Queuing diagram for the seven-state process model

Queuing diagram for the seven-state process model

Let us see the Queuing diagram for the seven-state process model.

7 States of process Model

Seven state process model has the following states;

  1. New.
  2. Ready.
  3. Running.
  4. Blocked.
  5. Blocked Suspended.
  6. Ready Suspended.
  7. Exit.

queuing diagram for the seven state process model os


When the process is newly created.


When the process is created, and ready to run.

Ready Suspend

When the process leaves the ready state and suspended.


When the process is blocked after running state.

Blocked Suspend

When the process is blocked and also suspended.


When the process is running on the CPU.


Process Leaves the CPU and RAM.

Where do schedulers fit in the 7-state process model?

The schedule and dispatcher are in the 7-state process model after ready and before running state.

Download Slides (Powerpoint Presentation) and PDF of Process Model

  1. Download Two states, Five state and 7 state process model Slides Presentation
  2. Download Two states, Five states and 7 state process model PDF File

Important Question of 5 state process model

Where we save the states of the process?

PCB is used to save the states of the processes.

You must know the 7 state diagram in os | queuing diagram for the seven-state process model | five state process model in operating system ppt | implementation of the process in os | explain the different process states.

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