Binary to Octal Conversion in DLD Digital logic design
Binary to Octal Conversion
- The Binary string is divided into small sub-groups of 3-bits and it is started from the least significant bit.
- After this, needs to identify the each 3 bit binary group.
- At last, each 3-bit binary group is simply replaced by its Octal equivalent number.
Example 1:
How to convert this 111010110101110010110 binary number into its octal equivalent?
Step 1: Dividing all the bits into groups of 3-bits
- 101 010 110 101 110 110 110
Step 2:
Replace each group with a number by its Octal equivalent.
- 101 010 110 101 110 110 110
- 5 2 6 5 6 6 6
Note: Binary strings which can not be divided into equal number of 3- bit groups are supposed to have 0’s in the left of the bits.
Example 2:
How to convert this 1101100010110 binary number into its octal equivalent?
Step 1: Dividing all the bits into groups of 3-bits
- 110 110 001 011 0
Step 2:
Replace each group with a number by its Octal equivalent.
- 001 101 100 010 110
- 1 5 4 2 6