Use Case Description of E-Utility Service Provider Project

Use Case Description of E-Utility Service Provider Project

E-Utility Service Provider Project

Let’s see the Use Case Description of the E-Utility Service Provider Project. If you are interested to read the full SRS and documentation of the project, then click here.

Use Case ID Use Case 1
Use Case name Signup Use Case
Actors Customers, Workers, Admin
Purpose To register workers and customers
Overview User can create account to order  services
Pre-Condition Users must have an internet connection and fill all essential fields.
Post-Condition User data must be created and saved in the database. All necessary fields must be filled. The system displays the home screen
Typical Course of Events  
Action of Actor  Response of System
1. The user indicates a desire to create account and enter basic information.

2. The user fills one or more input fields.

1. system creates a new user

2. All fields must be saved

                  Exceptions 1. Basic user data is incomplete.

2. User account already exists

Login Use Case

When the user wants to use this system, the user must log in first. This use case describes the process in which the user can place an order after login. A login account is used for security purposes so that any unauthorized person cannot use someone’s account. A login account is used to interact with the user and the user easily gets benefits from the application.

If the user enters an incorrect user name or password, then he will unable to login and use this application.

Use Case ID Use Case 2
Use Case name Login Use Case
Actors Customers, Workers, Admin
Purpose Allow users to the system to log in
Overview The user can enter required fields to login
Type Primary and Essential
Pre-Condition Administrators and users must be authorized. Must have registration for that application’s account.
Post-Condition Login is successful and the home screen must be displayed,
Exceptions User and Password enter incorrectly.

 Checking Location Use Case

After the order was placed worker get the location of the customer through Google maps and easily find the customer place.

Use Case ID Use Case 3
Use Case name Checking Location  Use case
Actors Workers
Purpose Easily get the location of the customer
Overview A worker can get the location of the customer
Pre-Condition The worker must register to get location of customer.
Post-Condition The worker can get the location of the customer after pressing the get location button
Exceptions User is not authorized


Service Provider Login Use Case

 A service provider that is working can log in to see his profile and requests of the customer. He can also update his profile. He has to register himself first to login.

Use Case ID Use Case 4
Use Case name Service Provider Login use case
Actors Workers
Purpose Login to see the requests of customers
Overview The worker can log in
Pre-Condition A worker must log in to see the requests of the customer.
Post-Condition A worker can see requests after login and also see his profile
Exceptions User is not authorized


If you are interested to read the full SRS and documentation of the project, then click here.