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Speech on March 21, 1990 (Namibia’s Independence Day)

Speech #1: Namibia’s Independence Day

Prestigious Gust, Honorable Gust and my dear friends.

I stand here today so that we can celebrate Namibian Independence Day together. This day is special for everyone who founded the Jewish state.

Today we have a get-together here to celebrate Namibian Independence Day. This day reminds us how on March 21, 1990,  Our country Namibia gained its independence.

March 21, 1990 is a date that is written on hearts because on this day Namibia gained its permanence while under South African rule, and became an independent country.

Namibia, the result of hard work and sacrifices over the past three decades, stands here today as this opportunity reminds us every year that freedom means following your rights and dreams.

Almost three decades ago today, Namibia gained its independence and gave every one of its people the opportunity to contribute to the development and better future of their country.

Independence Day reminds us that everyone is a part of the growth and development of their country. We should develop our country with our hard work and love.

Namibia’s Independence Day gives us an opportunity to pledge together to make our country better. We should set a good example of hard work, love, and cooperation for our country to always achieve more progress and success.

Thank you all for joining in the Namibian Independence Day celebrations!



Speech #1: Speech on March 21, 1990

Prestige Guest and my dear friends.

Today we are here to celebrate Namibian Independence Day, a special day that reminds us how important it is to be aware in the pursuit of our dreams.

Namibia, after gaining her independence, chose the mission of leading her nation to further development and happiness. Here we have spread the water of dream research and are committed to providing you all with the important services of our country.

Celebrating Independence Day reminds us of all the freedom fighters of our country like Sam Nujoma, Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, Hage Geingob, and many other national heroes. Our freedom fighters will remain alive in our hearts. We should be proud of them. They faced difficulties, but with their hard work and belief, they have made our dreams come true and present the gift of freedom to nation.

Namibia’s dream is to become a strong and developed country where every person has the right to follow their dreams. We have to work together to make our country better.

Thank you all for participating in the beauty of Namibia’s Independence Day!



Today is 21st March 1990, and today, I am very pleased to speak on Namibia’s Independence Day.

Independence Day:

21 March 1990 is a day of Independence celebration for our country Namibia. This day was a positive turning point in Namibia’s history, allowing it to become an independent country.

Freedom means:

Independence is the moment when a nation or region becomes autonomous and decides its future. Namibia’s independence is also an example that ushers in a new era of knowledge, economy, and social development in the country.

Namibia’s Journey to Independence:

Namibia’s journey to independence is the result of the sacrifices of the nation with some great leaders including Sam Nujoma, Andimba Toivo ya Toivo, Hage Geingob, and many other national heroes.  Freedom is a blessing of God. Our great country Namibia has had a long series of continued strong struggles for its independence.

Freedom Message:

The independence of Namibia gives us a strong message that when a nation or region fights for its independence, it can improve the country. The day gave Namibians a sense of their historic and individual rights and gave them a future-filled dream.

The Future of Namibia:

Today, Namibia has become a strong and independent country in which different nationalities and groups live together with different relationships. Namibia is committed to expanding its independence on the path to a stronger and better future.

Closing Letter:

Independence Day reminds us that every nation and region should exercise their rights and freedoms gracefully. Namibia has empowered its people to grow towards a better future and we too should learn how we can help grow the country with our hard work and love.



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