Paper #1
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Muslim Jurists and Mujtahideen have played a highly commendable role in simplification, cc inpilation and codification of Islamic Law and Fiqh. Kindly explain.
Q#2. While legislating, Quran observed some fundamental principles to frame the Laws. Please highlight those principles discussing the importance of Quran as primary source of Islamic Law.
Q#3. Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) plays two-fold role in Islamic Law & Legislation. Pease elucidate by quoting examples.
Q#4. Common media persons, columnist and anchors, having no knowledge about Islamic Shariah give conclusive remarks on Islamic Law freely. Can we rely on their opinions considering them Mujtahids? Or there are certain qualifications for conducting the delicate job of ljtehad? Discuss.
Q#5. Islamic concept of ownership is different from that of contemporary economic views. Kindly elucidate.
Q#6. Islam has its unique concept of Sovereignty. Kindly highlight it by comparing it with prevalent systems of government.
Q#7. Enumerate and explain the Hudood, Tazir and Qisas & Diyat Crimes.
Q#8. What are the qualifications for a competent witness to appear before a legal forum as per Islamic Law of Evidence?
Q#9. What are the principles of Islamic Law to deal with the Prisoners of War?
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- a. Zakat and Ushr
- b. Public and Private Rights.
Paper #2
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. All Muslim schools of thought hold Quran as primary and fundamental source of Islamic Law and Legislation. Kindly explain.
Q#2. Sunnah of Holy Prophet(PBUH) has been divided into three kinds for purposes of Islamic legislation. Please explain
Q#3. Ijtehad can only be conducted by Muslim Jurists sufficiently qualified for the purpose. Discuss the role of Ijtehad in Islamic Legislation.
Q#4. What are the essentials for the formation of a Contract of safe under Islamic provisions?
Q#5. Islam defies dictatorship and arbitrary use of powers by the state functionaries. Instead Islam introduces the doctrine of ‘Shura’. Kindly explain this doctrine with examples wherever necessary.
Q#6. Islamic Penal Law has treated the crime with its own system of punishments. Explain and illustrate these punishments.
Q#7. Every state of modern times has devised its sources of revenue and income. What are the traditional sources of revenue of an Islamic State?
Q#8. What is the importance of evidence in certain cases? Explain with special reference to the testimony of woman as competent witness under Islamic Law of Evidence.
Q#9. Al modern states wage war when their national or individual interests are at stake or jeopardized. Islam furthers concept of Jehad by focusing on acts permissible during Jehad and stops from certain others. Explain.
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- Imam Abu Hanifa (Nauman bin Tha’bit)
- Doctrine of Necessity
Paper #3
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Quran Majeed is primary and fundamental source of Islamic Law, explain.
Q#2. Prominent Muslim Jurists played an important role in codification and simplification of Islamic Law, elaborate.
Q#3. Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has a significant and primary role in Islamic legislation, kindly explain with few examples.
Q#4. What are the qualifications and pre requisites of a Mujtahid to be competent to conduct ljtehad?
Q#5. What are the ingredients of a Contract of Sale under Islamic Law?
Q#6. Islamic system of Government is based on the principles of Sovereignty of AllahL,LL and Shura , kindly elucidate.
Q#7. What are different punishments provided under the Islamic Law?
Q#8. What are different qualifications of a competent witness under Islamic Law, whether a woman is taken as competent witness?
Q#9. Killing of women, children, old and disabled persons is strictly prohibited during war under Islamic Injunctions. Kindly discuss.
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- A) Ushoor
- B) Head of the State
Paper #4
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Sunnah plays a two-fold role in Islamic legislation kindly highlight by quoting important examples.
Q#2. Muslim Jurists played a remarkable role in compilation of Islamic Law. Kindly explain with major examples.
Q#3. When Quran lays down a principle, rest of the sources of Islamic Law seize to be effective, explain.
Q#4. ljtehad will remain effective and active till the day of judgment’ . Kindly explain the statement highlighting role of ljtehad in Islamic Legislation.
Q#5. What is the real concept of Ownership under Islamic law and how it differs from Capitalist and Socialist concepts.
Q#6. What are the traditional sources of revenue of an Islamic State?
Q#7. Islam has classified punishments into Hadd, Tazir, Qisaas and Diyat. Explain and elucidate
Q#8. What is the status of woman as a competent witness? Explain briefly the qualifications of a competent witness.
Q#9. Prisoners of War have a special status under the Islamic principles, kindly discuss citing examples from early Islamic era.
