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Applied Chemistry Past Papers

Past Guess Paper of Applied Chemistry.

Guess Paper 1 : Applied Chemistry Past Paper

University Name – Confidential

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Paper :Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Examination:   Final, Fall – 2020

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)


Applied Chemistry Past Papers
Applied Chemistry Past Papers

Q:1      (a) fill in the blanks

(b) choose the correct answer

     1)    Pieces of glass used as raw material are called

(a) fluxes         b) feldspare     c) cullet           d) Borax

2)   Percentage of silica  inportland cement is

  1. 14 b) 22                c) 30                d) 62

      3)  Which one of the following forms neutral solution in H2o

a)NaCl             b) Na2CO3       c) CuSO4         d) non

      4) Loss of electrons in a chemical reaction is called

  1. a) oxidation b) Reduction c) Hydration    D) non

      5) Molar mass of H2o is ……….

  1. a) 18gm b) 6.02 ×1023  C) 100gm         d) non
  2. C) True and False

1) B.p of H2O is 273k

2 ) viscosity of paint decreases by thinners

3) Sodium chloride is an element

4) The temperature at which a substance catches fire is called Transition temperature

Q.2      (a) Explain the following with examples

1) Mole   (2) shell and subshell (3) Elements  and compounds

(b)  What is natural Radioactivity

Q.3      What are different types of chemical reaction explain with suitable examples

Q.4      What are different types of fuels and also explain the properties of good fuels

Q.5      a) what is glass how it is commercially prepared

  1. b) what are different types of glasses

Q.6      (a) differentiate b/w (1) paints and varnish (2) concrete and mortar

(b) How varnish can be Manufactured?

Q 7      (a). Explain Ionic bond, Covalent bond, and coordinate covalent bond.

(b)   write properties of ionic compounds.

Q.8.     Write notes on any two of the following.

1) periodic law and periodic table      2) hydrogen bonding              3) PH and POH

Guess Paper 2 : Applied Chemistry Past Paper

University Name – Confidential

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Paper :Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Examination:   Final, Spring – 2020

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Part A

Q1.      Define the following terms

  1. Isotopes
  2. Isobars
  1. Hydrogen bonding
  2. Elastic collsions

Q2.      Fill in the blanks

  1. The relation PV=1/3 mnV2 is called —–
  2. The property by virtue of which a liquid offer resistance to its flow is called —
  1. The solution that resist change in pH upon addition of acid or alkali is called —
  2. The electron that are involved for the formation of bond are called—

Part B

Q1.      Name different chemicals used in glass manufacturing.        Explain various steps for glass manufacturing

Q2.      What are different raw materials and steps for cement production?

Q3.      What is difference between a covalent and coordinate covalent bond? Explain ionic bond in detail

Q4.      What is ionization potential? How it varies in a periodic table

Q5.      Discuss Lewis concept of acid and base

Q6.      Explain gamma radiation and their properties. Discuss various uses of radio isotopes

Q7.      Differentiate between enamel and paint. Discuss principle constituents of oil paints and lacquers

Q8.      Give important postulates of Bhor’s atomic model. Derive an Expression to calculate radious of an orbit.

Guess Paper 3 : Applied Chemistry Past Paper

University Name – Confidential

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Paper :Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Examination:   Final, Spring – 2020

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1.           Fill in the blanks.

  1. Unity of surface tention is _____________.
  2. Clay bearing material used in cement are called________________.
  3. Glass is ________________ solid.
  4. The electrode at which oxidation takes place is called_______________.
  5. The substance having tendency to donate a pair of electron towards other species is called ________.

Fill in the blanks.

i. Unity of surface tention is _____________.
ii. Clay bearing material used in cement are called________________.
iii. Glass is ________________ solid.
iv. The electrode at which oxidation takes place is called_______________.
v. The substance having tendency to donate a pair of electron towards other species is called ________.

Indicate the True and False.

