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Use Case Descriptions of College Management System Project 

Use Case Descriptions of College Management System Project

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Name: Student Management
Description: Register new students in college and maintain the record students in CMS. view the student information and “update” the record of students in case of any changes and “Delete” the record if any.

Precondition: The user type must be an admin to add a new student in the system. A student must be eligible for admission in college(students must fulfill the requirements of the college to get admission).


Postcondition: student registered.

Alternative Flow: If the information provided by the student is not completed or not relevant to requirement then the student cannot get registered and asks for correct information.


Name: Attendance Management

Description: View the record of attendance of students and manage the attendance details.

Precondition: If the user type is admin then, have full access to view and make changes in the record if any.



Post Condition: Attendance record updated.


Name: Internal Marks

Description: view the marks of students in internal exams. And can add new marks in the system and manage the marks details.

Precondition:  If user type is an admin then, have full access to view and make changes in a record if any. A student must be registered for this module


Students related to marks. And can “Delete” if any.

Postcondition: Marks of students are entered into the system and saved in the database.

Name: User registration

Description: admin can create new users for the system which are employees of the college. Admin creates their profile for the user and provides the user name and password to login to the system.

Precondition: The user must be an employee of the college. One user can have only one user name about his profile.

Flow :

Postcondition:  User registered.

Alternative Flow: If the user is already registered with the same user name then it cannot be registered with the same user name, and have to change the user name and then again check availability and register.


Name: Employee Management

Description: Admin registers new employees in college and saves their information in a database for a different purpose. Admin can add new employees, can “Delete” and “update” the information of existing employees.

Precondition: the Desired person must fulfill the eligibility criteria that are defined by the college to get employment in college.

Flow :

Postcondition: employee registered.

Alternative Flow:

if the information given by the employee is incomplete or employee didn’t fulfill the criteria of college, the employee cannot be registered


Name: Salary Management

Description: Admin pays the employees in college and save their information about transactions of salary and “update” the salary record in the database.

Precondition: Employees must be registered in a database and only one time in a month he/she can get salary payment.

Flow :

Postcondition: Salary paid.


Name: Department Management

Description: Admin can view the department details and can manage the information about any department.

Precondition: Admin is logged in to view the information about the department which is already stored in a database and can add a new department which didn’t already exist.

Flow :

Postcondition: The new department is saved in the database.


Name: Course management

Description: Admin can view the course which is offering by college and can manage the courses and can add new courses that college wishes to offer.

Precondition: User type must be an admin to add new courses and manage the existing courses.


to course.

Postcondition: Course entered


Name: Scholarship management

Description: Admin can add the scholarships and other description about scholarship and offers the scholarship to the students and add the details of students who got the scholarship and payment details of scholarship when the student got the get their scholarship

Precondition: User type must be an admin to add new scholarships and manage the details of existing scholarship.

Flow 1(add scholarship details):

Postcondition: new scholarship is added to the system.


Flow 2(scholarship payment) :

Postcondition: scholarship paid to the student.


Name: Student Management

Description: Employee only can view the student information.

Precondition: When user type is employee then it will get access only to limited features and only can view the students’ record.



Postcondition: Record displayed to the user.

Alternative Flow: If the user enters the wrong/invalid scholar No then it cannot view the student information.


Name: Attendance Management

Description: view the attendance of students and manage the attendance details.

Precondition: If user type is employee then, have full access to view, add a new record and make changes in attendance record if any.


Postcondition: Attendance of students updated.


Name: Marks Management

Description: Enter the marks of students they got in the exam. The employee can view the marks of students in internal exams. And can manage these marks details.

Precondition: If user type is employee then, have full access to view and make changes in the record if any.

Flow :


Name : Course management

Description: Users can view the courses that are offering by the college.

Precondition:  When user type is employee it will have access only to limited features of the system and in this case only can view the courses.

Flow :

Download College Management System Project

  1. SRS of College Management System Project
  2. Functional Requirements of the College Management System Project
  3. Use Case Descriptions of College Management System Project
  4. Download Source code of CollegeManagementSystem Project in C#.NET
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