Online Patient-Doctor Portal Project in PHP or ASP.NET

Online Patient-Doctor Portal Project in PHP or ASP.NET.

Project Domain / Category

Web-based Application


The application will provide an interface through which doctors can post detail of their available free time. This information will then be visible on the website. Unregistered users can search the doctor and see details of available appointment time. In order to book an appointment with a doctor, the user first registers as a patient.

One patient cannot book two or more appointments with the same doctor on a particular date. Two or more patients cannot reserve the same appointment time with a particular doctor on a particular date. Patients and doctors can view the upcoming and previous appointment details.

Functional Requirements:

Four types of users will be using this application.


  • The application will provide the Login interface.
  • Admin can add/update/delete Doctor and Patient information.
  • Admin can view the details of all booked appointments. Doctor:
  • The application will provide the Login interface.
  • The doctor can post detail of available free time.
  • The doctor can view upcoming and previous appointment details. Patient:
  • The application will provide a registration interface.
  • The patient can log in to the system after providing registration details.
  • The patient can search for doctors and see details of available appointment time.
  • The patient can book an appointment with the doctor. One patient cannot book two or more appointments with the same doctor on a particular date. Two or more patients cannot reserve the same appointment time with a particular doctor on a particular date.
  • The patient can view upcoming and previous appointment details booked by him/her. Unregistered User:
  • An unregistered user can search for doctors and see details of available appointment time.
  • In order to book an appointment with the doctor, the user first registers as a patient.

Tools: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii