Shamil’s Memory table
Simple programs
C++ Program to input marks of subjects and show percentage, and grade
Program to convert temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit in c++ and C with flowchart
if-else programs
Write a C++ program to input the day number and print the weekday by using the if-else statement.
Program to find the positive and negative number
Program to find the positive and negative number
C++ program to input the basic salary of an employee and calculate its Gross salary
C++ program to check whether a character is an alphabet, digit, or special character
Program to calculate the bill in c++
For loop programs
C++ program to show a table of a number
do-while loop
C++ Program to Display English Alphabets from A-Z
Sum of the first 10 natural numbers program in C++
Array with for loops
Program to insert an element in an array at a specific position in C++
Program to show the Sum of Array Elements in C++
Array with nested for loops
C++ program to find the sum of each row and columns of a matrix
Array with while loops
Program in C++ to convert a decimal number into binary
User Define functions in C++
Demonstration of simple C++ program with User Define functions.