employee
Secondary actor:                   Admin
Input parameters:                 Send Leave, enter products, category and configuration items.
Output parameters:              Leave sending notification and update details.
Precondition:                         Input parameters must be the inappropriate format. All input parameters must be given.
Post-condition:                       If successful, a confirmation is sent to the user for successful updating.
Successful scenario:             1. Employees enter product names.
2. Employee enter product id.
3. Employee updates products.
4. Employee enter category name.
5. Employee configuration to items.
4. The two parameters are checked against stored values in database.
5. Try to save it
6. If its saves then this scenario is successful.

Exceptions:                          Any parameters are missing. Parameters are incorrect.
Additional remarks:           A page may be displayed after a successful scenario.


Use Cases 2: Invoicing                     

Use Case name:                      Sale
Purpose:                                 To manage sales order, entry and generate report.
Scope:                                     System
Priority:                                  High
Primary actor:                       Employee
Secondary actor:                   Admin
Input parameters:                 Send Leave, and update sales details.
Output parameters:              Leave sending notification and update details.
Precondition:                         Input parameters must be in appropriate format.
All input parameters must be      given.

If successful, a confirmation is sent to the user for successful updating.
Successful scenario:              

1. Employ inputs to the data.
2. The parameters are validated for format and completeness.
3. The parameters are checked against stored values in the database.
4. Try to save it
5. If it saves then this scenario is successful.
6: Send leave.
7: Result display.
8: Update store detail.
9: If saved then result in shows.


Exceptions:                          Any parameters are missing. Parameters are incorrect.
Additional remarks:           A page may be displayed after a successful scenario.

Use Cases 3: Stock

Use Case Name:                    Stock
Purpose:                                 To manage stock, inward and outward material and waste material.
Scope:                                     System
Priority:                                  High
Primary actor:                       Employee
Secondary actor:                   Admin
Input parameters:                 Send Leave, and update store details.
Output parameters:              Leave sending notification and updating details.

Input parameters must be in appropriate format.
Leave sending process appropriate.
All input parameters must be given.
Post-condition:                       If successful, a confirmation is sent to the employee for successful updating.
Successful scenario:             1. Employ inputs the data.
2. The parameters are validated for format and completeness.
3. The parameters are checked against stored values in the database.
4. Try to save it
5. If it saves then this scenario is successful.
6: Send leave.
7: Result display
8: Update store detail.
9: If saved then result in shows.

Any parameters are missing. Parameters are incorrect.
Additional remarks:           Update Record may be displayed after successful scenario.

Use Cases 4: Customer Profile Entry

Use Case name:                        Customer entry
Purpose:                                 To enter new customer (name, id, address) in database.
Scope:                                     System
Priority:                                  High
Primary actor:                       Employee
Secondary actor:                   Admin
Input parameters:                 Send Leave, and update customer details.
Output parameters:              Leave sending notification and updating details.
Precondition:                         Input parameters must be in appropriate format.
Leave sending process appropriate.
All input parameters must be given.
Post-condition:                       If successful, a confirmation is sent to the employ for successful updating.
Successful scenario:             1. Employee inputs the data.
2. The parameters are validated for format and completeness.
3. The parameters are checked against stored values in database.
4. Employee updates the customer profile.
5. If its saves then this scenario is successful.
6: Send leave.
7: Result display
8: Update customer detail.
9: If saved then result shows.
Exceptions:                          Any parameters are missing. Parameters are incorrect.
Additional remarks:           Update Record may be displayed after successful scenario.

Use Cases 5: Employ Registration

Use Case name:                     Employee registration
Purpose:                                 To enter new employ  (name, id, address) in database.
Scope:                                     System
Priority:                                  High
Primary actor:                       Admin
Secondary actor:                   Admin
Input parameters:                 Send Leave, and update customer details.
Output parameters:              Leave sending notification and updating details.
Precondition:                         Input parameters must be in appropriate format.
Leave the sending process appropriate.
All input parameters must be given.
Post-condition:                       If successful, a confirmation is sent to the admin for successful updating
Successful scenario:             1. Admin inputs the data.
2. The parameters are validated for format and completeness.
3. The parameters are checked against stored values in the database.
4.Admin update the customer profile.
5. If its saves then this scenario is successful.
6: Send leave.
7: Result display
8: Update customer detail.
9: If saved then result shows.
Exceptions:                          Any parameters are missing. Parameters are incorrect.
Additional remarks:           Update Record may be displayed after successful scenario.

Use Cases 6: Customer Payment                

Use Case name:                     Customer Payment
Purpose:                                 To manage Customer, vendor             payments and due payments.
Scope:                                     System
Priority:                                  High
Primary actor:                       Employee
Secondary actor:                   Admin
Input parameters:                 Send Leave, customer payment and due payment.
Output parameters:              Leave sending notification, customer payment and update due payment.
Precondition:                         Input parameters must be in appropriate format.
                                                Leave sending process appropriate.
All input parameters must be given.
Post-condition:                       If successful, a confirmation is sent to the employ for successful updating.
Successful scenario:             1. Employ inputs the data.
2. The parameters are validated for format and completeness.
3. The parameters are checked against stored values in database.
4. Try to save it
5. If its saves then this scenario is successful.
6: Send leave.
7: Result display
8: Enter payment record and save
9: If saved then result shows.
Exceptions:                          Any parameters are missing. Parameters are incorrect.
Additional remarks:           Update Record may be displayed after successful scenario.

If you want to read the SRS and full documentation of this project, then click here.

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