Test Cases of Store Management System Project (Testing)

Test Cases of Store Management System Project (Testing)

Store Management System Project

The test case generation of Store Management System Project is today’s topic of discussion in this post.

If you want to read the SRS and full documentation of this project, then click here.


Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 1
Date: 02-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this test insure that the user can log in with his id to use this app.
Pre-Req: The user enters his correct name and password for a successful login page.
Test Data: sname, sid, spassword
Steps: The steps are below.

  1. visit Login Page
  2. enter UserId
  3. enter password
  4. click login
  5. recovery password
  6. change password
  7. keep login
Status: Pass

Main form

Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 2
Date: 03-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to make sure that the design of the front page of the app is consistent and readable.
Pre-Req: The main activity of the app should be up and running.
Test Data: none (test is just visual test)
Steps: Following steps will take place in the test

  1. Latest orders
  2. Top customers
  3. Recent products
  4. Recent customers
  5. Graph by amount and order
  6. Graph by day/month/year
Status: Pass

Employ Records

Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 3
Date: 03-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this test for registered employ by his name, password, email, and mobile number for use this app and work on the app.
Pre-Req: Employ sure that login with his name and id to use this app.
Test Data: none (test is just visual test)
Steps: Step formatting rules below.

  1. enter employ name
  2. enter employ password
  3. enter employ email
  4. enter employ a mobile number
Status: Pass

Category Record

Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 4
Date: 04-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this testing to insert, update, delete and view category.
Pre-Req: The user enter category by its correct name.
Test Data:  


Steps: Step formatting rules below.

  1. open the category form
  2. insert the category name of items
  3. update the category name of items
  4. delete the category name of items
  5. insert the category name of items
  6. view the category names
  7. Export the category records to MS Excel.
Status: Pass

Customer Record

Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 5
Date: 05-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this testing to registered the new customer by his name, address, id number and phone number for sales items.
Pre-Req: The user can easily search customer by name with all data.
Test Data: Scustmrname, scsutmradress, scustmrmblnumer, scustmremail
Steps: Step formatting rules below.

1.      automatically generate customer-id

2.      enter the customer name

3.      enter customer address

4.      enter customer id number

5.      enter customer city

6.      enter customer mobile number

7.      enter customer email

Status: Pass


Items Record And Configuration

Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 6
Date: 05-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this testing to enter item code, name and price and also can modify name and price of items.
Pre-Req: Employ can search items by name and code.
Test Data: none (test is just visual test)
Steps: Step formatting rules below.

  1. insert items code
  2. insert items name with price
  3. update items name or price
  4. delete items name
Status: Pass

Sales and Report

Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 7
Date: 05-01-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this testing to sales items with discount and print invoice of sales.
Pre-Req: The user can check records for recent or old sales by report or data.
Test Data: none (test is just visual test)


Steps: Step formatting rules below.

  1. sales  items with  quantity
  2. discount to customer
  3. payment due
  4. print crystal report of sales
  5. print excel report of sales
Status: Pass


Test Engineer: Here, you can mention the Name of the test engineer
Test Case ID: 8
Date: 05-09-2014
Purpose: The purpose of this test for check quantities of items in which user can modify items day by day.
Pre-Req: The user can see the quantities are below in the range or above in the range.
Test Data: None
Steps: Step formatting rules below.

  1. set the quantities of items
  2. update the quantities of items
  3. delete the quantities of  items
  4. if quantities less than 200 than message show with yellow color
  5. if quantities equal to zero than message show with red color
Status: Pass

If you want to read the SRS and full documentation of this project, then click here.