Past Papers Constitutional Law of Pakistan

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Paper #1

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution


Q#1. Discuss the lega! and non-legal sources of British Constitution.

Q#2. Discuss functions of the two houses of parliament and their relationship with each other.

Q#3. Discuss the supremacy of British Parliament with the help of historical examples. Do you think that the British Parliament is absolute in nature with respect to legislative enactments?

Q#4. Discuss the doctrine of Rule of Law and its significance in present day.

Q#5. Elaborate the doctrine of Ministerial Responsibility under the British Constitution.

Q#6. Write short notes any two of the following:-

  1. The king can do no wrong.
  2. ii. Speaker of the House of Commons.

iii. Bill of Rights

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Explain in detail the salient features of the US Constitution.

Q#8. How the President of the USA is elected and impeached? Discuss in Detail.

Q#9. Fundamental rights are guaranteed under the US constitution. Discuss.

Q#10. Discuss the constitutional powers of Congress and its limitations.

Q#11. Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and Checks and balances system in the U.S. Constitution.

Q#12 Write short notes any two of the fallowing:-

  1. Due process of Law
  2. ii. Marbury v. Madison Case –

iii. McCullah V. Maryland Case

Paper #2

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution


Q#1. Give the critically examine the salient features of British Constitution.

Q#2. The concept of Rule of Law is an integral part of the British Constitution. Please explain it in the light of Diceys Exposition on the rule of law. Also elaborate its modern concept in the administration of justice.

Q#3. Crown is institution which never dies. Discuss the maxim and enumerate various powers and privileges of Crown.

Q#4. Discuss the supremacy of British Parliament with the help of historical examples. Do you think that the British Parliament is absolute in nature with respect to legislative enactments? Support your answer with strong arguments.

Q#5. Discuss the formation of House of Lords. Also expiain why it is considered as powerless house in British Parliament?

Q#6. Elaborate the doctrine of Ministerial Responsibility under the British Constitution.

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. What do you understand by the term” Judicial Review’ and elaborate the scope of Judicial Review in the administrative of Justice. Discuss in the light of Marbury v. Madison case.

Q#8. Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and Checks and balances system in the U.S. Constitution.

Q#9. Discuss the concept of four freedoms as enshrined and protected under US Constitution.

Q#10. According to the American Constitution (section 8 of Article 1), the American Congress has the power to make laws on certain subjects. Explain these subjects in the light of said provisions. Also elaborate the restrictions on the exercise of power of congress.

Q#11. Explain the constitutional history of U.S.A.

Q#12. Write short notes any two of the following:

  1. i. Bill of Rights
  2. ii. Election of the President

iii. Supreme Court of United States


Paper #3

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution


Q#1. Conventions carry’ an important place in British Constitution? Discuss

Q#2. The British Prime Minister is considered most powerful person in UK. Is there any checks on his powers? Explain

Q#3. Discuss the formation of House of Lords. Explain why it is considered as powerless House in the British Parliament?

Q#4. Elaborate the doctrine of rule of law in the light of its historical perspective and development with reference to Dicey’s exposition?

Q#5. Discuss nature and functions of Cabinet in UK?

Q#6. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Magna Carta (b) —_ Royal prerogatives

(c) Ministerial Responsibilities in UK (d) —_ Lord Chancellor

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Explain in detail the salient features of USA Constitution?

Q#8. Discuss the role of Congress in US Constitution?

Q#9. Discuss the powers of US President which make him the most powerful person?

Q#10. Critically analyze the concept of separation of powers with system of checks and balance in US Constitution?

Q#11. Explain the role of US Supreme Court in protecting the civil liberties of American Citizen?

Q#12. Discuss doctrine of judicial review and its implementation by US Supreme Court in Marbury vs. Madison in 1803?






Paper #4

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution


Q#1. What do you understand by the term ‘Constitution’. Explain in detail the fundamental sources of British constitution.