  1. Sum of oxidation number of neutral compound is zero.
  2. H-Bond is stronger than ordinary bond.
  3. Aqueous solution of CUSO4 is basic in nature.
  4. Radioactive isotopes are also called Radio-Isotope.
  5. Buffer solution has the ability to resist any change in its PH.

Q2.      Describe the composition of Portland cement. Explain manufacturing process of cement.

Q3.      What are the different concepts of Acids and Bases?

Q4.      a. What are different kinds of fuel?

  1. Explain different properties of fuel?

Q5.      What are different kinds of glass. Discuss preparation of glass?

Q6.      Write notes on any two of the following.

  1. Fission and Fusion reactions.
  2. Concrete and mortar
  3. Vander Waal’s forces

Q7.      a. Explain different rules for the distribution of electrons in different sub-energy level.

  1. What are Isotopes and Isobars. Explain?

Q8.      a. Define paints, varnish .What are different types of paints.

  1. What are ingredients of paints.
  2. How paints are manufacture.

Guess Paper 4 : Applied Chemistry Past Paper

University Name – Confidential

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Paper :Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Examination:   Final, Spring – 2020

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

                                                            Part A

Q1.      Define the following terms

  1. Isobaric process
  2. Entropy
  1. Chemisorption
  2. Order of a reaction

Q2.      Fill in the blanks

  1. Those processes that takes place at constant volume are called —-
  2. Enthalpy is represented by symbol——
  1. The unit of second order kinetics is —-
  2. The cells which are used for generation of electrical energy from chemical energy are called —-                                     Part B

Q1.      Drive rate equation for first order kinetics. Construct a graph using ist order rate equation.Show slope and intercept.

Q2.      Differentiate between thermodynamic reversible and irreversible processes. Prove that w=-nRT ln P1/P2

Q3.      Define adsorption isotherms. Explain and derive an equation for Langmuir Adsorption isotherms

Q.4.     Discuss Reimer-Tiemann reaction. Give their mechanism

Q5.      What you know about Hoffman’s rearrangement. Explain its mechanism and applications

Q.6.     What are important assumptions of collision theory of bimolecular reactions? Show that collision frequency will increase by 1 percent if the temperature is increased by 10 K

Q.7.     Write a detailed note on valence bond theory. Explain the formation of [CoF6] -3 and [Co(NH3)6]+3 complexes.

Q.8       Discuss in detail heterogeneous catalysis. Give Examples of heterogeneous catalysis with gaseous and liquid reactants


Subject: Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)

1. In ‘WET PROCESS’, the final product after grinding is termed as
a) Raw meat
b) Slurry
c) Precipitates
d) Clinker
2. Steam distillation is used to isolate the compound
a) Pressure sensitive
b) Heat sensitive
c) Low boiling point
d) Both (b) and (c)
3. The temperature required for conversion of SO2 to SO3 in catalyst tower
a) 300 — 400 0C
b) 400 — 500 “C
c) 500 — 600 °C
d) 200 300 °C
4. To impart blue color to the cement which of the following oxide is used
a) Gold
b) Copper
c) Lead
d) Cobalt
5. Which one of the following is not a ‘BOGUE’ compound
a) Tricalcium silicate
b) Dicalcium silicate
c) Calcium sulfate dehydrate
d) Tetracalcium aluminoferrite
6. For sizing of fine materials, the most suitable equipment is a
a) Trommel
b) Gizzly
c) Shaking screen
d) Vibrating screen
7. Crystallization, evaporation and distillation are means of
a) Separating soluble substances in solution
b) Separating insoluble substances in solutions
c) Separating filtrate from solution
d) All of these
8. Castner Kehler cell is used for preparation of
a) NaOH
h) H2SO4
c) HCI
d) Na2CO3
9. Which of the following is used as a pressure filter ?
a) Plate and flame filter
b) Rotary drum filter
c) Sand filter
d) Leaf filter (Moore filter).
10. Evaporation takes place at
a) Freezing point
b) Boiling point
c) In between freezing point and boiling
d) At all temperatures point


Subject: Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 2 Hour and 45 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give Short answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Write down the name of three processes used for the manufacturing of ‘CAUSTIC SODA’ on industrial scale.

