Adverse in sentences

Adverse in sentences

  1. The” adverse” weather conditions forced the event to be postponed.
  2. The medicine can have “adverse” effects if not taken as prescribed.
  3. The company faced “adverse” economic conditions that impacted its profits.
  4. She experienced “adverse” reactions to certain foods.
  5. The project was met with “adverse” criticism from stakeholders.
  6. The “adverse” impact of pollution on the environment is a global concern.
  7. The “adverse” circumstances didn’t deter him from pursuing his goals.
  8. The adverse publicity hurt the reputation of the company.
  9. The “adverse” outcome of the experiment was unexpected.
  10. He encountered “adverse” challenges but overcame them through determination.
  11. The” adverse” reaction to the new policy was widespread.
  12. The “adverse” effects of the drought were felt by farmers across the region.
  13. The “adverse” reaction to the medication required medical attention.
  14. The team had to adapt to “adverse” conditions during the competition.
  15. The “adverse” economic climate led to layoffs in the industry.
  16. The study explored the potential “adverse” effects of the new technology.
  17. The company’s profits suffered due to “adverse” market conditions.
  18. The patient experienced “adverse” side effects after taking the medication.
  19. The “adverse” weather disrupted travel plans for many people.
  20. The “adverse” events of the past influenced her decisions.
  21. The “adverse” effects of smoking are well-documented.
  22. The “adverse” reaction to the policy change surprised the management.
  23. The athlete faced “adverse” conditions during the race but still finished strong.
  24. The “adverse” circumstances only motivated her to work harder.
  25. The project’s progress was hindered by “adverse” circumstances.
  26. The “adverse” publicity damaged the reputation of the celebrity.
  27. The patient’s “adverse” reaction to the treatment required immediate attention.
  28. The company implemented strategies to mitigate “adverse” financial impacts.
  29. The “adverse” economic conditions forced businesses to close down.
  30. The “adverse” effects of deforestation are evident in the loss of biodiversity.
  31. The athlete overcame “adverse” injuries to make a successful comeback.
  32. The “adverse” feedback from customers prompted improvements in the product.
  33. The study focused on the potential “adverse” consequences of the policy.
  34. The “adverse” weather caused delays in the construction project.
  35. The “adverse” economic situation led to a decrease in consumer spending.
  36. The patient’s “adverse” reaction to the vaccine was monitored closely.
  37. The team faced “adverse” challenges but remained united.
  38. The company had to cut costs due to “adverse” financial conditions.
  39. The “adverse” effects of the pollution were evident in the air quality.
  40. The patient’s “adverse” symptoms were addressed through medical treatment.
  41. The athlete’s performance was impacted by “adverse” weather conditions.
  42. The company developed a plan to address “adverse “customer feedback.
  43. The study explored the long-term “adverse” effects of the chemical exposure.
  44. The project faced “adverse” circumstances but still met its deadlines.
  45. The “adverse” economic climate required businesses to adapt.
  46. The patient’s “adverse” reaction to the medication was unexpected.
  47. The company experienced “adverse” impacts from the global recession.
  48. The athlete’s determination allowed her to overcome “adverse” challenges.
  49. The “adverse” publicity led to a decline in sales.
  50. The study examined the “adverse “consequences of inadequate healthcare access.