Q#2. (a) Examine the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty in England. (b) Enumerate the several limitations that may be alleged against legislative sovereignty of parliament and examine critically; their claim to legal validity.

Q#3. Discuss the importance and implications of the statement “the king can do no wrong

Q#4. Name the kinds of committee that exist in the House of Commons. What procedure is followed by them?

Q#5. Elaborate the doctrine of rule of law in the light of its historical perspective and a development with reference to three expositions of Dicey’s rule of law.

Q#6. Discuss the formation of House of Lords. Explain why it is considered as powerless House in the British Parliament?

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Explain the historical development of USA Constitution. __

Q#8. (a) Discuss the constitutional powers of American’s Congress in the light of Article 1, Section 8 of American Constitution. (b) Enumerate the restrictions, where the congress cannot legislate.

Q#9. What do you understand by term “Judicial Review”? Explain the landmark case law Marbury vs Madison (1803).

Q#10. Write a short note on any TWO of the following:

(a)  Bill of Rights (b) Theory of separation of powers in USA constitution.

(c) Mcculloch vs Maryland 1819. (d) Judicial review in USA constitution.

Q#11. Explain in detail the legislative procedure in USA Constitution.

Q#12. Discuss the Constitutional role of the USA President.




Paper #5

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. “The Crown is an Institution which never dies” Discuss the maxim and enumerate the powers, duties and position of Crown in England”?

Q#2. Discuss fully the doctrine of Ministerial responsibility under the British Constitution?

Q#3. Explain the nature, composition and powers of House of Lords?

Q#4. Discuss the legislative supremacy of British Parliament.

Q#5. Explain Dicey’s exposition of rule of law and its present day application in modern world.

Q#6. Write short notes on any two of the following

  1. a) Magna Carta (1215) b) Privy Council c) Sources of British Constitution d) Common Law

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Discuss the Salient features of US Constitution.

Q#8. Discuss the doctrine of judicial Review in the Context of US Constitution. Elaborate in the light of Marbury vs. Madison’s Case (5 U.S. 137, 1803)

Q#9. Enumerate the powers of US Congress and its Limitations under the relevant provisions of US Constitution.

Q#10. Write a short note any two of the following

  1. a) Mc Culloch Vs Maryland’s case (17 U.S. 316 ,1819)
  2. b) Civil Liberties in US Constitution
  3. c) Historical evolution of US Constitution
  4. d) Bill of Rights

Q#11. D iscuss in detail the Constitutional powers of US President?

Q#12. What are the general powers of the Supreme Court of USA and discuss the proceedings of the Court.


Paper #6

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. Discuss in detail the salient features of British Constitution.

Q#2. Discuss fully the doctrine of Ministerial responsibility under the British Constitution?

Q#3. Explain the concept of Supremacy of British Parliament? Do you think that British Parliament has absolute legislative supremacy? Give the reasons for and against this statement.

Q#4. Legal and non-Legal sources have played a significant role in the development of British Constitution. Explain these two sources.

Q#5. Explain Dicey’s exposition of “rule of law” and highlight the criticism of different Legal Scholars against this Doctrine?

Q#6. House of Commons is the most powerful organ of the British Parliament. Explain

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Give a brief account of the Constitutional History of USA.

Q#8. Discuss in detail the Constitutional powers of US President.

Q#9. What are the role and powers of US Congress and its limitations?

Q#10. Discuss the theory of Separation of powers and its role in the US Constitution.

Q#11. Write Comprehensive notes on any two of the following

  1. a) Mc Culloch Vs Maryland’ Case (17 U.S. 316 ,1819)
  2. b) Sources of US Constitution
  3. c) Due Process of Law under US Constitution
  4. d) Judicial Review

Q#12. Explain the ’Bill of Rights’ under the US Constitution.



Paper #7

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. Discuss the sources of British Constitution?

