Inventory Installment Plan and Management System Project in PHP

Code and documentation of Inventory Installment Plan and Management System Project in PHP

Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

The purpose of this project is to provide a platform where user can buy different products according to their desires and can avail the installment plan. With this plan, customers could purchase automobile, household appliances, homes, furniture, and other items. Essentially, installment plans allow people to buy things that they could not necessarily pay for. The company would give the buyer the product first, and then every month they would have to pay a certain amount of money until the item is paid off.



The goal of this web application is to put all the inventory available on the website with the information of installment plans. People will be able to compare different inventory and their installment plans too. Moreover, if a seller / company wants to own this website, it will be able to manage its current clients and their installment plans on the website which clients can easily view as well by logging into the website.

Functional Requirements:

  1. Search the Inventory:
    • User will be able to search the inventory By Name.
  • User will be able to search the inventory By Company.
  • User will be able to search the inventory By Price Range.
  1. User Module:
    • Users will be able to register itself.
  • Users will be able to login from login panel.
  • Users will be able to add cart into their accounts.
  • Users will be able to see their instalment plans / records.
  • Users will be able to compare actual cost of same inventory from different sellers/company.
  • User will be able to compare instalment plans for the same inventory from different sellers/company.
  • Users will be able to see their personal information as well as to edit their personal information.
  • Users will be able to Logout from the site.
  1. Apply for Installment Plan:
  • New user will be able to fill the form and apply for Instalment plan from seller / company.
  • If a user selects 5 months instalment plan, then (5% x Actual cost) or percentage can vary from company to company.
  • If a user selects 12 months instalment plan, then (12% x Actual cost) or percentage can vary from company to company.
  • User’s query will be forwarded to admin for further review.
  1. Admin View:
    • Admin will be able to login from login panel.
  • Admin will be able to accept or reject the instalment applications.
  • Admin will be able to edit the inventory.
  • Admin will be able to Logout from the site.


  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap (Front-end)
  • MYSQL (phpMyAdmin) Database
  • PHP (Server-side programming)
  • XAMPP — Web Application Server

Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, testing test cases, SRS, Design, Test phase, and final deliverable., and others are needed to draw for this project.

Angular JavaScript , xampp-win32-5.5.19-0-VC11

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii

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