Q#10. Write short notes on following:
- A) Shura
- B) Public and Private Rights
Paper #5
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Quran Majeed holds an important and pivotal role in Islamic Legislation, Kindly explains.
Q#2. Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) is an integral part of Quran. Discuss the role of Sunnah in Islamic Legislation.
Q#3. Islamic Law shall remain practicable as long as Muslims keep the door of Ijtehad open. Discuss
Q#4. Muslim Jurists had a remarkable role in compilation and codification of Islamic Law. Elucidate.
Q#5. What are different kinds of punishments known to Islamic Law? Can Qisas and Diyat be regarded as Hadd Law?
Q#6. Please explain the different traditional sources of revenue of an Islamic State.
Q#7, Islam is not gender biased as far as the testimony of woman is concerned; rather it has adopted a more pragmatic approach in founding its Evidence law. Explain.
Q#8. Kindly explain the concept of ownership under Islamic injunctions and different modes of acquiring and losing it.
Q#9. Islam allows certain acts during the course of war and restricts some others. Elucidate
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- A) Public right & private right
- B) Ijma
Paper #6
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Quran Majeed is consulted primarily while drafting laws. What are the basic principles which Quran observed during its course of legislation?
Q#2. The denial to the role of Sunnah in Islamic legislation would lead to chaos and misunderstanding of injunctions laid down in Quran. Illustrate
Q#3. Ijtehad always responds to the needs of modern times within the framework of Shariah. Discuss
Q#4. Muslim Jurists, 14 centuries back, have expounded certain new principles to carve out Islamic Law, coinciding with modern theories of law. Explain and illustrate
Q#5. What are the classifications of Punishments under Islamic Shariah. Whether Hadd is a compoundable crime?
Q#6. Kindly explain briefly the Sovereignty and the Shura as the two fundamental pillars of Muslim State.
Q#7. Islam has its unique system of evidence and witnesses in different cases , discuss.
Q#8. Shariah has introduced a balanced concept of ownership, different from Capitalism and Communism. Explain in contrast.
Q#9. Jehad is primarily a law of war often misunderstood by modern thinkers. Kindly explain it elucidating the treatment given to Prisoners of War.
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- A) Public Rights
- B) Private Rights
Paper #7
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Muslim Jurists have carried out a remarkable task in compilation of Islamic Law and Fiqh. Explain it highlighting salient features of their contribution.
Q#2. Being first and primary source of Islamic Law, Quran Majeed has laid the founding principles of Shariah. Explain
Q#3. Sunnah of Holy Prophet(PBUH) plays multifold role in Islamic Legislation. Please explain with examples.
Q#4. When and how ljtehad is invoked? What are the qualifications of a Mujtahid?
Q#5. Is there any difference among Hadd, Tazir and Qisas & Diyat crimes?
Q#6. Islam has a unique concept of Sovereignty and Shura. Please illustrate your point of view.
Q#7. What are different qualifications for competent witnesses under Islamic Law, in various cases?
Q#8. Islam has its own system of ownership based on natural needs and corresponding with times to come. Elucidate •
Q#9. Jehad is a synonym of War but it differs from wars imposed by imperial powers whereby general massacre of non-combatant is permissible with weapons of mass destruction. Kindly explain what acts are permissible during Jehad and what not?
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- A) Imam Abu Hanifa
- B) Qiyas
Paper #8
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Being divine revelation, Quran Kareem is held as basic source of Islamic taw. Please explain and discuss.
Q#2. Sunnah is an integral and necessary part of Quran Majeed. Do you agree? Support your answer with examples.
Q#3. Muslim Jurists of early era strived hard to codify and compile the Islamic Fiqh. Highlight their contribution in the field.
Q#4. ljtehad is a delicate task and not everyone can be entrusted with it. What are the qualifications of a competent Mujtahid?
Q#5. Crimes are normally treated with punishments. How crimes have been classified under the Islamic Law?
Q#6. Islamic system does not bar a State from levying certain taxes. Can you please explain the traditional sources of revenue of an Islamic State.
Q#7. In certain cases men are disqualified to appear as competent witness, whereas women are the only qualified gender to appear as witness. So, it keeps on varying and changing as per cases and circumstance for both of the genders under the Islamic Law of Evidence, please explain
Q#8. What are the ingredients and requisites of formation of a contract of sale in Islamic law?