Q#2.What do you understand by the legislative supremacy of British Parliament? Do you think that British Parliament is Supreme in nature or not? give the cogent reasons in support of your answer

Q#3.What is the theory of “Separation of Powers” and to what extent it is embodied in British Constitutional Norms?

Q#4. House of Commons is more powerful than House of Lords? Discuss

Q#5. Elaborate the Doctrine of Rule of Law in the light of its historical perspective and development with reference to Dicey’s Exposition?

Q#6. The British Prime Minister is considered the most powerful person in UK. Are there any checks on his powers? Explain

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Explain the method of election of President and vice President in USA Constitution?

Q#8. Discuss the composition and role of senate in USA?

Q#9. What is the role and powers of US Congress? Discuss the limitations on powers of congress under Article 1 section 8 clauses 18 of US Constitution?

Q#10. Explain in detail the jurisdiction and powers of USA Supreme Court?

Q#11. Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and check and balance in US Constitution?

Q#12. Write a short note on any two of following

(a) Bilt of Rights

(b) Due process of law

(c) Marbury vs. Medison (1803)

(d) Development of US Constitution


Paper #8

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. What do you know about the legal and non legal sources of British Constitution Discuss?

Q#2. Discuss fully the doctrine of Ministerial responsibility under the British Constitution?

Q#3. Conventions carry significant place in the British Constitution, explain and specify important conventions?

Q#4. “The crown is an institution which never dies”. Discuss maxim and enumerate the powers, duties and position of crown in England”?

Q#5. Explain Dicey’s Exposition on Rule of Law and elaborate the criticism raised against his arguments by the various Constitutionalists and highlight its present connotation in modern legal system?

Q#6. Write a short note on any two of the following

(a) Human Rights (b) Local Government System in British Constitution

(c) Privy Council   (d) Judiciary

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Explain the historical development and evolution of US Constitution and its sources?

Q#8. Discuss doctrine of ‘Judicial Review’ in the context of US Constitution?

Q#9. What is the role and powers of US Congress?

Q#10. “US Constitution is a rigid Constitution” discuss? Also explain the procedure of Amendment in Us Constitution?

Q#11. Explain the role of US Supreme Court in protecting the civil liberties of American Citizens?

Q#12. Write a short note any two of the following

(a) Equal Protection of Laws

(b) Important Characteristics of US Constitution

(c) Federal System

(d) Bill of Rights

Paper #9

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. “The Crown is an institution which never dies”. Elaborate the statement and discuss the Constitutional role of Crown in England.

Q#2. The “Rule of Law” is a prominent principle of British Legal System. Discuss the scope and fundamental components of ‘Rule of Law’ in the light of Dicey’s exposition on the concept, and criticism raised against his theory on rule of law in modem time.

Q#3. What do you understand by the phrase ‘Supremacy of the British Parliament’? refer the historical instances which reflect that British Parliament has a legislative Supremacy and. enumerate the practical limitations on the ‘Supremacy of British Parliament’ in present scenario.

Q#4. Discuss the Sources of British Constitution.

Q#5. Discuss the Cabinet System under the British Constitution and elucidate the Constitutional powers of Prime Minister in relation to cabinet.

Q#6. Write a comprehensive note on any two of the following

  1. i) Constitution and Constitutional Law ii) House of Lords iii) Human Rights in British Legal System
  2. iv) Magna Carta (1215)

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Discuss the Historical Evolution of US Constitution and its current status.

Q#8. Elaborate the theory of ‘Separation of Powers’ and critically analyze concept of ‘Separation of Powers’ with system of Checks and Balances in US Constitution.

Q#9. ‘No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; Nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws’ argue the Statement in the light of US Constitution.

Q#10. Discuss the Constitutional Role of US Congress and its limitations.

Q#11. The U.S. Supreme Court in case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. Discuss the Scope of ‘Judicial Review’ and its applications in US Judicial System.


