When a vowel comes before a horizontal stroke it is written above the stroke – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: January 31, 2025

When a vowel comes before a horizontal stroke it is written above the stroke – Shorthand
When a vowel comes before a horizontal stroke it is written above the stroke – Shorthand

oak shorthand

  1. O is represented by a heavy dash placed above the ‘k’ stroke. (Vowel position: 2nd)
  2. K is represented by a straight light horizontal line.
oak shorthand
oak shorthand

ok shorthand

  1. O is represented by a heavy dash placed above the ‘k’ stroke. (Vowel position: 1st)
  2. K is represented by a straight light horizontal line.
shorthand ok
shorthand ok

Om shorthand

  1. O Represented by a heavy dash placed above the ‘m’ stroke. (Vowel position: 1st)
  2. M Represented by a straight downward stroke, slanting slightly to the right.
shorthand om
shorthand om

ache shorthand


  1. A represented by a small dot placed on the upper side of the ‘ch’ stroke. (Vowel position: 2nd)
  2. CH is represented by a straight light horizontal line(which is also a sound of K).
shorthand ache
shorthand ache

egg shorthand

  1. E is represented by a small dot placed above the ‘g’ stroke. (Vowel position: 2nd)
  2. G is represented by a horizontal dark line.
egg in shorthand
egg in shorthand