Short o is represented by a light dash – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: January 31, 2025

short vowel o shorthand
short vowel o shorthand

Voto shorthand

  1. Start writing from top.
  2. V is represented by a downward heavy curved stroke slanting to the right.
  3. Short O is represented by a light dash placed to the right of the V stroke. (Vowel Position: 1st)
  4. T is represented by a light downward stroke.
voto shorthand
voto shorthand

Zote shorthand

  1. Start writing from top.
  2. Z is represented by a dark curved stroke.
  3. Short O is represented by a light dash placed to the right of the Z stroke. (Vowel Position: 1st)
  4. T is represented by a light downward stroke.
zote shorthand
zote shorthand