Applied Cataloguing Universities Past Papers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Applied Cataloguing Universities Past Papers

Applied Cataloguing Universities Past Papers
 Applied Cataloguing Universities Past Papers

Q1.      What codes are necessary for cataloguing? Discuss in detail.

Q2.      Write a comprehensive note on a different area of description.

Q3.      Define the term meta-data. Why it is needed for cataloguing.

Q4.      What do you know about “copy cataloguing”. Pinpoint its importance in applied cataloguing.

Q5.      Write a detail note on AACR-2.

Q6.      OPAC is the need of time. Support the statement.

Q7.      Discuss the needs of cataloguing of oriental names in the applied catalog.

Q8.      Write a detail note on cataloguing of serials.

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