Cool as a cucumber idioms meanings

Idiom Meaning Example Sentence
Calm under pressure Remaining composed and effective during stressful The team’s captain always stays calm under pressure, leading by example.
Cool as a cucumber Very calm and composed, especially in stressful Even though the situation was chaotic, she remained cool as a cucumber.
Ice-cold Emotionally detached and unaffected. Her response was ice-cold, even in the face of criticism.
Keep one’s cool Maintain composure and not become agitated. Despite the heated argument, he managed to keep his cool.
Serenity in the storm Remaining peaceful amidst chaos. His ability to find serenity in the storm is truly admirable.
Stay chill To remain relaxed and calm. Whenever things get tough, he reminds himself to stay chill.
Unflappable Not easily upset or excited; steady and composed. His unflappable nature made him an ideal crisis manager.
Cool as a cucumber idioms meanings
Cool as a cucumber idioms meanings