My Grocery List Mobile Application Project in Android.
Project Domain / Category
Mobile Apps
My grocery list mobile application is an Android-based mobile app that will help the consumers and end-users to buy and order their desired grocery from the grocery man. The app offers different promotions. Some of the promotions can be retailer leaflets, digital loyalty cards, and many more features.
It is your shopping assistant for your grocery shopping. With this app, you will also benefit from exclusive discounts and promotions. The app allows you to build lists from the extensive product database using text, barcode or voice search. It makes it hassle-free to shop for your favorite items.
Functional Requirements:
- The app will require user login with SMS authentication on the registered mobile number.
- Admin Users will be able to upload the grocery list and grocery items.
- The buyer will be able to view complete grocery items list wise with status available or out of stock and updated rates.
- The buyer will be able to place an order against any available item.
- Push Notification will be shown on the screen of the admin user for new order placed.
- Admin User will be able to view daily sales, daily orders list.
- The buyer will be able to see his/her order history.
- The buyer can search the items also using voice search technique.
- Android Studio\Eclipse
- SQLite\mySQL
- PHP\Java