Exercise on Context Free Grammer CFG
Solved Exercise on CFG with solution
- Intro to Context Free Grammar with 12 Examples
- CFG of Language of all even and odd length palindromes
- Context Free Grammar CFG for language of all even length strings
- CFG for the language of all non Palindromes
- CFG for strings with unequal numbers of a and b
- CFG of odd Length strings {w | the length of w is odd}
- CFG of Language contains at least three 1’s or three a’s {w | w contains at least three 1’s}
- CFG for the language L = 0n1n where n>=1
- CFG for the language L = 0n12n where n>=1
- Write a CFG for the language L = 0n14n where n>=1
- CFG for {an b an+1 | n >=0}
- CFG for {an b an+2 | n >=0}
- CFG for {an b an+3 | n >=0}