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Test Cases of Food Buy and Sell Project

Food Buy and Sell Project

Test Cases of Food Buy and Sell Project

Let us see the Test Cases of Food Buy and Sell Project. Please click here to read the SRS and documentation of this project in detail.

Test Cases form Validation

Log in

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#001
Related UC/FR/NFR FR1
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to the application.
Pre-Req: Users should have a user name and password to access the app.
Test Data: User name: Correct Format for User name

Password: Correct password

Submit: Correct user name and password

  1. Open Application
  2. Visit Login Page(Register  if Required)
  3. Enter user name
  4. Enter password
  5. Tap on login Button
  6. See the Main Page
Status: Pass

 Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#002
Related UC/FR/NFR FR2
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to Choose a restaurant from the list.
Pre-Req: Users should have to enter a user name and password to access login and then choose the restaurant.
Test Data: Choose a restaurant from the navigation drawer
  1. Tap on Navigation Drawer
  2. Tap on Restaurants
  3. Choose your Favorite Restaurant
Status: Pass

Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#003
Related UC/FR/NFR FR4
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to order your favorite meal.
Pre-Req: User can choose a meal from the menu list to enter its quantity and then place order
Test Data: Choose your meal from menu list and place order
  1. Tap on the navigation drawer
  2. Tap on Restaurants
  3. Choose your Favorite Restaurant
  4. Open restaurant
  5. Select menu
  6. Choose category
  7. Select item
  8. Add it to cart
  9. Open orders
  10. Place order
  11. Pay cash after Delivery
Status: Pass

Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#004
Related UC/FR/NFR FR5
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to Add your favorite meal to favorites.
Pre-Req: User can choose a meal from menu list add it into favorites
Test Data: Choose your meal from the menu list and add it to favorites
  1. Tap on the navigation drawer
  2. Tap on Restaurants
  3. Choose your Favorite Restaurant
  4. Open restaurant
  5. Select menu
  6. Choose category
  7. Select item
  8. Add it to favorites
Status: Pass

Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#005
Related UC/FR/NFR FR6
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to Delete meals from favorites.
Pre-Req: Users can choose a meal from favorites and delete it.
Test Data: Choose a meal from favorites and delete it
  1. Tap on the navigation drawer
  2. Tap on Restaurants
  3. Choose your Favorite Restaurant
  4. Open restaurant
  5. Select favorites
  6. Tap on dish
  7. Alert Dialogue box open
  8. Two options DELETE or CANCEL
  9. Tap on Delete Button
Status: Pass


Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#006
Related UC/FR/NFR FR7
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to Direct contact with Restaurant.
Pre-Req: User can choose a contact button after choosing retaurant.
Test Data: Contact with restaurant
  1. Tap on navigation drawer
  2. Tap on Restaurants
  3. Choose your Favorite Restaurant
  4. Open restaurant
  5. Select contact
  6. Tap on Call or Message
Status: Pass


Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#007
Related UC/FR/NFR FR12
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to Manage the restaurant.
Pre-Req: Manager can enter user name and password to access its app.
Test Data: User name: Correct user name

Password : Correct password

Submit button: Correct user name and password to access

  1. Open admin application
  2. Enter user name
  3. Enter password
  4. Click on submit button
  5. See full menu
  6. Manage tables
  7. Manage orders
Status: Pass

Choose Restaurant

Test Engineer: Name of testing person
Test Case ID: TC#008
Related UC/FR/NFR FR8
Date: 19-07-17
Purpose: To give access to Reserve the table.
Pre-Req: User can choose a restaurant then reserve table.
Test Data: Selected Table is Reserved or Not
  1. Tap on navigation drawer
  2. Choose restaurant
  3. Tap on reserved table
  4. Select table number
  5. Enter date
  6. It show dialogue box
  7. Enter start time
  8. Enter end time
  9. Press submit
Status: Pass

Please click here to read the SRS and documentation of this project in detail.

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