Legal protections for endangered species MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 12, 2024

Legal Protections for Endangered Species MCQs

Which international agreement aims to regulate the trade of endangered species?
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

What is the purpose of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the United States?
To protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystems they depend on.

Which agency is responsible for enforcing the Endangered Species Act in the U.S.?
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

What is the main goal of legal protections for endangered species?
To prevent extinction and promote recovery.

Which of the following is a key provision of the Endangered Species Act?
Prohibition of harming, harassing, or killing listed species.

Which law protects marine species in the United States?
The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA).

What does “critical habitat” refer to in the context of endangered species protection?
Areas essential for the conservation of a listed species.

Under CITES, what does Appendix I include?
Species that are the most endangered and threatened with extinction.

How are species added to the Endangered Species List in the U.S.?
Through a petition process or review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

What is the role of habitat conservation plans (HCPs) under the Endangered Species Act?
To allow development while protecting species’ habitats.

What does “taking” refer to under the Endangered Species Act?
Actions that harm, harass, or kill endangered species.

Which international body oversees the implementation of CITES?
The CITES Secretariat.

How does the Endangered Species Act impact land use?
It may restrict activities that harm endangered species or their habitats.

Which law protects birds migrating between the U.S. and other countries?
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

What is the main function of recovery plans for endangered species?
To outline steps needed to restore species populations.

How does CITES control international trade in endangered species?
By requiring permits for trade in listed species.

What role do state governments play in endangered species protection in the U.S.?
They can enforce additional protections beyond federal laws.

Under which circumstances can a species be removed from the Endangered Species List?
When its population has recovered and is no longer at risk of extinction.

Which legislation protects endangered species in the European Union?
The EU Habitats Directive.

What is the penalty for violating the Endangered Species Act in the U.S.?
Fines or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the violation.

How does the Marine Mammal Protection Act contribute to species conservation?
By prohibiting the hunting, capture, or harassment of marine mammals.

What is the primary goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)?
To promote the conservation of biodiversity globally.

How does the Endangered Species Act define “endangered”?
A species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Which international agreement aims to preserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable use?
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

How do legal protections help mitigate threats to endangered species?
By enforcing laws that restrict activities harmful to these species.

Which U.S. agency oversees the protection of marine species under the ESA?
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

What is the function of a species’ “recovery plan”?
To guide efforts for population stabilization and habitat restoration.

How does the Lacey Act protect endangered species?
By prohibiting the trade of illegally taken wildlife, fish, and plants.

What is required for an international trade permit under CITES for a species listed in Appendix II?
Proof that the trade will not harm the species’ survival.

Which legislation was the first to protect endangered species in the U.S.?
The Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966.

How does the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act of Thailand help endangered species?
It criminalizes hunting and trade of protected species.

What is the primary focus of the European Union’s Birds Directive?
To protect all wild bird species and their habitats in the EU.

Which U.S. law regulates the import and export of endangered species?
The Endangered Species Act (ESA).

What is the role of the IUCN in endangered species protection?
To assess species’ conservation status and provide guidelines for protection.

How does the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) protect endangered animals?
By promoting international cooperation to conserve migratory species.

What is the function of environmental impact assessments (EIAs) in endangered species protection?
To assess potential harm to species before development projects proceed.

Which law helps protect coral reefs and marine ecosystems in the U.S.?
The Coral Reef Conservation Act.

How does CITES Appendix III differ from Appendices I and II?
Appendix III includes species protected in at least one country that requests assistance in controlling trade.

How do biodiversity action plans contribute to species protection?
By outlining national strategies to conserve endangered species and habitats.

What action is prohibited under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act?
The taking, killing, or selling of migratory birds.

How does the Ramsar Convention contribute to the protection of endangered species?
By protecting important wetland habitats that support endangered species.

Which law protects endangered species in Australia?
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act).

What is a key purpose of the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act in the UK?
To regulate the trade and movement of endangered species.

What are “conservation easements” in the context of species protection?
Legal agreements that restrict land use to protect wildlife habitats.

How does the IUCN Red List support legal protections for endangered species?
By providing scientific data to inform conservation policies and laws.

What is the role of the U.S. Endangered Species Committee, also known as the “God Squad”?
To decide on exemptions to the Endangered Species Act for federal projects.

How does the African Elephant Conservation Act help protect elephants?
By funding conservation efforts and regulating ivory trade.

What is a significant feature of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) in Canada?
It provides legal protection for endangered species and their habitats.

How does the Antarctic Treaty protect endangered species in the region?
By prohibiting harmful human activities that affect wildlife in Antarctica.

What is the primary function of national parks and protected areas in species conservation?
To safeguard critical habitats and biodiversity from human activities.

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