Project Domain / Category

Web-Based Application.

Abstract / Introduction

It is completely web-based application. The main idea behind the project is to make an online Final Year Project process automation system for University, which helps the Students, Supervisor, and FYP Committee.

Manual procedure leads to lots of time-wasting because the student carrying out the project work is not updates or lead in lack of communication with the supervisor. It could make easier for supervisor and FYP Committee member that can see and check the progress of student.

In this project student will have access to a centralized portal where they will find all the information, they need to register for the FYP. The student will simply register and mention their idea along with their group members and the desired supervisor. The supervisor then sees the projects that the students have posted and then they can call the corresponding group.

Functional Requirements:

Super Admin

  • it will be single user no other super admin will exist
  • Supper admin have the ability to create committee Head and committee members.
  • Admin has authority to create Committee member
  • The Committee member will register the Supervisor/advisor/external and students through Excel file.

Create Committee Interface

  • One of the committee members will be the head (created by super admin).
  • All committee members will have the power to make a final decision.
  • From admin id create committee link is clicked through which he can create committee through name and email.
  • Committee head and 4-5 members to monitor and calendar all the exercises.
  • Committee Member upload student sheet who are eligible for FYP on portal which create n number of student account with their name and university email.

Committee ADD STUDENT Excel Sheet Interface

The committee can add bunch of students in one go with uploading excel sheet and then every individual student will be emailed with their email and password.

Login as Supervisor/Advisor Interface

  • Login as Supervisor/Advisor. Supervisor/Advisor has authority to publish his idea see other Supervisor/advisors ideas.
  • Advisors can see group ideas that don’t have any advisor yet.
  • Advisor can see groups’ requests they made to make him their advisor. This will be an accepted and rejected case.
  • If the advisor accepts then this request forward to the committee member if any of the committee members approve it then he becomes advisor.
  • If rejected, the advisor must write the reason for rejection.
  • Advisors can communicate with students

Login as Student Interface

  1. Login as Student, student can send request to other students, accept request from other students, see who he have sent request to.
  2. Student Send and View All Request GROUP CREATING.
  3. Can send request from student restricted in portal has limitation of 3 students only.
  4. Interface for request of other students that can be accepted or rejected by logged in user.
  5. Student interface for he has sent request to other students and that he can cancel.
  6. Student can view all Supervisor/advisers’ ideas


Laravel Framework or CodeIgniter, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap, firebase

Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, Use case description, scope, hard requirements, non-functional requirements, testing test cases, SRS document, design manual, and other diagrams are needed to draw for this project.