When a vowel comes after a horizontal stroke it is written below the stroke – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 12, 2025

When a vowel comes after a horizontal stroke it is written below the stroke - Shorthand
When a vowel comes after a horizontal stroke it is written below the stroke – Shorthand

Yam shorthand

example of shorthand writing
example of shorthand writing
  1. Y is represented as a small hook at the beginning of the stroke, extending from the lower right to the upper right side, representing the “Y” sound.
  2. vowel A is represented by light dot placed below  the “Y” stroke.
  3. M is represented by a straight downward curved stroke curving from left to right .

Gap shorthand

example of stenography writing
example of stenography writing
  1. G is represented by a horizontal heavy stroke.
  2. A is represented by a light-weighted dot placed below the “G” stroke.
  3. P is represented by a slanting stroke, drawn from the top left to the bottom right.

Map shorthand

example shorthand
example shorthand
  1. M is represented by a light curved downward stroke.
  2. A is represented by a light dot placed below the “M” stroke.
  3. P is represented by a slanting stroke, drawn from top left to bottom right, representing the “P” sound.

Yoga shorthand

examples of pitman shorthand
examples of pitman shorthand
  1. Y is represented by a small hook at the beginning of the stroke, extending from the lower right to the upper right side.
  2. O is represented by a heavy dash placed below the “Y” stroke.
  3. G is represented by a horizontal heavy stroke.
  4. A is represented by a light dot placed below the “G” stroke.