Use Case Description of the Housing Society Management System project

Test Cases of the Housing Society Management System project

Housing Society Management System project

Let us see the Test Cases of the project of the Housing Society Management System. To read the detailed SRS and case study of the project in detail,  click here.

Test Case Title: Evaluation forms attempting validation

Test Engineer: Group members
Test Case ID: TC1
Related UC/FR/NFR UC1/FR1/NFR1
Date: 12-7-2017
Purpose: For valid outcome, and restriction to fill every form (Login, Signup,)
Pre-Req: The customer will, first of all, enter his credentials in order to get himself registered with the system.
Test Data: Foam consisting of different variables and data are tested in this test case.

A customer cannot leave a field empty.

Steps: Steps to carry out the test. See the step formatting rules below.

  1. Visit the Housing Society and Management System(HSMS) official website.
  2. click the link for the evaluation
  3. Enter the Customer name ( Required).
  4. Enter Email ( Required )
  5. Enter Password ( Required )
  6. Enter Phone ( Required )
  7. Submit
Status: Pass

 Test Case Title: Testing of Admin Panel

Test Engineer: Group members
Test Case ID: TC1
Related UC/FR/NFR UC1/FR1/NFR1
Date: 12-7-2017
Purpose: To check everything is in order because Admin has all authority.
Pre-Req: First, an Admin must be logged in to the system. (Required)
Test Data: All data and variables related to the admin panel are used in this testing. The Following major components

·         Add Property

·         Plot Allocation

·         Manage Blocks

·         Maintain Records


  1. Login, (required).
  2. Admin will add plots(Optional)
  3. Admin will Allocate Plots(Optional)
  4. Admin will manage blocks(Optional)
  5. Admin will maintain (Optional)
  6. Submit
Status: Pass

 Test Case Title: Testing of Customer Panel

Test Engineer: Group members
Test Case ID: TC1
Related UC/FR/NFR UC1/FR1/NFR1
Date: 12-7-2017
Purpose: To check the availability of functionalities for the customer.
Pre-Req: First, a user must have to Register and Login (Required).
Test Data: All data and variables related to Customer panel are used in this testing. The Following major components:

·         Property Search

·         Property Book

·         Plot Registration

·         File Transfer

·         File Cancel

  1. Login, Register (required).
  2. Customer will search the Property(optional)
  3. Customer will book the Property(optional)
  4. Admin will approve the booking request(optional)
  5. Then Plot will be allocated to the customer(optional)
  6. Customer can pay full payment(optional)
  7. Customer also can pay in installments(optional)
  8. Customer can transfer his file(if required)
  9. Customer can cancel his file(if required)
  10. Submit
Status: Pass


You can click here to read the detailed documentation and case study of the Project of the housing society management system.

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