Q#12. Write a Comprehensive Note on any two of the following

  1. i) Bill of Rights
  2. ii) Constitutional Sources of US Constitution –

iii)  Jurisdiction of US Supreme Court

  1. iv) Salient features of US Constitution























Paper #10

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. British Constitution is an evolutionary document and not a stagnant pool of water. Do you agree with the statement? Discuss the sources of British Constitution with special reference to Constitutional Conventions, Enactments and case law.

Q#2. Critical evaluate The Dicey’s Concept on ‘Rule of Law’ and its present day application.

Q#3. Discuss in detail the law making process in the British Parliament.

Q#4. Elucidate the legislative Supremacy of the British Parliament, is there any practical limitation on the supremacy of British Parliament. Comment.

Q#5. There is a common phrase in British Legal System that ‘the king can do no wrong’ argue the statement with cogent reasons.

Q#6. Write a comprehensive note on any two of the following

  1. i) House of Common ii) Privy Council

iii) Privileges of Parliament iv) Local Government

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Discuss the Sources of US Constitution.

Q#8. Discuss the Law Making procedure in US Constitution

Q#9. The U.S. Supreme Court in case ofMarbury v. Madison (1803) established the principle of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional. Discuss the origin, scope and limitations of ‘Judicial Review’ in US Constitution. Is there any express provision of Judicial Review in US Constitution?

Q#10. Elaborate the Composition and Powers of US Congress, and Constitutional Restrictions on its powers.

Q#11. Discuss the Election and impeachment procedures of US President.

Q#12. Write a Comprehensive Note on any two of the following

  1. i) Due Process of Law ii) Amendment Procedure of US Constitution

iii) | McCullochvs Maryland case (17 U.S. 316, 1819)   iv) Separation of Powers

Paper #11

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. Conventions carry an important place in British Constitution? Discuss.

Q#2. Elaborate the doctrine of rule of law in the light of its historical perspective and development with reference to Dicey’s exposition?

Q#3. Discuss the functions of House of Lords and House of Commons and their relationship with each other?

Q#4. Explain the concept of “Supremacy of British Parliament”. Do you think that British Parliament has absolute Supremacy? Discuss.

Q#5. Discuss the cabinet system under British Constitution. Enumerate the powers of Prime Minister in Relation to Cabinet?

Q#6. Write comprehensive note on following:

  1. a) Privy Council b) Royal Prerogatives

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. What are the various powers which help the USA President to be the most powerful person in USA? Discuss.

Q#8. Discuss the doctrine of Judicial Review while critically analyzing land mark cases i.e. Marbury vs. Madison and Mcculloch vs. Maryland.

Q#9. Discuss the role of Congress in the USA Constitution.

Q#10. Explain the role of USA Supreme Court in protecting Civil Liberties of American Citizen?

Q#11. Discuss the concept of federation under US Constitution.

Q#12. Write short notes on following:

  1. a) Political Parties in USA
  2. b) Separation of Powers in USA



Paper #12

Subject: Constitutional Law-I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I and THREE questions from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part-I: British Constitution

Q#1. Discuss in detail whether the parliamentary sovereignty and rule of law oppose each other or not?

Q#2. Explain the doctrine of Ministerial responsibility under British Constitution?

Q#3. House of Commons is more powerful than House of Lords? Discuss.

Q#4. What is the theory of “Separation of Power” and to what extent it is embodied in the British Constitution?

Q#5. Write a detail about of conventions of British Constitution.

Q#6. Explain Dicey’s exposition of Rule of Law and its present day application in modem world.

Part-ll: U.S.A. Constitution


Q#7. Give a detail account of the Constitutional history of USA.

Q#8. What are the role and powers of US Congress and its limitations?

Q#9. Explain the ‘Bill of Rights’ under the US Constitution?

Q#10. Discuss the doctrine of Judicial Review in the light of Marbury Vs. Madison [1803] and MoCulloch Vs. Maryland Cases [1819].

Q#11. Enumerate the constitutional powers of President of USA.

Q#12. Critically analyze the doctrine of Separation of Powers with system of checks and balances.

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