Geotechnical Engineering Exam Questions Answers

Which factor causes the volume change in soil?

(A).  Water content is changed

(B).  Increase in soil density

(C).  Change in pressure

(D).  Change in particle size

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What are the results of large volume changes in clayey soils?

(A).  Increase in capillary pressure

(B).  Structural damage

(C).  Decrease in surface area

(D).  Breaking of bonds

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

The surface tension in the water becomes zero when the____

(A).  soil is fully saturated

(B).  water evaporates

(C).  soil is completely dried

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

In what soil the shrinkage is prominent?

(A).  Clay

(B).  Coarse-grained

(C).  Fine-grained

(D).  Silt

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

To determine the phreatic line, what method was suggested by Casagrande?

(A).  Graphical method

(B).  Analytical method

(C).  Experimental method

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

To draw a flow net what is necessary?

(A).  Streamline

(B).  Top Flow and Phreatic line

(C).  None of the mentioned

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is Kozney’s top flow line called?

(A).  Simple parabola

(B).  Basic and Base parabola

(C).  None of the mentioned

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Within a dam section which are lines, under those, there are positive hydrostatic pressures?

(A).  Equipotential line

(B).  Phreatic and Seepage line

(C).  None of the mentioned

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Which method can locate the phreatic line?

(A).  Graphical method

(B).  Experimental method

(C).  Analytical method

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

When the dewatering system has a number of well-points, what is considered for the simplified solution?

(A).  Linear drainage limit

(B).  Seepage analysis

(C).  Flow of water

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

Where does the discharge equation refers, given by Chapman qp=kba(H-ho)/L+EA, EA?

(A).  Extra length factor

(B).  Electric gradient

(C).  Coefficient of permeability

(D).  Efficiency of permeability of the soil

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

On which assumptions, seepage analysis is done?

(A).  The flow is laminar and the law of darcy is valid

(B).  Seepage of water

(C).  None of the mentioned

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The complete design of a dewatering system consists of what?

(A).  Spacing of wells

(B).  Penetration of wells

(C).  Pumping capacities

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

On which assumptions, the drawdown curve in the fully penetrated slot is based?

(A).  Darcy

(B).  Dupuit and Forchheimer

(C).  None of the mentioned

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Which grooving tool is used to find liquid limit?

(A).  Grooving tools

(B).  ASTM tools

(C).  All of the mentioned

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is the depth of the groove cut by the Casagrande tool to determine the liquid limit?

(A).  11.0 mm

(B).  10 mm

(C).  2 mm

(D).  8 mm

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is the central angle of the cone that is used for penetrating the soil pat?

(A).  26 degree

(B).  30 degree

(C).  31 degree

(D).  40 degree

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Where does the discharge equation refers, given by Chapman qp=kba(H-ho)/L+EA, EA?

(A).  Extra length factor

(B).  Electric gradient

(C).  Coefficient of permeability

(D).  Efficiency of permeability of the soil

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

On which assumptions, seepage analysis is done?

(A).  The flow is laminar and the law of darcy is valid

(B).  Seepage of water

(C).  None of the mentioned

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is the process of finding the liquid limit, if in a number of revolutions per second, at which the handle is rotated?

(A).  2

(B).  7

(C).  4

(D).  9

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

From the relation ____________, we calculate plastic index.

(A).  IP = WP-WL

(B).  IP=IW-IS

(C).  IP= IL-IS

(D).  IP = WL-WP

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Who developed the expression by which the discharge for an unconfined aquifer is found?

(A).  Chapman

(B).  Darcy

(C).  Dupuit

(D).  Baron

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is the Density of water that is used in the shrinkage limit test?

(A).  1/1000 g/cm3

(B).  1000 g/cm3

(C).  2 g/cm3

(D).  1 g/cm3

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

Which of the following formula defines the volume shrinkage (VS)?

(A).  VS = (WL-WS)SR

(B).  VS = (VD-VL/V(D). ×100

(C).  VS = (VL-VD/V(D). ×100

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

For fine-grained soil the dewatering system used is_____

(A).  Vacuum method

(B).  Shallow well system

(C).  Deep well system

(D).  Electro-osmosis method

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The coefficient of permeability is 6*10-7cm/s for soil with a certain liquid. What is the coefficient of permeability If the viscosity is reduced to half?

(A).  6*10-7cm/s

(B).  12*10-7cm/s

(C).  8*10-7cm/s

(D).  17*10-7cm/s

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

The void ratio_______specific gravity if a fully saturated soil mass has a water content of 100%?

(A).  less than the

(B).  equal to

(C).  greater than the

(D).  does not depend on

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

There are an orthogonal sets of curves in the actual flow net for anisotropic soil.

(A).  True

(B).  False

(C).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What will be the effective permeability of the soil for an anisotropic soil, the permeability in the vertical and horizontal direction are kx and ky respectively.

(A).  kx+ky

(B). √( kxky)

(C).   kxky

(D).  kx/ky

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

At the interface of dissimilar soils the deflection of flow lines given by ___

(A).  k1/k2=cosθ

(B).  k1/k2=tanθ1/tanθ2

(C).  k1/k2=sinθ

(D).  k1/k2=cotθ

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is the density of the mercury that is used in shrinkage limit apparatus?

(A).  13.9 g/cm3

(B).  13.2 kg/cm2

(C).  13.0 g/cm3

(D).  13.6 g/cm3

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

With which thin layer the inside of the shrinkage dish is coated?

(A).  Oil

(B).  Acid

(C).  Vaseline

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

The deflection of flow lines at the interface has θ1=30°, then θ2 will be ____If at the interface of dissimilar soils, k1=9×10-7 cm/s and k2=4×10-7 cm/s.

(A).  12.39°

(B).  14.39°

(C).  13.39°

(D).  15.39°

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

The kx is equal to _____,If the effective permeability k’ is k’ is 6*10-7cm/s and ky=4*10-7cm/s.

(A).  9*10-7cm/s

(B).  7*10-7cm/s

(C).  8*10-7cm/s

(D).  6*10-7cm/s

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is the effective permeability of the soil, If a soil mass haskx=8*10-7cm/s  and ky=4*10-7cm/s.

(A).  4.6*10-7cm/s

(B).  6.6*10-7cm/s

(C).  7.6*10-7cm/s

(D).  5.6*10-7cm/s

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

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