Q#2: Draw a labelled diagram of ‘NELSON CELL’.

Q#3: You are provided with the following mixtures, which techniques you would use to separate the (i) Chalk powder and water (ii) Sodium chloride and water (iii) Ethyl alcohol and water.

Q#4: Differentiate between the sludge and scale.

Q#5: What are the water softeners?

Q#6: Describe the softening of water by `complexation method’.

Q#7: Write down the principle of ‘REVERSE OSMOSIS’.

Q#8: Give the composition of ‘PORTLAND CEMENT’.

Q#9: State any three uses of ‘SULFURIC ACID’.

Q#10: Define the term ‘CLINKER’ in the manufacturing of Portland cement.

Part-III Give detailed answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: (a) Write the balanced chemical equations processes that take place in the following chambers during the manufacturing of sulfuric acid. (i) Pyrite burner (ii) Contact tower (iii) Absorption tower (iv) Dilution tank.

(b) Write down the three conditions which are used in the converter reaction of the contact process to maximize the conversion of SO2 to SO3.

Q#2: Write down the role of the following water conditioning products and give two examples of each product (i) Phosphate dispersants (ii) Sequestering agents (iii) Oxygen scavenger (iv) Antifoaming or anti priming agents

Q#3: (a) Differentiate between ‘evaporation’ and ‘vaporization’. Briefly describe the working principle of the multiple effect evaporator.

(b) Describe the different methods of heat transfer with example.


Subject: Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.  Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)

1. Soaps were originally made from
a) Protein
b) Animal fat
c) Chemicals
d) Vegetable oil and animal fat
2. Hydrogenation catalysts are
a) Metals
b) Hydroxides
c) Organic compounds
d) None of the above
3. Picric acid is formed when phenol reacts with
a) Nitric acid
b) Hydrogen
c) Sulphuric acid
d) Formaldehyde
4. Tallow is a
a) Fatty material
b) Low melting fat
c) Digest of animal fat with steam
d) All above
5. Density of phenol is
a) More than water
b) Less than water
c) Equal to water
d) None of these
6. In high Silica glass, percentage of Silica is
a) 96
b) 90
c) 95
d) 92
7. Which of the following is a unit operation
a) Oxidation
b) Hydration
c) Bromination
d) Filtration
8. Glass is
a) Undercooled liquid
b) A union of nonvolatile inorganic oxides
c) Amorphous solid
d) All above
9. Which of the following can be used as fabric softeners?
a) Cationic surfactants
b) Anionic surfactants
c) Amphoteric surfactants
d) Non-ionic surfactants
10. Which of the following substance(s) is used as filler in soap manufacturing
a) Sodium silicate
b) Sodium chloride
c) Caustic soda
d) All can be used


Subject: Applied Chemistry

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give short notes on following, each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Define UNIT CHEMICAL PROCESSES with examples.

Q#2: Discuss oxidation of AMINES.

Q#3: Describe the structure of CATIONIC surfactants.

Q#4: Draw the flow sheet diagram of NITRATION process.

Q#5: What is the significance of ANNEALING in glass industry?

Q#6: What are homogeneous CATALYSTS?

Q#7: What are Metallic soaps?

Q#8: Describe any two SULFONATING agents?

Q#9: Why SOs is not direcily added to the water in CONTAT process?

Q#10: Describe the principle of multiple effect evaporator.


Part-III Give detailed answers, each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Describe manufacturing of ACETIC ACID in industry?

Q#2: What is a TEMPERED safety glass? How is it manufactured?

Q#3: Describe SOAP manufacturing by KETTLE process.

Q#4: How NITRATION of benzene is carried out in industry?

Q#5: Describe hydride generation in flameless method in AAS.

Q#6: Explain MULTIPLE EFFECT EVAPORATOR. Why is it preferred over single effect evaporator?

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