Online Agriculture Products Store Project in PHP or ASP.NET

Online Agriculture Products Store Project in PHP or ASP.NET.

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

To facilitate remote area farmers to buy agriculture products, there is a need to build an online agriculture product store. Through the Internet, customers and business owners can communicate with each other, share a different type of information and resources.

In today’s e-commerce world, different types of organizations are going to build their businesses through the Internet. For this purpose, different types of e-commerce websites are developed to sell their products and services, etc.

In this project, we will build a user-friendly website in order to buy and sell agriculture products online. The main purpose to build this store is to facilitate farmers to buy seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers from anywhere through internet connectivity.


  • Login process to allow the authentic user to access the admin panel.
  • Admin will be able to add the list of categories such as seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and so on. Admin will then add the list of items for each category. Items can be added based on their name, prices, company name, pictures of products. , the admin will have to add manufacturing and expiry date. Admin can also update and delete the categories and items.
  • Admin will be able to add/update/delete information about promotions and sales.
  • Admin can send SMS to regular customers on any promotion and Sale.
  • Admin will be able to view customer’s profiles, feedback, and reviews.
  • Admin will be able to generate Sales reports and profit on a monthly basis.
  • SMS will be sent to regular customers on any promotion and Sale.
  • Admin will confirm the order through SMS.
  • A payment receipt is also generated for customer records as well as for admin.


  • Customers will get them registered in this application and then will be able to access the website by logging into the system.
  • The customer can view/search the list of items based on their categories.
  • The customer can add the items in their Wish List., also able to edit it as per need.
  • The customer can view the feedbacks and reviews of other customers regarding any product.
  • Customers can add the product/item in the Cart and select any of three payment options Cash on delivery, Payment via Credit Card or online transfer.
  • The customer can update and conceal the order.
  • The customer can view the Sales and promotions on a website as well as via SMS.

Tools and Languages:

Visual Studio, .NET Framework, C#/Java, SQL

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii

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