Q#9. Prisoners of war are ought to be dealt humanely under the Islamic Law of war & peace; a principle hardly paralleled in rest of the Laws. Elucidate
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- A) Public and Private Rights
- B) Istehsan
Paper #9
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Muslim Jurists have contributed much towards the codification and simplification of Islamic Fiqh. Explain and illustrate
Q#2. Quran Majeed is a fundamental source of Islamic Law being the divine revelation. What are the basic principles which Quran observed during its course of legislation?
Q#3. Sunnah plays a multi facet role in Islamic legislation. Illustrate and explain
Q#4. ljtehad has a never ending role to keep responding to the changing time and space. Discuss and illustrate
Q#5. Explain the different classifications of Punishments under Islamic Shariah. Whether Hadd falls within the category of compoundable crimes?
Q#6. Kindly explain briefly the three basic concepts of Sovereignty, Shura and Vicegerency as the fundamental pillars of Muslim Welfare State.
Q#7. For purposes of Evidence, Islam has its unique system which differs in various cases, discuss.
Q#8. Sharjah commands a natural system of ownership, different from prevailing economic systems. Explain in contrast.
Q#9. Jehad is waged not for expansions of Muslim State, the motives behind have much larger canvass and scope. Kindly explain
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- Public Rights
- b. Private Rights
Paper #10
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Quran is the first and primary source of Islamic Law. Kindly explain
Q#2. Sunnah plays multi fold role in Islamic Legislation. Explain and illustrate.
Q#3. ljtehad will continue to find the legal solution of issues faced by Muslim Ummah. Elucidate.
Q#4. Early Muslim Jurists have played a substantial role in compilation and codification of Islamic law, explain and illustrate.
Q#5. What are the different classifications of crime in reference to punishments?
Q#6. Kindly explain the concept and importance of Shura in Islamic State as enshrined in Quran and Sunnah.
Q#7. What are the qualifications of competent witness different cases including Hadd and Tazir.
Q#8. What are the different ingredients of a Contract of sale under the Islamic guidelines?
Q#9. Islam clearly lay down that no harm should be inflicted to old, children and women during course of war. What are the other principles overseeing the law of war?
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- a. lstehsan
- b. Ijma
Paper #11
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (r Y) are integral part of each other in as far as Islamic Legislation is concerned. Please explain briefly.
Q#2. ljma plays a vital role in Islamic Legislation. Kindly define and explain its importance.
Q#3. Muslim Jurists of early era have simplified the Islamic Law to practice, while codifying their respective Fiqhs. Highlight it briefly by giving examples.
Q#4. ljtehad will continue till the Day of Judgment to correspond to the needs of the Muslims in respective time and space. Please explain the different basic qualifications of a competent Mujtahid .
Q#5. Islamic Law has classified the punishments mainly in Hadd, Ta’azir, Qisas & Diya. Kindly explain each.
Q#6. What are the traditional sources of revenue of an Islamic State?
Q#7. What are the different qualifications for the competency of witnesses in different cases under the Islamic Law of Evidence?
Q#8. What are the different ingredients of a contract under Islamic Law?
Q#9. How the Prisoners of war are treated in an Islamic State?
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- a. Darul Islam
- b. Shura
Paper #12
Subject: Islamic Jurisprudence
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q#1. Quran Majeed is consulted primarily while drafting laws. What are the basic principles which Quran observed during its course of legislation?
Q#2. The denial to the role of Sunnah in Islamic legislation would lead to chaos and misunderstanding of injunctions laid down in Quran. Illustrate
Q#3. ljtehad always responds to the needs of modern times within the framework of Shariah. Discuss
Q#4. Muslim Jurists, 14 centuries back, have expounded certain new principles to carve out Islamic Law, coinciding with modern theories of law. Explain and illustrate
Q#5. What are the classifications of Punishments under Islamic Shariah. Whether Hadd is a compoundable crime?
Q#6. Kindly explain briefly the Sovereignty and the Shura as the two fundamental pillars of Muslim State.
Q#7. Islam has its unique system of evidence and witnesses in different cases. Discuss.
Q#8. Shariah-has introduced a balanced concept of ownership, different from Capitalism and Communism. Explain in contrast.
Q#9. Jehad is primarily a law of war often misunderstood by modern thinkers. Kindly explain it elucidating the treatment given to Prisoners of War.
Q#10. Write short notes on the following:
- a. Public Rights
- b. Private Rights
Law Past Papers
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- English Jurisprudence Past Papers
- Islamic Jurisprudence Past Papers
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