Long oo is represented by a heavy dash – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 8, 2025

Long oo is represented by a heavy dash - Shorthand
Long oo is represented by a heavy dash – Shorthand

Pool shorthand

shorthand tutorial
shorthand tutorial
  1. P is represented by a slanting stroke, drawn from top left to bottom right.
  2. O is represented by a heavy dash placed above the “L” stroke, indicating the long “OO”  sound.(vowel place:3rd)
  3. L is represented by a curved stroke, going from top left to bottom right.

Tool shorthand

pitman shorthand guide
pitman shorthand guide
  1. T is represented by a light vertical stroke, drawn from top to bottom.
  2.  (long “OO” sound) is represented by a heavy dash placed above the “L” stroke.(vowel place:3rd)
  3. L is represented by a curved stroke, going from top left to bottom right.

Booth shorthand

how to write vowels in shorthand pitman
how to write vowels in shorthand pitman
  1. B is represented by a heavy downward stroke, drawn from left to right.
  2. O is represented by a heavy dash, placed to the left side of the “th” stroke, indicating the long “OO” vowel sound.(vowel place:3rd)
  3. Th is represented by a heavy curved stroke, starting from top left to bottom right.

Loop shorthand

shorthand l with oo
shorthand l with oo
  1. L is represented by a curved stroke, going from top left to bottom right.
  2. O is represented by a heavy dash, placed to the left side of the “p” stroke, indicating the long “OO” vowel sound.(vowel place:3rd)
  3. P is represented by a slanting stroke, drawn from top left to bottom right.

Zoo shorthand

shorthand pitman notes
shorthand pitman notes
  1. Z is represented by a heavy curved stroke, starting from top right to bottom left.
  2. OO is represented by a heavy dash, placed to the right side of the “Z” stroke, indicating the long “OO” vowel sound.(vowel place:3rd)

Boot shorthand

shorthand examples
shorthand examples
  1. B is represented by a heavy downward stroke, drawn from left to right.
  2. O is represented by a heavy dash, placed to the left side of the “t” stroke, indicating the long “OO” vowel sound.(vowel place:3rd)
  3. T is represented by a light horizontal stroke, drawn from left to right.