Where an outline consists only of horizontal strokes and the first vowel is a thid-position vowel, the outline is writen on the line_Shorthand.

Muck shorthand

- M is represented by a downward curved stroke.
- U is represented by a light dash below the “M” stroke.
- K is represented by a light horizontal stroke.
nick shorthand

- N is represented by a light upward curve.
- I is represented by a light dot placed above the “K” stroke.
- K is represented by a light horizontal stroke
King shorthand

- K is represented by a light horizontal stroke.
- I is represented by a light dot placed above the “NG” stroke.
- NG is represented by a heavy upward stroke.
Knee shorthand

- N is represented by a light upward curve.
- E is represented by a heavy dot placed below the “N” stroke. indicating the long “E” sound.