What is Context-Free Grammar CFG?
CFG is a set of rules for automating the machine and generating the strings of a language. CFG generates a pattern of strings.
CFG has the following parts;
- Start symbol
- Set of terminal symbols
- Set of non-terminal symbols
- Set of rules
In easy words, CFG has the following parts;
- Starters
- Extraction
- Compressors
- Values
- Operators
- Terminators
Starters: Starter is the initial compressed variable. CFG have one starting point. Starters are always on left side of the CFG.
Extraction: The extract form of a compressor. The extraction can have alphabets, starters, compressors, values, operators, and terminator etc.It is represented on right side of the CFG.
Compressors: We can extract the Compressor if extraction is required.It is represented on the left side of the CFG.
Values: Value is a string or set of values combine to make a string.
Or operator: Or operator | is used to represent the or operation. For example 0 | 1 can be read as 0 or 1.
Terminators: The ending point of the CFG. More than one options of ending a CFG are possible but while reading a string CFG must end with a one terminator.
Language: of all strings having many 0’s, defined over {0}
Regular Expression: a+
Context Free Grammar: S ⇒ 0S | 0
Language: of all strings having many 0’s or no zero, defined over {0}
Regular Expression: a*
Context Free Grammar: S ⇒ 0S | ε
Detailed tutorial on what is meaning of null or epsilon
Language: of all strings having exactly one 0’s or exactly one 1, defined over {0,1}
Regular Expression: 0+1
Context Free Grammar: S ⇒ 0 | 1
Language: of all strings having many 0’s or many 1’s or no zero or no one, defined over {0,1}
Regular Expression: (0+1)*
Context Free Grammar: S ⇒ 0S | 1S | ε
Examples of CFG
Example 1
- Starters : start
- Extraction: X1X, 0X, Epsilon
- Compressors: start, X
- Values: 1, 0, Epsilon
- Terminators: Epsilon
Example 2
- Starters : start
- Extraction: 0,1X, 0X,Eosilon
- Compressors: start, X
- Values: 1, 0, Epsilon
- Terminators: 0, Epsilon
Example 3
- Starters : start
- Extraction: x111X, 0X,1X,Eosilon
- Compressors: start, X
- Values: 1, 0, Epsilon
- Terminators: Epsilon
Example 4
- Starters : start
- Extraction: 0X, 11X, Eosilon
- Compressors: start, X
- Values: 11, 0, Epsilon
- Terminators: Epsilon
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9
Example 10
Example 11
Example 12
Built the CFG for the language of all those strings having 0 a’s or many a’s?
S ⇒ aS | ε
Now we can read multiple a’s from this CFG.
For example;
To read o a’s from S ⇒ aS | ε
S ⇒ aS | ε
S⇒ ε
To read 1 a from S ⇒ aS | ε
S ⇒ aS
S⇒ a ε
S⇒ a
To read 2 a from S ⇒ aS | ε
S ⇒ aS
S ⇒ aaS
S⇒ a ε
S⇒ a
and similarly, we can read many a’s from this CFG.
More Examples of CFG
- Intro to Context Free Grammar with 12 Examples
- CFG of Language of all even and odd length palindromes
- Context Free Grammar CFG for language of all even length strings
- CFG for the language of all non Palindromes
- CFG for strings with unequal numbers of a and b
- CFG of odd Length strings {w | the length of w is odd}
- CFG of Language contains at least three 1’s or three a’s {w | w contains at least three 1’s}
- CFG for the language L = 0n1n where n>=1
- CFG for the language L = 0n12n where n>=1
- Write a CFG for the language L = 0n14n where n>=1
- CFG for {an b an+1 | n >=0}
- CFG for {an b an+2 | n >=0}
- CFG for {an b an+3 | n >=0}