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Spark MCQs

General Apache Spark
What is Apache Spark primarily used for?
a) Data visualization
b) Large-scale data processing
c) Web development
d) Network security
Answer: b) Large-scale data processing

Which of the following is a core component of Apache Spark?
b) Spark SQL
c) Flume
d) Sqoop
Answer: b) Spark SQL

What programming languages does Apache Spark support?
a) Java and Python only
b) Java, Python, and R only
c) Java, Scala, Python, R, and SQL
d) JavaScript, Ruby, and C++
Answer: c) Java, Scala, Python, R, and SQL

What is the primary data abstraction in Apache Spark?
a) DataFrame
b) RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)
c) Dataset
d) HDFS File
Answer: b) RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)

What does the SparkContext object do in a Spark application?
a) Manages the Spark SQL queries
b) Connects the application to the Spark cluster
c) Handles machine learning tasks
d) Manages data visualization
Answer: b) Connects the application to the Spark cluster

Spark SQL
Which of the following allows you to run SQL queries on data stored in Spark?
a) Spark Streaming
b) Spark SQL
c) Spark MLib
d) Spark Core
Answer: b) Spark SQL

What is a DataFrame in Spark?
a) A distributed collection of data organized into named columns
b) A real-time data processing tool
c) A machine learning library
d) A distributed data storage system
Answer: a) A distributed collection of data organized into named columns

How do you create a DataFrame from a JSON file in Spark?
b) spark.createDataFrame(“path_to_json”)
c) spark.load.json(“path_to_json”)
d) spark.sql.json(“path_to_json”)
Answer: a)“path_to_json”)

Which method is used to register a DataFrame as a SQL temporary view?
a) createTempView()
b) registerTempTable()
c) createView()
d) registerView()
Answer: a) createTempView()

How do you execute an SQL query on a DataFrame in Spark?
a) spark.sql(“SQL_QUERY”)
b) df.sql(“SQL_QUERY”)
c) sql.execute(“SQL_QUERY”)
d) sqlContext.sql(“SQL_QUERY”)
Answer: a) spark.sql(“SQL_QUERY”)

Spark Streaming
What is Apache Spark Streaming used for?
a) Batch processing
b) Real-time data processing
c) Data storage
d) Machine learning
Answer: b) Real-time data processing

How do you create a DStream from a TCP source in Spark Streaming?
a) streamingContext.socketTextStream(“hostname”, port)
b) streamingContext.textStream(“hostname”, port)
c) streamingContext.readStream(“hostname”, port)
d) streamingContext.streamText(“hostname”, port)
Answer: a) streamingContext.socketTextStream(“hostname”, port)

What is a DStream in Spark Streaming?
a) Discretized Stream
b) Distributed Stream
c) Data Stream
d) Digital Stream
Answer: a) Discretized Stream

How frequently can Spark Streaming batches be processed?
a) Every second
b) Every minute
c) Every hour
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

Which library in Spark is used for integrating with streaming data sources like Kafka and Flume?
a) Spark SQL
b) Spark MLib
c) Spark Streaming
d) Spark GraphX
Answer: c) Spark Streaming

Spark MLib (Machine Learning)
What is Spark MLib?
a) A machine learning library for Spark
b) A real-time data processing library for Spark
c) A graph processing library for Spark
d) A data storage library for Spark
Answer: a) A machine learning library for Spark

Which method is used to train a machine learning model in Spark MLib?
a) fit()
b) train()
c) model()
d) learn()
Answer: a) fit()

How do you create a pipeline in Spark MLib?
a) Pipeline()
b) createPipeline()
c) MLPipeline()
d) PipelineModel()
Answer: a) Pipeline()

What is a transformer in Spark MLib?
a) An algorithm that transforms a DataFrame into another DataFrame
b) An algorithm that stores data in memory
c) An algorithm that reduces the data size
d) An algorithm that cleans the data
Answer: a) An algorithm that transforms a DataFrame into another DataFrame

Which of the following is a classification algorithm in Spark MLib?
a) Linear Regression
b) Logistic Regression
c) K-Means Clustering
d) PageRank
Answer: b) Logistic Regression

Spark General Operations
How do you cache a DataFrame in Spark?
a) df.cache()
d) df.persist()
Answer: a) df.cache()

What does the collect() action do in Spark?
a) Returns all the elements of the dataset as an array to the driver
b) Caches the dataset
c) Saves the dataset to HDFS
d) Filters the dataset based on a condition
Answer: a) Returns all the elements of the dataset as an array to the driver

Which method is used to reduce the number of partitions in an RDD?
a) repartition()
b) coalesce()
c) reducePartitions()
d) minimizePartitions()
Answer: b) coalesce()

How do you stop a SparkSession?
a) spark.stop()
b) spark.shutdown()
c) spark.terminate()
d) spark.close()
Answer: a) spark.stop()

What is the default storage level in Spark when you call the cache() method?
Answer: a) MEMORY_ONLY

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  1. Data Preprocessing MCQs
  2. Data Warehousing and OLAP MCQs
  3. Association Rule Learning MCQs
  4. Classification
  5. Clustering
  6. Regression MCQs
  7. Anomaly Detection MCQs
  8. Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) MCQs
  9. Web Mining MCQs
  10. Sequential Pattern Mining MCQs
  11. Time Series Analysis MCQs

Data Mining Algorithms and Techniques MCQs

  1. Frequent Itemset Mining MCQs
  2. Dimensionality Reduction MCQs
  3. Ensemble Methods MCQs
  4. Data Mining Tools and Software MCQs
  5. Python  Programming for Data Mining MCQs (Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn)
  6. R Programming for Data Mining(dplyr, ggplot2, caret) MCQs
  7. SQL Programming for Data Mining for Data Mining MCQs
  8. Big Data Technologies MCQs
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