Combined Stress MCQs
Solved MCQs of Combined Stress in the strength of the materials for mechanical engineers.
______ is a slab supporting only two edges opposite to one another.
(A). One way slab
(B). Two-way slab
(C). Continuous slab
(D). Cantilever slab
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
In ________ slab the torsion reinforcement is given.
(A). Two-way slab
(B). One way slab
(C). Simply supported slab
(D). Cantilever slab
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
The width of the stay is kept as ________ in the residential buildings.
(A). 2m
(B). 1m
(C). 4m
(D). 5m
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
What will be the factored bending moment of a rectangular reinforced concrete beam of effective span 4300 mm and load imposed 37.5 kN/m?
(A). 145kNm
(B). 127kNm
(C). 130kNm
(D). 100kNm
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
In the deformed bars, standard _______ are provided.
(A). Fillets
(B). Bends
(C). Anglets
(D). Lugs
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
What are transverse bars called?
(A). Anchor bars
(B). Main bars
(C). Distribution bars
(D). Stirrups
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
_______ staircases are much preferred if space is less.
(A). Spiral stair
(B). Dog legged
(C). Open well
(D). Circular
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
For singly reinforced sections of M20 grade & Fe415, what will be the limiting percentage of steel?
(A). 1.76
(B). 0.79
(C). 0.96
(D). 0.68
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
The slope or pitch of the stairs should be between 25 ° to _____ As per IS 456:2000.
(A). 120°
(B). 90°
(C). 40°
(D). 45°
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
Distance between the points of zero bending moments is_____ of the column.
(A). Radius of gyration
(B). Eccentricity
(C). Slenderness ratio
(D). Effective length
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
Because of _____ diagonal cracks are formed at junctions.
(A). Bond stress
(B). Shear stress
(C). Temperature stress
(D). Lateral stress
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
For mild steel of effective depth 400 mm, what will be the limiting depth of the neutral axis?
(A). 656mm
(B). 212mm
(C). 455mm
(D). 318mm
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
For the bars larger than ____mm, we should not use lap splices.
(A). 72mm
(B). 36mm
(C). 44mm
(D). 49mm
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
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