Application to principal for fee concession

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Write an Application to the school principal for fee concession:


Dear Principal,

I want to apply for a fee concession for the upcoming academic year. My family has recently faced some financial issues of Unexpected expenses and a Lack of savings in the bank account due to the loss of my father’s job. Therefore, we are unable to make payment for the full amount of tuition fees.

I am a dedicated and hard-working student and you can get my report from my teachers. I am achieving good grades in my studies during my whole study period in this school. I am a deep lover of study and I want to continue my study without any financial barriers.

I know very well that the school has a special fee concession policy and I need to follow it because ee concessions are granted based on financial need, and I hope that my family’s current circumstances will be taken into consideration. Any amount of fee concession would be greatly appreciated and would allow me to continue my studies without worrying about financial strain on my family.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response.



Class: 9th

Roll No: 5



Dear Principal,

I want to apply for a fee concession for the current academic year.

I am a student at your school and have consistently performed well academically. My class teachers are witnesses to my consistency for study in class. Unfortunately,  due to unforeseen circumstances, my family has recently faced some financial issues of unexpected expenses and a Lack of savings in a bank account. As a result, paying the full fee amount for the year has become a burden for us.

I know very well that schools have special fee concession policies and I need to follow them and I am hoping to avail the fee concession that is offered to students facing financial hardship. I am confident that with this concession, my family will be able to afford the fees and I will be able to continue my education without any interruptions.

I would be grateful if you could consider my request and grant me the fee concession for the current academic year. I assure you that I will continue to work hard and maintain my good academic performance.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Class: 9th

Roll No: 5



To The Principal, [Name of School]

Subject: Request for Fee Concession

Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to apply for a fee concession for the current academic year. My family and I are facing some financial issues of unexpected expenses and a lack of savings in the bank. Therefore, we are unable to make payment for the full tuition fees for the year.

I am a student of class 9th and Section “A” at your school and have consistently performed well academically. I have always been an active participant in extracurricular activities and have received several awards and accolades for my performance. My teachers are witnesses to my sincerity for study.

Dear sir! I know very well that the school has a special fee concession policy and I need to follow it that the school has a policy of not providing fee concessions to students, but I am hoping for a one-time exception in my case due to the exceptional circumstances that we are facing. I would be extremely grateful if you could consider my request and grant me a fee concession for the current academic year.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Class: 9th

Roll No: 5



Dear [Principal’s Name],

I want to apply for fee concession for the academic year of 2023. My family and I are facing some financial issues of unexpected expenses and lack of savings in bank account. As a result, we are unable to afford the full fees for the year.

I am a dedicated and hardworking student, and I have consistently performed well academically. I am deeply committed to continuing my education and achieving my academic goals. However, without a fee concession, it will be difficult for me to afford the cost of tuition.

Dear sir! I know very well that school have special fee concession policy and i need to follow it  that the school has limited resources, and I do not take this request lightly. I would be grateful if you could consider my request and grant me a fee concession for the academic year.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Class: 9th

Roll No: 5




Dear Principal,

I want to apply for fee concession for the current academic year.

I am the parent of your student Robert, who is a class 9th student at your school. I am facing some financial issues of unexpected expenses and lack of savings in bank account. I am unable to pay the full amount of tuition fee for my child for the current academic year. His name is Robert and h is in 9th class/ I know very well that school have special fee concession policy and i need to follow it  that paying for a child’s education is a financial commitment, and we have always made every effort to meet our obligations. However, given our current situation, we are unable to do so.

I want to apply for fee concession to help alleviate some of the financial burden we are facing. Any amount of reduction in fees would be greatly appreciated and would allow us to continue providing a good education for our child.

I hope you will consider our request and grant us a fee concession for the current academic year. Thank you for your understanding and for your help in this matter.



Class: 9th

Roll No: 5