Long o is represented by a heavy dash – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: January 31, 2025

long vowel o in shorthand
long vowel o in shorthand

Dote shorthand

  1. D. A straight downward stroke, representing the letter “D.”
  2. O. A heavy horizontal dash placed to the right of the “D” stroke, representing the long “O” vowel sound.
  3. T. A straight downward stroke at the bottom, representing the letter “T.”
dote shorthand
dote shorthand

Show shorthand

  1. Sh – A curved stroke that slants downward to the right, representing the “Sh” sound.
  2. O – A heavy horizontal dash placed to the right of the “Sh” stroke, representing the long “O” vowel sound.
show shorthand
show shorthand

Toad shorthand

  1. T is represented by a light downward stroke.
  2. Long O is represented by a heavy horizontal dash placed to the right of the T stroke.
  3. D is represented by a dark downward stroke, similar to T but heavier.
toad shorthand
toad shorthand