Past Papers Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence

Paper# 1

Subject: Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Max Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any SIX questions in all selecting FIVE questions from Part-I & ONE question from Part-II.


PART-I (Code of Criminal Procedure)

Q#1. What are different modes of production of an accused before a Court under the CrPC?

Q#2. What is meant by Charge and what are its essentials? Whether a separate charge should be framed for every distinct offence. Discuss in detail.

Q#3. What is Habeas Corpus? Can a Sessions Judge exercise this power within the territorial limits of Sessions Divisions? Explain

Q#4. What is meant by Bail? Can it be claimed as a matter of right in a non-bail able offence?

Q#5. What is meant by APEAL? How can it be distinguished by REVIEW and REVISION?

Q#6. Discuss powers of the HIGH COURT and Provincial Government to transfer cases and appeals.

Q#7. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, a Court of competent jurisdiction has the power to end the proceedings without concluding the trial and acquit the accused. Discuss.

Q#8. Define the term “JUDGE”. Explain the procedure of recording a judgment. Can it be altered after its pronouncement?

Q#9. Discuss the powers of HIGH COURT to issue directions of the nature of HABEAUS CORPUS?

Q#10. How may an officer in charge of a police station arrest a vagabond or habitual offender?

PART-II (Medical Jurisprudence)

Q#11. When and how a Post Mortem is conducted? Discuss in detail its importance in criminal trial.

Q#12. What is the procedure for taking figure prints? What is their importance in criminal cases?







Paper# 2

Subject: Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Max Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any SIX questions in all selecting FIVE questions from Part-I & ONE question from Part-II.


PART-I (Code of Criminal Procedure)

Q#1. Define the following:

  1. i) Complaint
  2. ii) Inquiry

iii) Non-cognizable

Q#2. Explain the concept of imprisonment in default of security and also the powers of a Sessions Judge to release a person imprisoned in default of security.

Q#3. What is warrant? When a police officer can arrest without a warrant?

Q#4. Throw light on a summery trial? What kinds of cases are tried in summery manner and by whom? Discuss.

Q#5. Atrial may be tainted by illegalities and irregularities? Which of these vitiate and which do not vitiate proceedings?

Q#6. “No one should be convicted twice for the same offence”. Discuss the law on the subject.

Q#7. What do you understand by the term “Bail before Arrest”. Explain the legal provisions relating to grant of bail before arrest under the CrPC.

Q#8. What is meant by FIR? Discuss its importance in criminal cases.

Q#9. What are the grounds for transfer of criminal cases by High Court from one subordinate court to another provided under CrPC.

Q#10. Mostly crimes are non-compoundable but few can be compounded under the CrPC. Differentiate between the two.

PART-II (Medical Jurisprudence)

Q#11. What are objects of Postmortem Examination?

Q#12. Write a detailed note on significance of the medico-legal report and its application to the administration of criminal justice system.